Anyway To Debug Fullscreen Mode?
Jul 21, 2011
Is there any way to debug fullscreen mode? I Ctrl+enter and I see the swf but the fullscreen button never works, like when I forgot the allowFullScreen param in my HTML code.Do I have to add some parameter to the CS5 properties?
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Dec 21, 2009
When I first downloaded Flash CS3 Professional, I was able to enter an exceedingly useful debug mode by compiling using ctrl+shift+enter instead of ctrl+enter. I could toggle break points, step in, step over and view values stored in variables at a whim.
I must have accidentally toggled some option somewhere, because this interface no longer shows up. Instead, the only extra interface I get is the output menu with the following text "Attemping to launch and connect to Player using URL <file path> [SWF] <file path> - 71984 bytes after decompression" and while the swf does halt if the as3 code reaches a break point, it doesn't tell me which break point nor give me any options to progress the flow (not even through the pull down menu I have to utilize in order to end the so called debug session).
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Jul 9, 2009
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The workaround I use is to create a custom html file in bin-debug that loads the swf with a random string appended so Firefox never caches it. This works fine, but every time I start a new project, I need to remember to do this.
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Jul 22, 2010
I've had no such problem like this until today. Basically when i try and drag an object from photoshop to the stage in flash, everything looks great on the stage and usualy everything looks fine in the test / debug mode. But suddenly i've come up against a very anoying problem. Everything looks great on the stage, but as soon as I go to test the movie, the image quality of whatever it is I have imported goes terrible. Like its been compressed to less than 10kb!The image looks fine on the stage but the problem accurs when I try to test to movie.I have tried importing different size images, not transforming the images in flash, making sure all the settings (I know of) are on high.
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Jul 17, 2010
Here is my code in its entirety. It won't trace when I Test Movie, but when I debug, it works fine.
function scrollWheelHandler(e:MouseEvent){
stage.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_WHEEL, scrollWheelHandler);
I hate flash. This is in a new project btw. wtf is going on?
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Sep 30, 2011
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but that will only work because of arguments.callee, and so won't go through multiple levels of function calls (it would never get above my error event listener).Anyone have any ideas on how to get informative error messages through the global error event handler? There seems to be some misunderstanding. I'm explicitly avoiding getStackTrace() because it returns 'null' when not in debug mode.
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Aug 23, 2011
I prepared a footer for a website and have the following issue:There are two buttons on footer bar that interests us. One is fullscreen - clicked activates fscommand function. But fscommand works only when I debug my fla. Otherwise, nothing happens. There's an additional variable that shows if fullscreen is active - nothing happens.There's also a "coder" info. I wanted to use navigateToURL function for "mailto:..." adress, but nothing happens, even if if changed it to [URL] adress. Also debugger doesn't activate it.I tested it in browser, completely nothing happens. There's the code, works without any "addons":
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Apr 20, 2009
Fullscreen mode feature can be enabled/disabled with allowFullScreen attribute of the embed/object tag.
Is it possible to know inside action script code if the fullscreen mode is allowed .
I want to hide fullscreen button in my app if fullscreen mode is not available.
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Nov 3, 2009
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PHP Code:
function loadFunc(What, Where) {
var LoadingObject = new MovieClipLoader();
var NewObject = new Object();
NewObject.onLoadInit = function(mc:MovieClip) {
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May 2, 2009
I need to play a flash website in full screen mode. That runs fine but then I have a link where we have an FLV video component. Whenever I browse to the link having the FLV video, the video goes fullscreen and fills the whole screen. I want the FLV so that it remains at the original video dimensions while I'm at Full Screen. Also I have another problem, if I let the video play in full screen, then when I press escape to get out of video it exits the full screen mode as well, how can I exit the video yet not exit full screen mode.
BTW, I've searched the internet and couldn't find any example of flash where we have flv video in full screen mode website.
