Css :: Flash - Glitch With Uploadify's HideButton?

Mar 27, 2012

I'm trying to change the way an Uploadify button looks using the solutions posted here. Instead of changing the Flash file, I want to do it with CSS.

What this involves is wrapping the file input and flash object in a div:


It shows a bizarre blue rectangle over the top of my background-image. Does anyone know why this is appearing? I've tried fiddling with the CSS properties of the object (visibility and hidden) - both hide the entire swf object (and so the blue rectangle), which is useless since it needs to be visible for users to click on.

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Php :: Sessions Not Recognized When Going Through Flash / Uploadify

Jan 15, 2011

I'm writing an application which uses cookie-based sessions for authentication. All was well until I tried to integrate the uploadify jQuery plugin into my site. I need uploadify to send the files to my upload.php file. When I check the existence of any preknown session variables in that upload.php script, I get nothing. I've tried print_r($_SESSION) and got an empty array.

I'm not sure if this a problem with my php sessions code or my jquery uploadify code. I'm somewhat new at both.

'scriptData': {'filesUploaded':'1','PHPSESSID' : <?php echo


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Flash :: Javascript - Uploadify Uploading To Remote Server?

Jan 31, 2011

I'm trying to use uploadify to upload images to a remote server. I've have done everything I can think of for the cross scripting issue or whatever. Here is what i've done. scriptAccess to 'Always' in the uploadify function. I have a crossdomain.xml on my ww2 server with uploadify.swf in the root as well. I have uploaded my javascript jquery lib file to the remote ww2 server and put it in the header I put the jquery.uploadify.js and the swfobject.js in the root directory as well.

If I try to click the X to cancel a file I get the error: Error calling method on NPObject Or uploads don't work either. If anyone can help with this that would be great. If there are any other good flash based or non flash based multi uploaders that will do remote files with no issue please let me know.

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Iis - Uploadify (flash File Upload) & Integrated Windows Authentication

Mar 31, 2010

I'm running into an issue with Uploadify. I have put Uploadify into my app and all works fine in dev (using the VS web server). All worked fine and checked until I deployed the app into my test environment which uses Integrated Windows Authentication. When I actually go to upload the file, the browser brings up a login prompt. At this point, even if you type in the correct username and password, the request seems not to complete and even if you tell the browser to remember the password it still brings up the login prompt.

When this started to occur, I decided to spin up Fiddler and see what was going on. But guess what, when ever Fiddler is running the issue doesn't occur. Unfortunately I can't make running Fiddler a reuqierment for running the app. I know there are some issues with Uploadify/flash when using forms authentication but I didn't think they carried across to Integrated Windows Authentication.

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Flash :: Uploadify Suddenly Stopped Working Completely In Chrome 10

Feb 18, 2011

I'm using Uploadify to allow for multi file uploading in my web application. It has always worked across IE 7,8, 9, FF 3.6, Safari and Chrome. Today I discovered by accident that it was working in each browser yet not in Chrome. I'm currently on Chrome 10.0.648.82 beta. The issue there is that I can select files to upload, yet after that nothing happens. I put alerts in all Uploadify events and non get fired. Then I went to the official demo site: [URL]

...and discovered that it does not work for Chrome there anymore either. I am running Chrome as default as can be, so it updated to this version itself. I have all default settings intact and no popup-blockers, ad blockers or any other add-in installed. I tried to debug using HTTP Fiddler, only to conclude no HTTP request is made at all after selecting files to upload.

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Html :: Uploadify Ruins File Upload When No Flash In Browser

Feb 28, 2011

I have an HTML form with a file upload element, which is based on Uploadify. Unfortunately, if the browser doesn't have flash installed/enabled (I tested on Chrome and Safari), then the file upload element is completely disappearing, while I would have expected to have at least plain, regular, file upload html element as a fallback.

