Php :: Sessions Not Recognized When Going Through Flash / Uploadify

Jan 15, 2011

I'm writing an application which uses cookie-based sessions for authentication. All was well until I tried to integrate the uploadify jQuery plugin into my site. I need uploadify to send the files to my upload.php file. When I check the existence of any preknown session variables in that upload.php script, I get nothing. I've tried print_r($_SESSION) and got an empty array.

I'm not sure if this a problem with my php sessions code or my jquery uploadify code. I'm somewhat new at both.

'scriptData': {'filesUploaded':'1','PHPSESSID' : <?php echo


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Flash :: Flex - Do Sessions With A Client

Jan 28, 2010

Since the Flash Player (or, more exactly, the URLLoader class) will not let you read HTTP response headers or cookies set by the server, and if you get hold of a session cookie through some workaround like reaching out to the browser and run JS, you can't send it to the server, because, among others, the Cookie header will be blocked. Now I'm building a Flex client against an HTTP API for my server product. I control both sides, so I can get get around the above limitations, now I'm wondering how. I see the following options:

include the session token in the HTTP payload include the token in the URL build my own HTTP client (... with blackjack, and hookers ...) in AS, using the Socket class I don't like (1), because I'm reimplementing functionality in my protocol that is already built into Struts, which I'm using to implement the server side. I then have to ensure that either both behave the same way, or turn off the usual way of session management and force other clients to use my protocol where they could just have the browser deal with it. I don't like (2), because I understand that there are security concerns with this, although I'm not too sure which

I don't like (3), because it's 2010 and tons of HTTP clients have been written by smarter people than me. So, are there other opportunities? Which of my "don't like"s do you reckon least severe? Are there ways to mitigate the problems I listed? For example, how insecure are session tokens in URLs really?

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Css :: Flash - Glitch With Uploadify's HideButton?

Mar 27, 2012

I'm trying to change the way an Uploadify button looks using the solutions posted here. Instead of changing the Flash file, I want to do it with CSS.

What this involves is wrapping the file input and flash object in a div:


It shows a bizarre blue rectangle over the top of my background-image. Does anyone know why this is appearing? I've tried fiddling with the CSS properties of the object (visibility and hidden) - both hide the entire swf object (and so the blue rectangle), which is useless since it needs to be visible for users to click on.

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Flash :: Javascript - Uploadify Uploading To Remote Server?

Jan 31, 2011

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Iis - Uploadify (flash File Upload) & Integrated Windows Authentication

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Flash :: Uploadify Suddenly Stopped Working Completely In Chrome 10

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Feb 28, 2011

I have an HTML form with a file upload element, which is based on Uploadify. Unfortunately, if the browser doesn't have flash installed/enabled (I tested on Chrome and Safari), then the file upload element is completely disappearing, while I would have expected to have at least plain, regular, file upload html element as a fallback.

You can see this behavior even in Uploadify official demo (as of today, 28.2.2011):

none of these work in the situation that flash is installed, but is disabled !
for example, this line:

if (swfobject.getFlashPlayerVersion().major === 0)

behaves the same weather flash is installed and enabled, or installed and disabled I thought about obtaining uploadify API and checking it, but I have found zero examples

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The following DOES NOT work:


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if(isset($_POST['action']) && $_POST['action'] == 'submitform')
$name = $_POST['name'];


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In my HTML code:

<link href="css/site.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />

Test Site

<script type="text/javascript">
var swf = new SWFObject("main.swf", "mymovie", "100%", "100%", "10", "#000000");
swf.addParam("allowScriptAccess", "always");


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Feb 2, 2007

So I had been working on this issue where I couldn't get a swf to reload in the same state it was originally loaded. Well further testing leads me to believe that my Model class is being persisted over multiple sessons in the player. Here is my model class:


So when I fire up the swf the first time in the IDE's player, i get 'no previous instance' as you would expect, then I hit ctrl + enter to restart the swf in the IDE's player and I get 'destroying instance'. So this tells me that the Model instance is getting persisted over player sessions. Unless I am mistaken, and correct me if I am wrong, I would assume clicking ctrl + enter (i.e refreshing the swf in the player) would act like a new swf session.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Saving Information Between Sessions?

Nov 8, 2009

I'm working on a game using Actionscript 3.0 and Flash CS4 and I'd like to make it save a player's scores and achievements between sessions locally on their computer. I thought the best way to do this would be by using cookies, and I started looking for ways to use JavaScript from ActionScript to save and load that information.While I was reading the articles I found on the subject, they seemed to suggest there was another way of saving information between sessions using something built into flash directly. Does anybody know about this? I'm not even sure what it's called. Even better if I could get some straightforward code for setting and recieving data from cookies using JavaScript or some other method.

