Flash :: Saving Bytecode Of A Class (to SharedObject Or Database)

Mar 11, 2011

NOTE: I want to save the actual bytecode for the AS3 class, NOT an instance of it! A class is being loaded in externally and extracted via a URLLoader and then Loader.loadBytes. A single Class is then extracted out of that Application Domain and used in the project. Now, rather than saving the entire Loader (either via SharedObject or other means of storage) is it possible to "extract out" the bytecode of the needed class and all dependencies, which can then be "injected" back into an empty shell or something to be reused when needed?

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var mySharedObject:SharedObject = SharedObject.getLocal("sampleCode", "/");
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label.x = 100+label.width

and have it react to a label instance that is somewhere inside the compiled swf. i want the code have the 'this' keyword of my abc code to point to the parent of the label instance. as i understand the eval library at [URL] will convert AS3 code to abc, which has to be loaded in as if it were an external swf. so the this keyword would always point to "global"

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My question is how does the 'getlex' operation work (I've marked it with ###1). It is passed a multiname which references the 'moveit' method of the class. Unfortunately, the 'name' field in method info seems never ever to get used by the compiler. All methods have the empty string as its name (Shown above as the unnamed function at ###2).

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Jul 28, 2009

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Reading ABC Bytecode With A Hex Editor?

Jul 7, 2010

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This means that unless I manually copy down the SWF hex values into binary data, reading this information simply with a Hex editor would not work, correct? Or is there anything I have missed such as some form of padding to offset this etc?

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Professional :: SharedObject Class - Movie Start At A  Particular Frame After The Initial Visit To It?

Jul 27, 2010

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May 9, 2011

Gives me this error:

Error: Error #2134: Cannot create SharedObject.
at flash.net::SharedObject$/getLocal()
at as3_shared_objects/showVar()


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