You can see this behavior even in Uploadify official demo (as of today, 28.2.2011):

none of these work in the situation that flash is installed, but is disabled !
for example, this line:

if (swfobject.getFlashPlayerVersion().major === 0)

behaves the same weather flash is installed and enabled, or installed and disabled I thought about obtaining uploadify API and checking it, but I have found zero examples

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Javascript :: Trigger Button Click On Uploadify Flash Object?

Jun 17, 2011

I want to be able to trigger a click on the "Upload" button in Uploadify - the reason being I'd like to be able to choose to upload a file from a dropdown menu and hence need to call "Upload" somehow using javascript - unless anyone has another clever idea?

The following DOES NOT work:


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Actionscript 3 :: H.264 .f4v Video 'glitch' On First Playback In Flash

Jun 22, 2011

Can anyone familiar with H.264 video recommend the 'best' compression settings to avoid the occasional visual 'glitch' one gets on playback using the flash video player?

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Flash CS5 :: Glitch With SetChildIndex And Dynamic Text Fields?

Oct 22, 2010

I have a movie clip with 5 frames.  When I'm on frame 3 (main game play) and I use the setChildIndex command on an on-screen element that exists on the frame itself, the element in question will now be permenantly added to the stage, and will persist across the remaining frames (end level and end game). This behavior was not present in the project until I converted it to CS5. If I remove the setChildIndex command, the on-screen elements stop sorting their depth (as your would expect) and they no longer bleed into the next frame which is for level ending.

I am also having trouble with a dynamic text field. It's currently set to not be selectable, but when you mouse over the field it shows the cursor symbol for your mouse pointer, and when you click over it, a small block highlight appears on the left or right side of the field. You can't change the field contents, or even select them, but when you try a small selection black mark appears on the end of the field.  I've destroyed and recreated this field, and the bahavior seems to be staying the same.

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Professional :: Text Input Cs5 Flash Numbers Or Signs Don't Work - Glitch?

Sep 20, 2010

so i updated a site and now the input text part on my form does not input numbers or signs which i need the @ to work for the form to work and i tried to fix it on cs4 and it will not work because its not the same format since i updated it from cs4 to cs5 and now i cant go back. How do i get the numbers and signs to work now?

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Flash :: Uploading Images With Uploadify Run Into IO Error With Local Proxy (proxy.pac)?

Feb 21, 2010

I'm trying to upload images with Uploadify but I run into IO error. I have gotdemo and it works on my computer, so I decided to implement functionality of my application to this example step by step to catch the error and discovered that the reason of IO error is my local proxy.pac (I use FF):

function FindProxyForURL(url, host) {
if (shExpMatch(host, "*.app.local*")) {
return "PROXY";


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Php :: Why Would Some POST Data Go Missing When Using Uploadify

Apr 19, 2010

I have been using Uploadify in my PHP application for the last couple months, and I've been trying to track down an elusive bug. I receive emails when fatal errors occur, and they provide me a good amount of details. I've received dozens of them. I have not, however, been able to reproduce the problem myself. Some users (like myself) experience no problem, while others do. Before I give details of the problem, here is the flow.


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Jquery :: Uploadify Queue Not Showing?

Jun 9, 2011

I have successfully implemented a copy of uploadify into my site. The SWF button shows, I can click on it and browse my files. However, the rubber meets the road whenever it comes to file files showing the queue.For some reason, when I select a file, there isn't any queue, even though I have followed uploadify directions. on how to overcome this? Here are the relative parts of my code:

<!DOCTYPE html>


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Php :: Client-side Validation For Uploadify?

Jun 9, 2011

I am working on a page which uses uploadify to upload several images. The requires the user to upload these files. Is there a way to validate these field(s) on the client-side, such as with jQuery or JavaScript, prior to submission? I am comfortable with doing the server-side validation, such as with PHP.

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Professional :: Flash Button "Hit" Stage Glitch?