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Flash :: Uploading Images With Uploadify Run Into IO Error With Local Proxy (proxy.pac)?

Feb 21, 2010

I'm trying to upload images with Uploadify but I run into IO error. I have gotdemo and it works on my computer, so I decided to implement functionality of my application to this example step by step to catch the error and discovered that the reason of IO error is my local proxy.pac (I use FF):

function FindProxyForURL(url, host) {
if (shExpMatch(host, "*.app.local*")) {
return "PROXY";


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Actionscript 3.0 :: Flash Recognized When Menu Is Rolled In / Then Doen'st Run Second Script

Sep 3, 2010

So what I've done until now is, I make a mask that needs to roll from the top a litle down and then scrolls back up (some kind of menu) the problem is that wen I get out of the Stage it's doing weard. So thats why I entered the second script. But now I got still te same problem. Wen I get out the stage the menu gets to his Roll Out position without any Tween effect.SO what I realy needs is that flash recognized when the menu is Rolled in and then doen'st run the second script.[code]I've found this cool code But it is on AS2.0 if some could translate is would be great. (I tryed it myself but o.Ô I just coudend get to work.[code]

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Media Server :: Running Multiple IP Multicast Sessions

Apr 5, 2011

am setting up multiple multicast sessions, i generated configurations for each session using a seperate stream name, IP address, port.

1) Is it possible to run multiple multicast session.From configuration, looks like we can, but need confirmation
2) How can i test these sessions using the default player ? or any sample player

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AS3 :: Test Services With Cookie Based Sessions In Flex?

Jul 6, 2011

As the title indicates the question is in regards to the service layer of a flex application. Specifically in a test case class. To call the services the user must first authenticate through an html/CF based page. Once that's done and the authentication has occurred the user is directed to the html page with the flex application embedded in. Once authenticated the server side CF code writes a cookie to the users computer. This cookie is then read by the flex app and is required for the flex app to make calls to the CF services.

The question is: how should this be handled in a test case class for the service class in the flex app? The following steps need to basically take place: use some account data to hit the server and authenticate, the cookie then needs to be written (which it will already), then the test case needs to pick up the session id from the cookie and pass it to the service call within the test case. That just all seems like too much for a test case class.

So, how is this type of thing usually handled. From what I gather it's typical for web service calls to require a session id like this.

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Flex :: Duplicate Sessions Caused Multiple Requests With Different JSESSIONIDs?

Jul 7, 2011

I think I inherited bad code, here's the deal: In my command, I create a local var for the remote object and then call a method on it. In the result, if there's no data, I start a timer. This timer broadcasts an event every 2 seconds that continually calls this command until data is returned. Then the timer is stopped.

What we're seeing is that the method returns data once, and then the next time it doesn't (dupe Flex sessions error). It basically alternates. If we click really fast, sometimes we'll get two to work in a row. At times, the Java dev is seeing these requests returned with different JSESSIONIDs. I believe this is causing the duplicate Flex sessions error. I'm using Cairngorm; here's the execute command.

public function execute(event:CairngormEvent):void
ruleName = (event as FetchReportEvent).ruleName;
var ro:RemoteObject = ServiceLocator.getInstance().getRemoteObject("quantRemoteObject");
if (model.guid != null)


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Actionscript 3 :: MVC - Sessions - Record The Users Progress Then Save To A Database

Jul 21, 2011

I want to add the ability to have my flash game record the users progress then save to a database. That part is pretty easy, but how can I make it so the user can login and continue their game. I also wanting to know if it'll be better for the game progress to be saved with SharedObjects or with an SQL database. I would like it that the game could be played on any website and their data can still be accessed and played if that is advised. I am new to user sessions with AS3 and need pointers.

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Php :: Why Would Some POST Data Go Missing When Using Uploadify

Apr 19, 2010

I have been using Uploadify in my PHP application for the last couple months, and I've been trying to track down an elusive bug. I receive emails when fatal errors occur, and they provide me a good amount of details. I've received dozens of them. I have not, however, been able to reproduce the problem myself. Some users (like myself) experience no problem, while others do. Before I give details of the problem, here is the flow.


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Jquery :: Uploadify Queue Not Showing?

Jun 9, 2011

I have successfully implemented a copy of uploadify into my site. The SWF button shows, I can click on it and browse my files. However, the rubber meets the road whenever it comes to file files showing the queue.For some reason, when I select a file, there isn't any queue, even though I have followed uploadify directions. on how to overcome this? Here are the relative parts of my code:

<!DOCTYPE html>


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