Actionscript 3 :: Any Tool To Debug ByteCode?

Mar 24, 2011

So when running a SWF, is there a way to step through line by line of ABC code and observe registers, stacks? Could I at least print it to screen or log it?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Reading ABC Bytecode With A Hex Editor?

Jul 7, 2010

I have tried to learn a bit of the way AS3 works behind the scenes by skimming the surface of the AS3 bytecode. I started with this document, and so far I'm at page 25 of 278. [URL] I tried following along a bit, opening a SWF I had laying around and exploring the header. I was able to read the first 4 bytes until I got to "FrameSize". The data type for that was RECT (found on page 16) The problem is, the first value of the RECT is stored as 5 BITS (not bytes). Since it doesn't round up to an even 16 bits per "chunk of data", it throws the "offset" of all bits off.

This means that unless I manually copy down the SWF hex values into binary data, reading this information simply with a Hex editor would not work, correct? Or is there anything I have missed such as some form of padding to offset this etc?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash Could Not Connect To The Debug Player - Debug Session Will Terminate?

Apr 29, 2011

In CS5 I get the above message. I need to debug so it's very important. Anything I need to do?

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Flash :: Localy Execute Actionscript Bytecode

Nov 24, 2009

i want to execute a piece of bytecode so that it will run in a specific scope ? for example i want to be able to run this code

label.x = 100+label.width

and have it react to a label instance that is somewhere inside the compiled swf. i want the code have the 'this' keyword of my abc code to point to the parent of the label instance. as i understand the eval library at [URL] will convert AS3 code to abc, which has to be loaded in as if it were an external swf. so the this keyword would always point to "global"

in the examples at hurlant the only way to access anything in the loading swf is to create a top-level class without packages i also found this page [URL] actionscript to be usefull. it has a class that allows you to pass data from the scope of the evaluation.

that is something, but what i really wanted is to actually execute it 'directly at' the scope of evaluation anybody know if this is possible ? i just want to create a command line from where i can execute code and also trace properties of the running swf. for example i want trace(label.x) to work, and set properties by doing label.text = "bla" etc...

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Flash :: How To Methods Found In AVM2 Bytecode

Nov 3, 2010

I've been playing around with ABC bytecode and was hoping someone could clear up a point of confusion for me. I have a simple flash file that places a clip on the stage and has a tiny script to update its position on each frame. The code looks something like:


My question is how does the 'getlex' operation work (I've marked it with ###1). It is passed a multiname which references the 'moveit' method of the class. Unfortunately, the 'name' field in method info seems never ever to get used by the compiler. All methods have the empty string as its name (Shown above as the unnamed function at ###2).

How does the flash player link the multiname to the unnamed method? There appears to be no provision for this in the AVM2 spec. I know it's possible because commercial decompilers like sothink manage to determine the method name. I'm just not sure how they do it, or how the code could ever work.

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IDE :: Debug Mode No Longer Providing Debug Info?

Dec 21, 2009

When I first downloaded Flash CS3 Professional, I was able to enter an exceedingly useful debug mode by compiling using ctrl+shift+enter instead of ctrl+enter. I could toggle break points, step in, step over and view values stored in variables at a whim.

I must have accidentally toggled some option somewhere, because this interface no longer shows up. Instead, the only extra interface I get is the output menu with the following text "Attemping to launch and connect to Player using URL <file path> [SWF] <file path> - 71984 bytes after decompression" and while the swf does halt if the as3 code reaches a break point, it doesn't tell me which break point nor give me any options to progress the flow (not even through the pull down menu I have to utilize in order to end the so called debug session).

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Flash :: Saving Bytecode Of A Class (to SharedObject Or Database)

Mar 11, 2011

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Apr 4, 2009

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However, this swf is being loaded by a non-debug build of another swf which I don't have source code to, and can't make a debug build with.

I've tried mocking this up with two very simple swfs, and while it works fine when both are debug builds, when the outer swf is a non-debug build, while I can get the debugger to connect, I don't get trace messages, breakpoints don't work, and it seems to lock up the flash app.

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Jan 3, 2012

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Jul 6, 2009

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The way i understand it, the tool applies to and every Sprite , movieclip on stage


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Dec 27, 2011

I've migrated to FDT from flashdevelop and kind of have a hard time getting things to work the way I'm used to. In Flashdevelop, you could easily choose if the compiled swf was a release or debug version. In FDT however, it seems like there is no way to compile a version that has debugging information without it automatically opening up the debug perspective with a ton of debug windows, a profiler and actually entering debug mode.

As an extra plus, I keep getting a message saying "This feature is only available in FDT Max", although from what I know the debugger is included in the free version. Is there a way to do what I'm trying to do or should I just get used to this new way of working?

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Jul 21, 2011

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Dec 22, 2010

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ActionScript 3.0 :: You Cannot Debug SWF Symbol

Nov 25, 2010

I'm using Win7 with Flash CS4. When I try and create a symbol in the fla and then use it in AS code, I get the error "You cannot debug this swf because it does not contain ActionScript."I will get this error if I select export into first frame on the properties box in the fla.[code]in my AS3.0 code. GreenBox being the class for my symbol I created.This seems to be some issue with Win7, as I don't get this error when I run the same files on win XP.

