C# :: .net - Pass Cookie To AxShockwaveFlash?
Dec 12, 2009
I'm developing a video player using WPF and AxShockwaveFlash.
It has following steps:
find video from a web service. it acquires information of each video. pass video information to AxShockwaveFlash and embedded flash video player. embedded flash video player starts streaming download from web service.
I have a problem on step 4. Step 1-3 shares a cookie (CookieContainer), but step 4 can not. How can I pass its cookie to embedded flash video player?
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import flash.external.ExternalInterface;
* The Cookie class provides a simple way to create or access
* cookies in the embedding HTML document of the application.
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Dec 15, 2011
I have a question that I cant quite start.I have a web site that record some cookies: name, age, sex, etc.
I would like to know if it is possible to create a flash banner that display this information, like: hello [name], how are you doing today?
I was searching online and everything that I found needs something outside flash to work.
Is that a way to create a flash that can read cookie's values and show then?
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Jan 9, 2011
I already tested SharedObject class in native actionscript trying to get the arbitrary name of cookie from local system but it doesn't work.For your information, I am working with cookie returned from user's browsing sites (not my own sites). That's is to get some cookie values resulting from browsing of site A from user in order to work with my own application.
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Mar 15, 2011
Long time leecher, decided to join in and ask a question. I have a video auto play on a site i am working on [URL].. Issue is, it auto plays every time the page loads...
Is there a way for me to set a cookie that flash could look for and either choose a welcome back video or not auto play video?
EDIT: SharedObject is awesome. Ignore this i did it.
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Mar 5, 2009
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May 13, 2009
How can I retrieve a session cookie inside Flash ? ($_SESSION['member'])
(I am using Flash 8 and ActionScript 2.0)
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Aug 30, 2009
I have been at this for 5 hours and I'm about to pull all my hair out.I have a seemingly very simple problem that I can NOT find any reason for why it's happening.I built a simple flash doc that has three distinct pieces in it (2 frames):
1) A FLVplayback component on frame 1 - (working)
2) An AS listener that checks for end of Video and progresses to 2nd frame - (working)
3) a cookie script that checks to see if the video has been played and if it has skips frame 1 and goes to frame 2 (also working)
The video successfully plays the first time and moves to the 2nd frame. But, when the document is reloaded it checks the cookie (finds it) skips the 1st frame, moves to the 2nd BUT it does NOT display ANY of the elements in the 2nd frame. NOTHING!! There is a simple graphic and button that allows the users to replay the video (by simply clearing the cookie and going back to Frame 1) but they do not show up. (However, they DO show up if the video plays first and moves to frame 2 via the listener, just not via the cookie).I have placed traces in each frame to show if it is indeed arriving on frame 2. It is, but NOTHING shows.I have rebuilt the FLA step by step testing each time and have found that it works perfectly, right up until the FLV Component is dropped in. Then it moves to the 2nd frame and shows NONE of the 2nd frame elements. URl...
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Feb 22, 2010
I remember that in flash 8 you needed to read the cookie via php script to get it into flash. Has that changed in CS4? Is it possible to read the cookie directly from the swf now? If not how does one go about getting cookie information into flash CS4?
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Mar 17, 2011
I have js all set up and tested to check for cookie. If cookie set I ant to disable the swf.
The code in my AS is as follows::
import fl.video.*;import fl.video.MetadataEvent;import flash.external.ExternalInterface;import flash.system.fscommand;//-----------------------------------------function
and have this in the init() called by page load it does not work. I was going to use the play variable to kill the loading of the swf but can't figure out how best to make that work.
So, my questions:
Best way to facilitate this action:
1. In AS by calling the function by:
a. Timeline
b. AS callback from <body onLoad
2. Using js to call the fucntion in the external js and then blocking loading of the swf in the html page.
I don't want to spend anymore time exploring alternatives as this is very frustrating. I am assuming that 1.b is the best route.
