Actionscript 3 :: Profile CPU / Memory Inside An Adobe AIR Application?

Mar 29, 2010

Couldn`t find any ActionScript native APIs even in the beta documentation, am I right supposing that this means the only way to measure CPU / memory consumption is by cooking up a custom native solution, hooking it up with AIR and making it work on each targeted platform?

Basically the aim is to be able to have this information available inside AIR and not having to use an external application for profiling, not even Flex / Flash builder.Seems for the CPU load the only solution will be some command line scraping using NativeProcess.

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function displayImage( )
// Set the BaseURL to the URL of your camera


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Error: Error #1000: The system is out of memory.

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Here the example test i am running

var ba:ByteArray = new ByteArray();
for(var i:uint = 0; i<100000000; i++)


When i run this script from a browser, stand-alone debugger or AIR i get roughly the same memory usage readouts (which i know vary anyway). What is constant however is the final length of the byte array:

Browser (Firefox): TM: 540413952 FM: 19116032 PM: 562573312 BALENGTH: 13421778
Stand-alone: TM: 540577792 FM: 1810432 PM: 545361920 BALENGTH: 134217728
AIR (2.6): TM: 5410816 FM: 1159168 PM: 551464960 BALENGTH: 134217728

My testing methods might not be perfect, though i dont know how to do deeper profiling.

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// Line 282 - 292:
static private var stringFactoryDictionary:Dictionary = new Dictionary(true);
static private function inputManagerStringFactory(config:IConfiguration):StringTextLineFactory


Line 1242 is the crucial line here, as it gives the static dictionary a reference to our component.(Note - I've checked this with the debugger to confirm which branch of the ternary gets executed.) This would prevent the instance from ever being garbage collected.

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clarification. let's say i have a function

function myFuction():void
var myArr:Array = new Array();


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Oct 21, 2010

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Nov 2, 2010

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I'm going to be swift and concise.The other day my ApplicationUppdater worked just fine but now it wont run in flash IDE. Note that it works in FDT. When I compile, I get no errors, but also the app isn't initiated.However, when i force-quit it i get this error,Error: Error #1503: A script failed to exit after 30 seconds and was air.update::ApplicationUpdater/stateReady()[C:wwwperforceApolloMainuildwinintFramewor ksApplicationUpdateruiairupdateApplicationUpd][code]...

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<form name="review" action="admin_xml.php" method="post">
<textarea name="xml" cols="40" rows="10"></textarea>
<input class="submit" type="submit" value="Submit Request">[code]............

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Provided the background that am an absolute zero in AIR, what all should I have in my system apart from Flex builder? And how fast i can learn AIR if I am pretty comfortable in Flex?

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Feb 27, 2010

I'm a newbby in Adobe AIR/Flex. I have developed a simple Flex web app. that through 2 Php's, can connect to a DB and return an XML result of the query. I uploaded the PHP and Flex files to my internet server, and the app. works fine. My question is: How can I make the same app. work in Adobe AIR? In other words, I have made a new AIR project, and I copy/paste the Flex code. When I run the project, it does not work and say things like:


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