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IDE :: Can't Debug Global Settings

May 15, 2009

I have a flash app that calls a web page vai a URLRequest object.It runs fine in normal mode but I need to do some debugging.When I try to debug I get the security warning that it's trying to access the internet.I opened the flash security app and added both my flash file and the web site to confirmed locations but when I then try to debug it I again get the same warning.How do I get these settings to take effect inside of flash?

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IDE :: Trace Not Working, Can't Debug

Jul 1, 2009

This has never happened before. One of my .fla's suddenly won't trace at all. Anywhere I put a trace statement, it does not work. On the main timeline, in an MC, in a function... nothing!

Is there an option that I could have accidentally turned off or on?

In the meantime I'm debugging with dynamic text.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Add Breakpoint And Debug In Flash CS3?

Aug 3, 2009

May I ask how to add breakpoint and debug AS3 in Flash CS3?

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Professional :: Debug From A Remote Location?

May 3, 2006

I installed the update to Flash 8 that allows for remotedebugging, and I had it all set up and working over the past weekor two. But, all of a sudden it's not working for me anymore.I wasable to access it by right clicking my movie from within thebrowser and selecting "Debugger", but for some reason the optionisn't available anymore. I've rechecked my settings according tothe livedocs, and ensured the swd file is in the same dir as theswf, but no dice.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: CS4 Remote Debug Not Working

Mar 14, 2009

I am using CS4 and adding scipt to the Actions Frame for a 3rd party component using AS3.The swf is being used by an ASP.NET page.I'm trying to get Remote Debugging running - I had it running yesterday, but something changed and I don't know what. So, now none of the breakpoints are being recognized.

-I create the swf file with debugging enabled.

-I start the CS4 Remote Debugging.

-I start my ASP.NET app in Debug Mode from VS2008.

-I get the Adobe dialog allowing me to connect to the debugger. (Before the problems occurred, CS4 debug recognized the flash player automatically.)

-The CS4 debugger recognizes that the player is running since the output frame updates with "[SWF] /Flashloaded/Flashloaded.swf -56913 bytes after decompression"

- But, NONE OF THE BREAKPOINTS ARE BEING RECOGNIZE!!! And no Variables show up in the Variables Frame.

- YES - I am using a debug version of the flash player. I have tried both version 9 & 10.

- Nothing is being entered in my flashlog.txt file.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Can't Debug After Set A Document Class

Oct 1, 2008

I have my flash project working without problems, I reach a point that i must add a document class, but when i do that i got the following error:

"You cannot debug this SWF because it does not contain ActionScript"

The document class is in the same folder where the .fla file is located. Code compile without any error.If I remove the document class my project work likes before.For testing pourpouses the document class just do a trace(....)

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Debug Stops Works?

Nov 24, 2008

I use Flash debug local and remote without any problem.Today I update Flex and I deselected the options "update flash 9".Then I go to debug a project in Flash CS4.But now debug doesn't works.I reinstall flashplayer_10_ax_debug.exe and nothing change.When I run in browser the menu option "Debugger"(right-click) doesn't appears.

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CS4 :: Flash Debug Window Can Not Show Anything

Jan 13, 2009

We have Flash CS3 and CS4.When I open a simple file with a trace it will show in CS3,but the output window in CS4 keeps empty.[code]...

"Adobe Flash Player 10 couldn't connect with debugmode or anlalyse" (translating it from Dutch)

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Professional :: Flash CS4 Debug Not Working?

Nov 9, 2008

I have both CS3 and CS4 web preium installed on my system. Ihave started working in CS4 and found that the debug window willnot work. I created a new Flash CS4 fla and added some breakpoints.It seems to run without stopping at the breakpoints and displayingmy trace statements. I have a ticket into support but no one hasanswered it yet. I remember this happening when I installed CS3 webpre but can't remember what I did to fix it. Is a uninstall of allthe products neccessary? Or should I just uninstall Flash.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Error "You Cannot Debug This SWG

Aug 19, 2009

Flash is ignoring my actionscript Even when debugging it gives me the error "You cannot debug this SWG because it does not contain ActionScript." There's very few commands in the script and shouldn't be overloaded. Here's the link for the fla. [URL]..

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Professional :: Flash CS5 Debug Breakpoint Bug?

Apr 25, 2011

When I debug it simply refuses to stop at the breakpoints, thus making my work flow miserable. I did some searching on Google and seems this has been there since version CS3. I never found a solution for this. I reinstalled on top of the current installation and nothing happened and then did a complete installation and still it's the same. Check the video.

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Professional :: Debug On Device Via Usb Is Disabled?

May 27, 2011

I have an iPhone4 plugged in via usb.I an create ipa files and put them on the phone using iTunes.I would like to be able to use the test/debug on device via usb, but in the menu, it's disabled.

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