Actionscript 3 :: Simplifying The Code By Implementing The OOP (probably Abstract Hack)

Feb 22, 2012

I apologize in advance if my question is not clear, because I don't know how to put this. What I am trying to do is to reduce few lines of repeated code by implementing various OOP methods/concepts.

The problem I have few set of of classes which has initialization process. So, I am implementing an init() method in all those classes. From the calling class (main), these objects will be instantiated and init() method of each object is called in the the order and call some other process after all of them are initialized. Something like this


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public function Model(data:XML)
_data = data; /*_data is a protected var of type XML in Model*/

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private var _background:Background = new Background(some XML source);
public function MainModel(data:XML)


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Within C# there're these things called indexers that do something similar to this:

public Something
public Object this[String s]


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Jun 11, 2004

implementing and editing XML within Actionscript worked out swell - no problems so far..but the some_xml.send() seems to become a true nightmare!

Soit, here's an example:

I made a little "keep-in-touch" maillinglist, where visitors can leave their adress, click the "send" button - and let the administrator view the list on a secure page. XML suits fine for this job, i think.

on (press, keyPress "<Enter>") {
mailInput_xml = new XML();
mailInput_xml.ignoreWhite = true;[code]....

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