Jun 2, 2010

I seem to have lots of problems with the buttons I create in Flash. They tend to function just fine as buttons, but don't animate with the different effects and sounds I have applied to them properly and/or consistently.My most recent button dilemma involves the "Hit" stage. I have created my "Hit" shape (a simple shape that encompasses the size of the actual button), but when I click these buttons in "test scene" mode, only the very edges of the button activate the "over" and 'hit" stages. If I place my mouse over the center of the button - or anywhere else other than the very outer edge of the button - there's no animation, but the button carries out its function.Yesterday, the "Down" and "Hit" zones were working just fine on the entire button.... however, the button's animation would flicker rapidly on the "Down" stage. No smooth animation.

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Actionscript 3 :: Uploadify Progress Bar Only Updates Two Times?

Apr 18, 2011

I am using uploadify in a project and I threw a console.log statement in my onProgress callback... It seems to only be executed when starting the upload, and when completing the upload. Even with a very large file upload, that is the behavior I get.The progress bar is based off of Flash sending data, not off of the server-side reporting back what it's received.[code]and then a big long pause while the file is uploading... Then onAllComplete gets hit.I am wondering if this is somehow related to me running my app in development mode on localhost, and if it were hosted on a real server if the result would be different.. But I have no way of knowing that.

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Jquery :: Uploadify 3 Select File Not Working In Ie9?

Nov 7, 2011

I created a page with an uploader. As uploader I use Uploadify 3. The code is working on all browsers except for IE9. When I turn IE 9 in compat mode it is working. In IE9, I can't push the upload button. It shows, but there is no reaction to the click. So no file select dialog is opened. In Opera, chrome and FF the button works and when I click the file open dialog is showed.

Flash is running in IE9. (version 11,0,1,152) (youtube is working) When I rightclick the button I don't get flash info. When I do this in all other browsers I get flash info. When I rightclick in youtube (in ie9) I also get flash info.


Did I made a mistake? Is this a flash bug? Or something else?

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Jquery :: Uploadify Does Not Work On Password Protected Sites

Feb 5, 2011

I use the JQuery plugin Uploadify for uploading files. It works fine in all browsers. If however I imlement a passwort protection via .htaccess like this

AuthType Basic
AuthName "Restricted Files"
AuthUserFile /my/path/to/.htpasswd
AuthPGAuthoritative Off
Require user dev

uploadify stops working in Firefox. In Chrome it still works.

In Firefox the file select box works, but after I selected a file the progress bar does stay at 0% and the file is not uploaded to the server.

I guess the issue is somewhere with flash on password protected sites. how I can fix this, without removing the password protection?

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Jquery :: Uploadify - Single Progress Bar For Multiple Uploads

Mar 25, 2011

Is it possible to have a single upload progress bar with multiple file uploads using uploadify?

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Scrolling The Timeline Glitch?

Jul 8, 2009

I'm trying to create a scrolling timeline using a very (horizontally) long image and a scroll thumb that can be dragged right and left. When I first open the .swf file, the position of the image is correct (the far left side is on the stage). But once I click on the thumb and release it, even if I don't drag it, the image jumps as if it was dragged and suddenly I'm looking at another part of the timeline. When I drag the thumb all the way to the left, it can't go any farther left to the beginning and it's just stuck at where it jumped, but I can drag the thumb more to the right and see more of the timeline perfectly fine. Also, when I scroll all the way to the right, the timeline goes past its end and then there's blank white space. There's obviously some space missing at the beginning that should make up for that blank space at the end.

why it jumps like that and why I can't drag it back to the beginning of the timeline. In fact, I used this exact same code for another project and the timeline worked perfectly fine. All I did was use a different image for this one. I'm completely stumped on this.

Here's the actionscript I'm using:


var thumbLeft = thumb._x;
var thumbRight = Stage.width - thumb._width;
var thumbDistance = thumbRight - thumbLeft;


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Graphic Symbol Glitch?

