I know how to get the data from my database, but i can't seem to figure out how to send data to the database from flash using amfphp! give me an as3 and php service example.
i've seen a few good examples to save out a png of the current flash display area from a webbrowser from a flash, such as:[URL]what they normally do is stream the image data through a png encoder to a web server somewhere and then decode the image data back to current webbrowser and then trigger the web browser SAVE function, by prompting user to select a path and file name to save, like a download.however, the difference is when you click that save button, you can save your png image directly to a certain location with a fixed file name, such as on your local computer:
NOTE: I want to save the actual bytecode for the AS3 class, NOT an instance of it! A class is being loaded in externally and extracted via a URLLoader and then Loader.loadBytes. A single Class is then extracted out of that Application Domain and used in the project. Now, rather than saving the entire Loader (either via SharedObject or other means of storage) is it possible to "extract out" the bytecode of the needed class and all dependencies, which can then be "injected" back into an empty shell or something to be reused when needed?
I want to develop a backend admin solution to save images for a post using some multiupload flash uploader. I mean that kind o f uploader, where when you click on browse and than in the open dialogue box you can choodse mulitple files using CTRL plus LEFT MOUSE CLICK).I would like to save every new image to the database. With saving I mean, creating a new row for every item(image) in my table called images:1.id (automaticallyncreasing)2.file_name3.user_who_uploaded_that_bookI would like also to limit the number of files that can a user uplaod (e.g. max 20 files) somewhere in the config file.
I have a problem with saving the £ symbol to a mysql database.I am running a flex front end, with a php + mysql backend When I save a record from flex, the string gets sent to the server as "This amount is £10" php views the string as above, and when it gets saved into the DB, it gets saved as "This amount is £10".
My understanding is that this is correct based on MySQL or PHP is appending a whenever the £ is used I now retrieve the above record, and it gets sent to flex as "This amount is £10". Flex correctly displays this in a textarea as "This amount is £10" I change another field in the same record in flex, and re-save the transaction. The string now gets sent to the server as "This amount is £10" The record is now saved into the DB as "The amount is £10". Each time the record is re-saved, this effect snowballs.
hey people wondering if there is a way to use AS3 to save and load to a database.
Specifically I have created a flash program for a teacher that runs tests for her students. When a student loads up the .swf they are prompted for their name. Ideally we would like to be able to save the progress of a student after he/she has completed a test and then use that data later. Is there a way to save data like this and call upon it at a later time?
I have a flash application that communicates with php to save data to nvarchar(1200) column. However when I change to different language support i.e locale, and type into the flash app the letters are good but in the db they are saved as question marks instead of the reall letters.
I've been all over the interwebs, including Stack Overflow, for hours, trying to identify a solid, workable example of saving information in Flash into an XML file.
I want to take the positions of two different types of objects and export the lists of each to XML. We'll call the objects ball and bat.
How do i save an array of objects, like this: [{n:1,bb:4},{n:2,bb:4,r:1},{n:6,bb:7},...] to a database? I was thinking i would have to convert it to string, but if i do that, when i retrieve it from the database, how am i going to use it?
EDIT: forgot to mention that the objects can contain an array of objects as well, but there won't be any more arrays beyond that point.
I'm using Flash CS4 & Actionscript 3.0 to create a grid with different objects that a user can move with the mouse. This is a standalone application meant to be used on a Windows machine. Is there a way to download and save the user's responses (viz. location of mouse, type of object clicked, etc.) onto the local computer without using the Flash Debugger?
I came across an article [URL] which states that it is possible to save local data onto a user's computer without a backend script (e.g. php) in Flash Player 10 but the article doesn't really say how this is done.
Half way through;user saves the answers to a CSV file to a location.then continue the test and save the 2nd part to the same location (different file name). The next person completes the same test, and theoretically saves in the same location OVERWRITING the file. HOW IT SHOULD WORK when they overwrite the file, it SHOULD add it to the next ROW in the excel (csv)document, not overwriting the WHOLE file. In the end, you would (in theory) have a number of rows in one excel document, each row, a different user who completed the test The issue is: on the MAC computer, this works (im not sure if it's because the previous developer developed it on a MAC) however when I play it or move it to windows computer; It overwrites the whole CSV file, and doesn't add it in the rows.Here is the main code (half way through) for the first save:
i want a solution or sample file of exactly how to save a flash input data to xml file.. im really new to xml.. i dont know how to script it in flash. Ex: there will be a two fields of input... 1) text input... 2)checkbox input/ other... and a submit/ save button the above will be in flash interface.... so when i run the file and key in the data into the text input box or other.. the data what ever i key in has to reflect in XML that means it has to save the data in XML... so that i can open the xml and have look of the data wat ever i have keyed in..
im really badly in need.. what action to put where and how to create xml. what to put in that... i know some of you really would have done this.
how to send data from a flash to a database and how the receive it aswell. Im presuming you pass the data from the flash to a php file to the database when sending and call the data using a php file to the database aswell. What im trying to do is just have a button that will increment a number in a database by 1 and then display that information on a different Frame within the flash later.
Basically what i want to do if have a button pressed to increment a number in a database.
I am creating e-learning material that will be accessedonline by students. Is there anyway that Flash can write to adatabase to tell us how long the student was logged in for and how long there were on a page?
I have made a .swf file that scrolls boxes- these boxes willin the end contain products contained in a ASP database. Here isthe problem, I don't know how to get the Flash movie I have made toSince I don't know flash that well, I have made transparentbuttons to go over the scrolling boxes to open a URL with theaction scripting -----on (release) {getURL("http://www.myurl"); } This works finebut I would like the content in the scrolling boxes to changedepending upon items in an ASP database. In the database, there isan area to specify "featured" items, which are dynamically put onthe site in specified areas where tags(anchors) for the "featured"items are placed. What I think I should do is code the tag(anchor) for the"featured" item into my flash movie but I don't know how to dothis.
I am trying to create a 'Password' database with flash to push both to and from an external database, the only problem is that I do not want to have to run IIS or Apache or any other web server. Is there any way to read a non localhost/web based type database within flash? If so can someone point me to a tutorial or at least in the right direction?
Is it possible for flash to accept value from a database?There is a database storing values "postions" and "descriptions" (there are 2 coloumns named so to store the values).In flash I want to accept the values entered in these 2 coloumns. How to go about it? If I create 2 dynamic text boxes with variable names "p" and "d" respectively and an "accept" button on the scene, what script should I add to the button so that these text boxes accept the values?
so my 2 queries are:
1) how do I send the value from the database to flash?
im trying to figure out if there is a way to use flash as a front end for a database. i need flash to be able to search the database for part numbers and match the part number with an excel file and be able to open the excel file from flash.
I am looking for some advice on creating a flash sound game. The visuals are all done as is the animation. I am trying to create a piano, that you can play a tune, somehow (when pressing down a button) 'record' the sound and once you have finished, send the link to the sound you have created to a friend, where it can be played back when they visit the website and see what you did.
getting data from a database and displaying it in a Flex (Flash) swf. Currently I have some C# code that gets the data from the DB and saves it to an XML file on my site. Then the .swf reads that xml file.
I want to display html(text) data into flash .Is there any way to do this dynamically? I am able to do this by creating an external xml file but how is it possible to do the same job without creating the external xml file using php and database?
I am working on creating a basic message board for my website and I am having difficulty getting things to pass from Flash to Database to Flash. I just checked out the tutorial on this site that shows how to go from Flash to Database. Which is awesome by the way. I was wondering if anyone could help me on how to get the database data back into flash and post in a message board style. In another related note. Through a form set