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Oct 27, 2010
We have a flash video that was created for our project, we dont the source so we have to work around the compiled flash file. We are going to host the video on our domain and the video creates a sol cookie (flash cookie) file to store how far the user has proceeded though the video. So my plan is to access this cookie to see how far the user has progressed and then fire an event when they have finished the movie.
I have been googling for some help but haven't found to much. I have found out that its possible to do in javascript and I have found some .net sol file viewers but haven't seen any examples I can get my mind around.
I have watched the traffic that gets created with fiddler and every time the next button is clicked a new request is fired with the swt file that is being accessed. I would also be happy with tracking every time one of these swt files has been accessed as well.
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Dec 6, 2010
I'm hoping to get pointed in the right direction here. The problem I'm having is trying to figure out how to read an HTML created cookie in Flash. I have a video player that should autoplay once in a 24hour period, the next day it should autoplay again for the end-user.This is what the script on the HTML page looks like that displays the Flash player and the cookie:[code]I did some searching and found this Have a HTML page play Flash movie only once (not when revisited...) but again this is just a Flash function which never allows for a restart in a certain time period.how do I read that var x(cookie) in Flash?
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Dec 12, 2010
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[flash]----request---->[server X]----request---->[server Y]----response---->[server Y]...
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This is adversely affecting my application. Please let me know, if there is a way to forcefully retain the 'shared local object' by placing some kind of lock on it. It will be better if this can done programmatically.
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Aug 29, 2011
I am working to add a transparent flash video to a site of a person walking out. The problem is that I don't want the video to play every time the home page is loaded, so I set a 24hr cookie that if detected the div containing the video is set to hide. This works perfectly in Google Chrome and FF, the problem is in IE the div is apparently hidden because you cannot see the video but the audio of the video is still heard. Perhaps there is a different way to do this then the way I am going about it and maybe even a way to do a remove instead of hide?[code]...
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May 6, 2010
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Mar 18, 2011
I'm working on a website based on flash. The first time you visit the site there will be asked to fill in your name (for example: George) and then you continue to the next 'page' in the flash. The next time you visit the site, i want that the site automaticly forwards to the last page, and there is a text 'hi, *name*' (hi, George)
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Mar 10, 2012
I want to write a Flash application which need to access my browser(Internet Explorer)cookie. My program work well in all browser except Internet Explorer. This is part of my code:
function test()
ExternalInterface.call("eval","alert(document.cook ie)");
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May 13, 2009
How can I retrieve a session cookie inside Flash ?
(I am using Flash 8 and ActionScript 2.0)
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Feb 19, 2009
How do you transfer a cookie from another website in flash? I am trying to figure it out and I keep running into brick wall. I am using cs1 and cs3.
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May 7, 2010
I've got a page that has a flash banner on it with a small animation. In fact, I've got four versions of this banner, and I'd like to be able to load a different version each time someone visits the site. Can someone please help this rank amateur devise a script that will allow me to do this? It has four different .swf files, and I need to load them such that the same person doesn't see the same .swf file on consecutive visits. Normally, I'd do this with cookies, but I just don't see how to get it done with Flash CS5 and/or Actionscript 3.
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Nov 16, 2010
I have a very simple php script that I'm using to check and set a cookie. I'm running this script from a Flash file, but it's not working properly. If I enter the direct URL to the php file in my browser, it works perfectly. However, if I access it through Flash it doesn't seem to recognise that the cookie has been set.
Here is my php code:
$expiry = date("U", mktime(0, 0, 0, date("m"), date("d") + 1, date("y")));
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Sep 16, 2010
I have a flex app that uses AMF to talk to a Spring Java backend. How do I get the values of cookies that have been set by the server and are being sent back by AMF?
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Nov 7, 2010
I want to first try to retrieve $_COOKIE[a],if it's not available then retrieve $_GET['a']
How to do this in actionscript?
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Nov 15, 2010
Is it possible to read first party cookies from flash?It should be noted that we have complete access to javascript via the ExternalInterface class.So, now the question is - can we access first party cookie from javascript? Our javascript code will be loaded by a website which is not hosted by us. This makes the cookies created by that website - first party cookies. How can we access these "first" party cookies?
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