Actionscript :: Calculate The Average Frequency Of An Audio Recording Captured As A ByteArray In Flash?

Nov 30, 2011

Keeping it simple for now but assuming i have a ByteArray full of sample data is it possible to calculate the average frequency (thus a pitch) from the entire recording? Is this along the right lines? p = 69 + 12 x log2(f/440hz) ...

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Actionscript 3.0 :: Captured Audio Is Not Playing

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Sep 6, 2011

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1) I could use Red5 server to stream the audio to my server and save the file and return the path to said file to my app to do the DB saving, seems rather complicated since I would have to convert the audio and move it to the appropriate folder that belongs to the user in a server side Red5 app, which I'm not very aware of how to build.

2) I could simply record the audio and grab its byte array, do a Base64 encoding on it and send it to PHP along with the rest of the data that is necessary (be it by a simple POST or an AJAX call), decode it on the server and make the file with the appropriate extension, audio conversion would also occur here using ffmpeg, this option seems simpler but I do not know how viable it is.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Does Recording From Mic Into ByteArray Usually Lag?

Mar 11, 2012

Summary: is there usually a lag when recording audio from the mic? I am using Thibault Imbert 'micrecorder' library on google code to record audio from the mic into a ByteArray. I am instructing my users to speak two seconds after the recorder starts. I know its two seconds after the recorder starts, rather than two seconds after the user presses the record button, because micrecorder issues time adjusted events of the recorder progress.

When I get the finished ByteArray the actual floats inside it that record the user speaking seem to be 2.5 seconds worth of samples into the ByteArray! So my question, as this is the first time I have recorded audio, is it usual to find a lag like this when recording? Or do you think I am getting something wrong with my math when indexing into the ByteArray?

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Actionscript 3 :: Audio/video Recording Using Flash?

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In other words... libraries like SoundManager2 utilize a Flash fallback for audio playback, but they don't seem to allow for recording. Has anyone written a JS library that uses an invisible Flash movie to allow audio recording?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Online Audio Video Recording Flash Media Server

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Task is to take online interviews and record them for lather reviewing. I m new to media server and video streaming.

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Flash :: Arrays - Passing Audio Data ByteArray To Javascript?

Sep 7, 2011

I'm able to record sound with a Flash application embedded in my website, this audio is saved to a ByteArray, which I need to pass to Javascript in order to post to my server along with other required data.

I know I can use AS3 ExternalInterface class to communicate with Flash from Javascript, but what would be the appropriate format or variable type in javascript to hold the ByteArray, and how can I ensure that I won't lose much audio data when doing so?

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Recording The Audio Locally?

Jul 14, 2009

I am trying to figure out how to make a flash Application which can allow users to Record Audio from their Microphone. The recording needs to then be uploaded to a web server.I think the best way to do it would be to store the .flv or .mp3 file locally, and then submit the file to the server after the recording is completed.I have read in some places that this is impossible to do, however websites such as allow this too be done with Video as well, so I think Audio should be simple if it can be done with video.

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Php :: Save Audio Recording In .mp3 Format?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Recording Audio Output Without The Microphone?

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Non Streaming Audio Recording On Local File

Jun 18, 2006

I'm a pretty new in a flash programming. All I need is to capture the microphone and to record a voice on the local file. I know how can I do that using a stream to the Flash Media Server, but the storing local file seems to me a hard job.

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Media Server :: Video And Audio Out Of Sync When Recording With FMS

Aug 18, 2009

We use a Flash component to allow a user on our web site to record from a Webcam on to our own Flash Media Server. The problem we are having is that the video in a 30 second FLV freezes at the 7th second but the audio continues. The video unfreezes after a couple of seconds but never catches up with the audio. At the very end there's a "Fast-forwarding" of video for the last few seconds so that at literally the last moment, everything's in sync. This happens for almost all of our recordings. Has anyone experienced this type of behavior?

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Media Server :: Recording Of Video And Audio Is Asynchronous

Oct 15, 2010

I'm currently able to record audio and video (from a webcam) to a Flash Media Server. However, in some cases users have a webcam with no builtin
microphone. In that case the flash client uses the default microphone with 'Microphone.getMicrophone();' and possibly selects the micrphone of the PC.
A delay between audio and video is caused in cases with a separated webcam and microphone. There isn't a lot of delay on an internal network (e.g. LAN) however, there is a very large delay between audio and video on an external network (e.g. WAN).