Jun 6, 2009

I've created a small animation containing a few images which i have converted to graphic symbols so I can alpha-tween them. I tweened the first image then copy/pasted the frames to do the next using the swap symbol function. When swapping the symbol I selected the desired symbol and pressed okay but nothing happened - I then dragged the desired symbol out of the library and onto the stage then deleted the previous symbol. As soon as I did that the new symbol I had just dragged out switched back to the previous symbol.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Can't Fix Glitch In Game

Sep 6, 2011

I gave this game, kinda like doodle jump on the iphone if you know it. The objective is to jump on platforms as high as you can, you are scored on this. But I have this glitch in my game that i am currently unable to fix, as i do not know why it is happening. The glitch is, if you are like a certain distance off the ground and then you fail to hit a target to proceed then the game over screen does not appear, But it does if yu fail at a low height, well literally about 1 platforms above the start.


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Experiencing Difficult To Reproduce Bugs With JqUploader / Switching To Uploadify

Nov 17, 2009

I've used jqUploader for a while but I find that it will occasionally fail to work on certain browsers on certain machines or will not work properly when using HTTP Basic authentication. I've tired of trying to get this to work properly and am considering switching to another (hopefully) less buggy uploader. I've looked into Uploadify and it so far seems promising. Have you experience with any alternatives to jqUploader including possibly Uploadify? If so, what are your thoughts and recommendations?I would prefer that configuring any such uploader require knowledge of JavaScript and/or jQuery, and that it not be totally reliant on any one specific back-end technology. Built-in PHP compatibility is a plus.

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Ruby On Rails :: Test An Uploadify File Upload With Selenium?

Sep 13, 2011

Is there any way to usefully test an Uploadify file upload with Selenium? I'm using Capybara with Rails, but really, any solution with Selenium would be a starting place. I'm worried I may have to disable Uploadify for Selenium testing.

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Professional :: Loading Images Glitch?

Oct 25, 2010

There's a lot more going on in this script than simply loading images.  First I am dynamically creating the movieclips into which the images are being loaded.  I am also dynamically creating masks which are used to make a refelction movie clip (basically an identicle clip that is inverted and place below the clip that is right-side up), and all the clips and masks are added to and positioned within a movie clip on the starge.  The problem is that even when verifying that each mask is in the right place and that the inverted clip has the mask as its mask (which are the last operations carried out by the script called by the image loader's Event.COMPLETE handler)  I still have missing reflections.  Usually the missing reflctions are the first reflections e.g. 1 and 2.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Glitch Of Images Scrolling

Feb 14, 2011

I'm trying to perform smooth scrolling of bg with objects, and as a result got glitches. FPS doesn't fall. how to make it smooth?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Slight Scrolling Glitch?

Jun 6, 2011

I've nearly finished a core part of a project but I'm having one very annoying glitch when it comes to a scroll bar. This is my code:

(Thumb = Scroll Button
Track = Scroll Bar
Content = the Movie Clip containing scrollable content


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Glitch When Returning To Frame

Feb 11, 2012

I'm having an issue with a button that exists on a frame in the timeline. I have 5 instances of the same button on this frame. When I first go to this frame, everything is fine. I then go to a different frame. When I give a gotoAndStop() command and return to the original frame with the 5 button instances, 1 of my five buttons is missing. I have no removeChild() commands or anything that would make this button dissappear. why this one button (out of 5 identical instances) would be gone upon returning to this frame?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Glitch When Using External Movieclips?

Jun 10, 2006

I've made this site [URL] for my music, and I've got one contentHolder which I load the different sections in to (they are all external swf's). Now, if you manage to press on a different button before the external movie clip belonging to each button has been loaded, the clip goes in to a wierd constant reload state, and it's impossible to reset unless you reload the page.

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IDE :: Basic Tween Is Jumpy / Glitch?

Mar 14, 2010

I have a simple movieclip on stage which has a circle drawn in it. Just tweening it from one side of the stage to the other causes a jumpy/glitch effect. I'm not using any easing- if I do use it, the glitch is still there. But if I do this: myMc.x-=1 on Event.ENTER_FRAME, the movement is perfectly smooth (but far too slow for what I need, even on 40fps, 60fps upwards). I used to use Flash 8 and have no problems at all (from what I remember).

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