Arrays :: Flex DropDown Selection Not Working When Search For Item?

Nov 26, 2011

so here is the problem that I have so far. I tried to simplify my code so I can attempt to figure this out, but I have had absolutely no luck. I have a viewstack that contains 1 dropdown per stack. They share the same data provider. What I want to do is to select the item contents from the first one. Once I do that, when I click a button to the next stack I have a function that searches from index 0 to the dataprovider length and if the item from the first stack matches the second one, I want to have the second dropdown pick that item up and display it. I have it matching, and I try to select it, but when I run the application it shows up like nothing is selected. Here is what I have:

edit: I got it to work for a simple example, but when I attempt to use it in my more complicated example, on that button click it for some reason resets the value of selectedIndex to -1. How do I prevent this from happening? This is working code for the simple example


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quotes = new Array();
quotes[0] = "one";
quotes[1] = "two";


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// Create Listener Object.


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Feb 26, 2009

I am attempting to search multiple arrays (over 300) for a specific value which will then determine if that question is to be loaded. I have used these over the years as the quizzes simply loaded questions randomly. Now I am appempting to move this into a computer adaptive test format. I have most everything worked out except for this part which is the key to the project.

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var q1:Array = new Array();
q1[0] = -4.03;
q1[1] = 0.57;


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Button Dropdown Stops Working In Timeline

Feb 23, 2010

When creating a dropdown for a button, I noticed the dropdown will stop working if the button does not run the entire length of the timeline. i.e.: if you navigate to a page that is out of that button's "range" it will stop working unless reset by returning to the root page. Nesting the problematic button in a movie, however, solves this problem...

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Embedded Dropdown Menu Not Working?

Nov 8, 2004

so heres the deal i have a drop down menu that for some reason is not picking up button presses, im starting to think its because the drop down menu is within another movie clip, but its driving me nuts, any reasons why an embeded movie clip wouldnt be picking up a hitTest or a this.onRelease ??? ahh driving me nuts heres my code im using the undocumented tween class

//portfolio dropdown
this.onRelease = function() {


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Flash :: Arrays - As3 Check To See If Item In Array Has Been Clicked

Jun 29, 2011

Sorry if this is a little n00b-ish. I'm working in AS3. I've got an array of 8 buttons. I'm currently hiding the button that is clicked using e.currentTarget. How can I tell flash to make all the buttons that aren't the currentTarget to become visible (i.e. if a button has been hidden by previously being clicked, how do I tell it to become visible again when another button is clicked?)


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Comparing Arrays - See If An Item Exists In Another Array?

Jan 29, 2009

I have some script which grabs stuff from an xml file. The stuff grabbed from the xml is in a loop to create an automatic menu. This is all fine and dandy. Say there are 9 items in the xml file, I get 9 menu items with their unique id's.What I want to do is define an array for comparison against the info taken from the xml file. Say in the xml file I have nodes set up for Apple, Pear, Banana and Orange. With my current script I would get a menu with these items on it. What I need to do is be able to specify the items I want to appear on the menu. For this example I would want Apple and Banana only.

I have experimented with if statements, and it takes too much code to accomplish what I want I am sure there is a more compact way. My idea is to set an array with the items I want in it,then when the information is taken from the xml file,I need the script to do the function of creating menu items only with the items I have specified in the array. Below I have added the code, which has been modified from Kirupa's own squirrel finder tutorial.I need the code to be as reusable as possible, ie only the array would need to change.In my code the variable featureType would contain the information I need to compare against.

//set limits on the features that need to display
// define array
var featureLimits:Array = ["Apple", "Banana"];[code].....

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Embedded Movieclip Actions Not Working (dropdown Type Menu)

Sep 16, 2006

I have a dropdown style menu that has some movieclip buttons inside it and when I click on the movieclips the actions aren't working.

Here is the file I'm working on. Rollover the head on the border and you'll see what I mean. [URL]

I tried searching but couldn't find any threads that answered my question about why the MC doesn't work when its embedded inside another MC.

Here is the code (first frame of root timeline) that is used for the movieclip button:

_root.odinHead_mc.videoGalleryButton_mc.onPress = function() {
_root.videoGallery_mc._visible = true;

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Selection.setSelection() Not Working?

Jan 29, 2009

I've looked this up online under all kinds of criteria, and I can't seem to get any examples to work.I'm trying to get Flash (AS2) to select all of the text in a dynamic text field once the user focuses on that text field. Below is an example of the code:

ActionScript Code:
import mx.utils.Delegate;
class Embed extends MovieClip


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Flex :: Access TileList Item Index In A Custom Item Renderer?

Mar 4, 2011



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Flex :: Toggling States - When Other Item Is Selected The First Item Does Not Change Its State?

Apr 26, 2011

I have used states in my application.The thing is I have made the first item in my list to be selected. so I gave like this,

if(itemIndex == 0)

this works fine.The problem is when other item is selected the first item does not change its state,it remains in the selected state until its clicked.My code looks like this,

<s:BorderContainer id="outerCont" width="275" height="100" borderVisible="false"
backgroundColor.normal="#3D3C3C" backgroundAlpha.selected="0.1"

My states are like this,

<s:State name="normal" />
<s:State name="hovered" />[code]........

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