Actionscript 3 :: Compare The Name Of Properties To The 'name'?

Dec 13, 2010

I have this function:

private function returnFees(row:Object,name:String):int
var fee:int;
for each(var obj:Object in row)


I want to compare the name of properties to the 'name'. But in this code the 'obj' is giving me the values of properties not the name.

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var bb:Array = new Array(1,2,3);
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Oct 16, 2009

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var a2:Array = new Array(1,2,3);
trace(a1 == a2);

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Jan 29, 2010

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Jun 30, 2010

i placed a movieclip with a textfield in it on the stage.i want to compare between the textfield.text value to a string' but always recieve a false value when i'm doing it.when i use trace:

ActionScript Code:
trace ("1:"+returnType(word.myText)+"m");
trace ("2:"+category.catText.text+"m");


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