Actionscript 3 :: Flash Cs5 - Changing Text Styles GoToSlide Widget?

Sep 15, 2011

I'm converting an old Captivate 4, Actionscript 2 GoToSlide widget to Captivate 5 and Actionscript 3.The FLA file of the old widget when opened in Flash has Actionscript 2 code including the following extract sitting at top level of the file timeline. The third last line of the following evidently controls the colour of the text on rollover:

mc.onRollOver = function() {
this._parent._visible = true;


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Jul 25, 2011

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<mx:DateChooser id="dc" cornerRadius="0" bottom="0" width="100%" allowMultipleSelection="true" allowDisjointSelection="false" styleName="dateChooserGradient" change="fetchDateAgenda(dc.selectedDate)"/>

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.dateChooserGradient {
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AS (note default formatting, content, etc is working perfectly)

textBody = new TextField();
textBody.embedFonts = true;
textBody.wordWrap = true;


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for (var counter:Number=0; counter < testVtt.markUps.length; counter++)
var m:MarkUp=testVtt.markUps[counter];


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Possible To Change Text Styles Of Single Words Or Lines Within A Textfield?

Jan 9, 2011

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myTfield.text = "insert text here"

the text contains multiple lines and I want some of them to be bold, italic or a bigger font size. The reason why I am adding my text to my textfield this way is because I need the text in the textfield to change when some buttons are pressed. Text will be added or removed from the textfield if buttons are pressed by the user and the current way I'm changing the text is by simply re-using the code above with new text in it. (it makes the code quite long though, but I guess I'll have to deal with that)But because I'm adding text this way I am not sure how to change the style of different parts of the text.

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var widget //Widget;
var rss;
var textfield:TextField;
function onWidgetResize( evt:Event ):void
[Code] .....

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Creating A Flash Widget For A Client?

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I am in the process of creating a Flash widget for a client. I am an accomplished Flash designer, but this particular project has got me stumped! The client absolutely loves the concept, but the current approach that I have taken just isn't practical. I have used Swift3D to produce the animated squares manually, and then pieced them together in Flash. This is fine for 6 squares, but the client wants the image to be divided up into about 100 squares, which translates into a lot of manual work! In addition, the SWF file is going to get very big very quickly due to all the frames needed for each square. Lastly, the client wants the option to change the images used at a later date, which simply isn't an option at the moment without starting from scratch.

I cannot think of an easy way around the above problems other than producing the animation at run time, which is what I am trying to do now. However, I can't think where to start! Ideally, there would be two JPGs which Flash would carve up into squares and animate itself but this is really pushing my abilities.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: How To Make Flash Widget Using Yahoo Weather API

May 5, 2009

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<yweather:units temperature="C" distance="km" pressure="mb" speed="kph"/>

My complete code is:
var location_id:String='POXX0022';
var grades:String='c';
var url:String="[URL]"+location_id+"&u="+grades;
var xmlLoader:URLLoader = new URLLoader();
var xmlData:XML = new XML();
[Code] ......

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Possible For Flash Widget To Send POST Request To An External Domain?

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is it possible for flash widge on site to send POST request to ?If so, couldn't this be quite dangerous ? A user would be performing POST to an unknown host

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Html :: Create Bada-desctop Widget Containing Flash Content?

May 15, 2011

So web is full of articles on bada (1.2) not having fp9 or having only flash lite 4, or only 3.1... So wikipedia talls us about full FP9 support. I wonder have any one trued to create a widget for Bada (1.2) with FP9 inside? Is it possible ore flash lite 3.1 is limit for widget?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Embed Custom Google Voice Widget In Flash

Aug 6, 2009

I am trying to figure out how to embed the Google Voice (GV) code I have been given through my GV account into a Flash web page using Action Script, but instead of using the default GV icon, use my own, which then opens the GV 'Call' interface. Here is the GV code:


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Embed Widget Hubnut Vimeo In A Flash Website?

May 25, 2010

Someone know the code for embedded the Hubnut vimeo videos in a flash website?Anyone with experience with vimeo widget video embed into flash site?I've seen here in a thread of vimeo forum the code for embedding single video..[url]...But could not find anything to embed the videos with widget hubnut.. I search and many forums but can't find anything..

I need urgently the code to embed the widget vimeo hubnut in my flash website that I will publish tomorrow, and being as a project of my internship .. and i still can't find anywhere how to implement vimeo hubnut.

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Apr 8, 2011

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Flash 5: Changing Variables For Dynamic Text

Jul 17, 2009

My .txt file is called my_text.txt

Inside I have:
myText1=This is test 1.
&myText2=This is test 2.

I tested it out with my dynamic text. If I made the variable myText1, it loaded the first line. If I made it myText2, it loaded the second line. All seemed to be fine.

I have a dynamic textbox, variable named names. I want to be able to change the variable in order to get it to load whichever line of text I want.

I tried:

names = myText1;
loadVariablesNum ("my_text.txt", 0);

But that's not working. I've tried playing around with it in various ways, like
names = eval(myText1);

and such, but nothing is effectively getting it to change. I've been trying to look it up and tried all the different ways people told other people to use, but it's not working for me.

Once I get this work I everything should fall into place easily.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Changing Text Files For Flash To Use?

May 9, 2004

Im doing a flash site, and trying to do it with 2 languages. They are contained in 2 separate text files. Now the language selector is placed just after the preloader, containing 2 buttons, each with a portion of code Button 1:


Now flash just for hells dogs doesnt want to load a txt file. Wheres the error then?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Changing Text Files For Flash To Use

May 9, 2004

Im doing a flash site, and trying to do it with 2 languages. They are contained in 2 separate text files. Now the language selector is placed just after the preloader, containing 2 buttons, each with a portion of code Button 1:


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