Actionscript 3 :: Call A Setter Method With Arguments Dynamically In Flash?

Jul 4, 2011

This AS3 function works for normal methods and getter methods:

public function MyClassTestAPI(functionName:String,* {
var value:*;
try {


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public class MyTester {
internal var myObj:MyClass;
public function MyTester() {


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switch (cm.caption) {
case 'start_alt_here' :

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"Test 2" will not fire here.And I get this error message: , Line 10        1180: Call to a possibly undefined method init.

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Actionscript 3 :: Second Call Won't Really Call The .load() Method?

Jun 8, 2010

I have an issue with my eventListeners with the URLLoader, but this issue happens in IE, not in FF.

public function getUploadURL():void {
var request:URLRequest = new URLRequest();
request.url = getPath();[code]....

The issue is that my getBaseURL gets executed automatically after I have executed the code at least once, but that is the case only in IE. What happens is I call my getUploadURL, I make sure the server sends an event that will result in an Event.COMPLETE, so the getBaseURL gets executed, and the listener is removed. If I call the getUploadURL method and put the wrong path, I do not get an Event.COMPLETE but some other event, and getBaseURL should not be executed.

That is the correct behavior in FireFox. In IE, it looks like the load() method does not actually call the server, it jumps directly to the getBaseURL() for the Event.COMPLETE. I checked the willTrigger() and hasEventListener() on _loader before assigning the new URLLoader, and it turns out the event has been well removed.

I simplified my code. To sum up quickly: in FireFox it works well, but in IE, the first call will work but the second call won't really call the .load() method; it seems it uses the previously stored result from the first call.

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Actionscript :: Call Flash Callback Method From Javascript?

Oct 5, 2011

I tried to call a flash callback method from JavaScript. But it seems not working. The flash action script example code is like below [Simplified]:

import flash.external.ExternalInterface;

var test_var = ExternalInterface.addCallback("js_method_to_call", flash_method


It is always display the error in fire bug console "flashFile.js_method_to_call is not a function".

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Flash - 1180 Error:Call To A Possibly Undefined Method AddFrameScript

Jun 25, 2010

package {
import flash.display.Sprite;
import flash.utils.*;
public class SetTimeoutExample extends Sprite {


i get this 1180 error in can i solve this?i google it but i can't apply the solutions to my my code.

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Flash :: Call To A Possibly Undefined Method As Im Trying To Instantiate The Movie Clip

Nov 16, 2011

Okay, so i have a bunch of simple shapes in movie clips... THen, i have "levels" that are each in their own movie clip... Sometimes in the levels i have to instantiate these random movie clips on the fly and create multiple instances, so ill just do something like


This works great..but... in another movie clip now on my "level 2" movie clip I literally take the same exact code, that worked in level one...But now it will not work in this other movie clip.... I get this error whenever i try hexagonOne = new hexagonOne(); or ANY other shape movie clip i try to instantiate. Symbol 'lvl1-2', Layer 'Layer 2', Frame 1, Line 99 1180: Call to a possibly undefined method hexagonOne. I don't understand because it worked fine inside the other movie clip, which is just like this one...It makes no sense.

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