Actionscript :: Setting Dynamic Text In Macromedia Flash Pro 8?

Sep 19, 2010

I'm missing something obvious, but after looking over the same line of code and settings over and over and not being able to find a solution, I thought it better to just ask on the off chance that it'd be an easily resolvable problem. I've tried googling it, but end up with basic tutorials on how to use dynamic text in flash, which just go over what I'm doing already.

The problem is I have a text field in a movieclip. The text field is set to dynamic text, embedding is set on the characters I need, it's instance name is set to "val", it contains the text string "100%". The text field is contained within the movieclip called "uihp". The linkage on this movie clip is turned on, and has the name "uihp". I can attach the movieclip fine, and it is visible. The problem occurs when I attempt to change the text string. I use the following line to attempt to do that:

uihp.val.text = Math.floor(hp)+"%"; I have tried changing it to the string to "one" instead, but the same problem occurs: The text field doesn't display any text, and the previously present text "100%" vanishes, leaving nothing in the text field's place.

Setting the text field's var value to "test" and using uihp.test = "test" gives the same result as using the above method. I know I'm probably missing something obvious, but it feels stupid to waste so much time over this one aspect of an almost finished project if it could be just a simple thing I'm missing.

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AS3 :: Flash - Setting Dynamic TextField.text From A Parent MovieClip?

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I have a MovieClip that has a Dynamic TextField: let's call the instance of the field txtName. I want to set the text field on the fly for txtName, so I add a little ActionScript (3!) that does it nice and easily: txtName.text = "Foo";reat. Now why isn't it working when I try the same thing from a parent MovieClip which contains the MovieClip that has the dynamic text? Example:Child MovieClip with TextField ActionScript 3 in Frame #1:

function SetText(str:String):void {
txtName.text = str;


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Flash :: AS3 Embedded Font In Linked SWC / Source Blanks Out When Setting Dynamic Text Field

Jul 15, 2010

I've got a number of related projects set up in Flash Builder. Each project gets its graphical assets from an exported SWC file (or multiple SWC files.) This works fine, but I wanted to create a shared project that contains stuff used across all projects. The first item in there is a screen with a number of clips containing dynamic text fields on them. This screen (and associated assets) are exported to a SWC and then I have written code in the shared project to add functionality to the screen and buttons. I'm using 2 fonts, both are embedded.

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I've tried a number of combinations, including removing embedding, exporting for ActionScript, setting all textfields in the shared project to dynamic, all with no luck. The main project does have the same font embedded, and I've checked that the same glyphs are selected in both the main and shared projects. I realize this is a rather complicated setup, but I have yet to find a workflow to allow a designer and developer to work on large projects that is better (but I'd love to hear one!)

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//evaluate tags
private function evaluateTags():void{
for (s=0; s


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we color the item elements


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Why won't this work?

var galleries = this.firstChild.childNodes;
for(var i=0;i<galleries.length;i++) {


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// change title
_global.changeTitle = function(title:String) {
// set title text
_root.vid.title.autoSize = true;
_root.vid.title.text = title; };
changeTitle("A Global Industry");

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none of it seems to work.

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"<font size='16' color='#FFFAF0'>"+calledMarkerIndex+
<font size='14' color='#FFFAF0'>"+calledMarkerDate+


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my_Btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, onMouseover);
function onMouseover(event:MouseEvent):void


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1151: A conflict exists with definition redTextOutput in namespace internal.

1151: A conflict exists with definition blueTextOutput in namespace internal.

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private var redTextOutput:TextField = new TextField();
private var blueTextOutput:TextField = new TextField();

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var myVar1:Number = 3
var myVar2:Number = 4


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Flash - Setting Gradient For Text?

Nov 23, 2009

I am trying to set gradient for a text in flash. But it never works. It only shows solid color. How it can be done?

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How To Write Farsi And Arabic In Macromedia Flash

Sep 9, 2001

To make it short. Macromedia Flash doesnt support Farsi and Arabic language BUT you still can use Farsi & Aarabic in flash. All you need is another program that called "Parspad" that will some how make Farsi & Arabic words appear in flash. To get the program go to this address [URL]. And you will find one of the best Farsi and Arabic editor with almost Hundred beautiful Fonts.

Steps in how to use the program with flash:
1- Open the program "Parspad" then type in Farsi / Arabic whatever you want
2- Go to "Parspad" menu >edit> or Highlight the text and right click copy.
3- Then go to flash and past
4- Select the text you just pasted and change its font to exact font you used in "Parspad"fonts that comes with it.. you have to scroll throw fonts till you find it. It should be about 100 different fonts that works with Parspad, but you have to choose the exact one you used in "ParsPad".

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