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Flex :: Recording Audio Directly Form Soundcard?

Jun 14, 2011

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Encode Audio ByteArray As Mp3?

Dec 1, 2011

I'm recording audio in a Flash app and need to encode the bytearray being sent to the server. I haven't found a good encoder (client-side) to compress the bytearray before sending.

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C# :: Video / Audio Recording On Website Service - Save To Server

Jun 5, 2011

I am developing (well, trying to anyway) a service where a member can record themselves on our website using their webcam. We need to be able to record that entire webcam session they had on our website for judges to determine whether they've cheated or not (it's a competition-based service). But, I can find no documentation, articles or even a sign that this is possible (other than knowing I've seen it in use many times). And I'm not sure what kind of hosting would be most appropriate for this type of service, and what steps would be required for me to get started on this.

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Media Server :: Recording And Playing Back Streaming Audio And Video?

Sep 12, 2010

I have this sample code from the e-book: "Learning Flash Media Server 3". The purpose of the code is to create a FLV. The code is not running as it should. When I click on the 'record' button, the label is to change to 'recording', that dosen't seem to happen and also when I click on the 'Stop Record' button, I get the following error:
"TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object MinRecord/stopRecord()"

My deduction is that the 'if' statement in the 'startRecord' function is not resolving to 'true' and hence the label is not changing to 'Recording'. Also I feel that the assingment to the variable 'ns' of type NetStream is not being done and hence in the function 'stopRecord' I get the above mentioned error message when I click on the stop button. How do I rectify these problems?

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Media Server :: Recording Webcam Video Quality/audio Sync?

Jan 21, 2011

I'm trying to record a stream from a webcam using FMS4 developer edition.  The streams are recording on a linux box in .flv files.  These files though have problems.
1 - The video quality is terrible.  Fuzzy/blocky.  Any kind of motion looks awful.  Is there any way to improve this?

2 - The sound jumps/skips and goes out of time with the video.
As it is now this is useless.  I am trying to make a system where a user records a short video from the camera and then I upload it to YouTube from my server.  If you use Youtube's webcam page the video quality is quite acceptable and the audio is obviously in sync too, so they must know something I don't. [URL]..

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Actionscript 3 :: Generate An X Second Silence Audio File With ByteArray And Adobe Air

Dec 15, 2011

I would like to generate a sound in Adobe Air using ByteArray. The sound should be a silence of x seconds. I found this code that I am using to generate the bytes:

private function encode(data : ByteArray) : ByteArray
var channels : uint = 2;
var bits : uint = 16;


But when I save the file using Filereference and import it into a flash file I get an error message saying that there were problem reading the file.

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Media Server :: Recording Video/audio Files Using Flash Media Server Through Rmtp, And Allow Users To Access The Recorded Files Through Http?

May 25, 2009

As titled, what is the way to record video/audio files using Flash Meida Server through rmtp, and allow users to access the recorded files through http?What I am trying to do, is to record a user's microphone's input and save it to the server.fterwards, I would like other users to be able to access the recorded files and mainuplating the audio data, by computeSpectrum(), to do some visualization of the audio. As I know computeSpectrum() cannot work on streaming files, so I think I need to access the recorded files using http instead of rmtp. Is that true?

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Media Server :: Write Access Denied For Stream Error When Recording Audio Stream

Jul 26, 2010

I've had FMS running on my local machine for a while and have had a little experience writing FMS apps, but I've just tried recording audio for the first time using the standard vod application and I keep getting a "Write access denied for stream" error. My AS3 code is copied and pasted for various examples and am confident that it works.
I'm running Windows XP service pack 3 & FMIS 3.5.
I've had a look at the vod/media directory and under windows->properties the read-only attribute is ticked. Every time I un-tick this it reverts back to being ticked. I've googled this and MS say that most programs ignore the read-only attribute and that it only really applied to files. I've also tried the MS fix for setting the read-only attribute via cmd and still no joy (doesn't fix read-only attribute or FMS recording the audio after setting via cmd).
I've also tried our dev server install of FMS (running under linux) and am getting the same results.
Here's my AS3 code...
private function initApp(event:Event):void


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