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Oct 23, 2009
I'm encountering a strange problem with using Fullscreen mode. Basically I want the whole piece to become fullscreen, but because there is an flv active within the page the flv is taking over the fullscreen instead of the whole piece. Is there any way to stop it from doing this?I'm applying it like this:switch(FS_STATUS){ case false: stage.displayState = StageDisplayState.FULL_SCREEN; FS_STATUS = true; break; case true: stage.displayState = StageDisplayState.NORMAL; FS_STATUS = false; break; default: break; }If the flv is there it causes the flv to go fullscreen instead of the whole thing, frustrating!
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Nov 10, 2009
I built a flash player using the flvplayback component. I have a menu that slides up when the user brings the mouse down over the bottom 130 pixels of the flvplayback component. I did this by creating a symbol that is a clear box called "trig" and using "trig.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_MOVE, slidebar);" with "slidebar" being a function that calls the tween to make the menu appear. To go into fullscreen mode i use the command "video.enterFullScreenDisplayState();" which is called by a button. Is there any way to set it so that my sliding menu will still work in fullscreen mode?
In a related question is there anyway to to have the player start in fullscreen mode? I tried using video.enterFullScreenDisplayState(); as the first line of the action script file after the import commands, but that didn't seem to work.
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Apr 29, 2010
I'm running a standalone EXE file via the Projector (or whatever it's called when you run a standalone EXE file made with Flash). It's NOT a web-based application. Every time I go to fullscreen mode, I just get a blank screen. All of the images are gone. However, if I press Esc to exit the full screen mode, then the pictures appear again. Is this a bug with Flash CS3? This is what I put in the first frame of my movie in the 'actions' section:
import flash.system.fscommand;import flash.display.Stage;import flash.display.StageDisplayState;stage.scaleMode = StageScaleMode.SHOW_ALL;stage.displayState = StageDisplayState.FULL_SCREEN;stage.scaleMode = StageScaleMode.NO_SCALE;stage.align = StageAlign.TOP_LEFT;stage.displayState = "fullScreen";stage['displayState'] = "fullScreen";
When I run the Flash program (as an exe file), the program goes fullscreen, but all of the elements on the stage disappear, leaving the screen blank. However, when I exit out of fullscreen mode (by pressing ESC) then everything looks like it's supposed to, with the images showing up and everything.
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Jul 30, 2010
I have a main FLA into which at certain points flvs and swfs are loaded and played, my current problem is that I have a loaded flv(display) which is set to loop using this code:ActionScript Code:import*;
// Video component instance name
var flvControl:FLVPlayback = display;
var flvSource:String = "mainscreen.flv";
View 18 Replies
Jan 11, 2011
I've started now working with the fullscreen mode (for a project in college), and I already made the code for a button to turn the stage on fullscreen.I'd like to know if anyone knows how to leave the fullscreen mode by button?I used this code for turning the fullscreen "on" on the opening button:[code]Then I tried turning the fscommand on the fullscreen "false" on the closing button, but it doesn't work.And btw, how can I make the "open" button appear if I use ESC?
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Feb 2, 2011
coming from a print background i am trying to teach myself both as2 and as3 and am working on a couple of small projects for myself. I have run into the issue, where the user is in fullscreen mode cannot use keyboard commands to inout text. I would like to know how i could make an alert that appears when the user is in fullscreen mode only.
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May 27, 2007
I'm not really getting a flex HTML template I have this
HTML Code:
<object classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000"
id="${application}" width="${width}" height="${height}"
View 4 Replies
Apr 29, 2010
I'm running a standalone EXE file via the Projector (or whatever it's called when you run a standalone EXE file made with Flash). It's NOT a web-based application. Every time I go to fullscreen mode, I just get a blank screen. All of the images are gone. However, if I press Esc to exit the full screen mode, then the pictures appear again. Is this a bug with Flash CS3? [code]...
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Mar 5, 2003
This probably is a stupid question but does anyone know how I can start a standalone swf file in fullscreen mode.I want it to cover the whole screen when it starts.
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Nov 16, 2009
Been a while since i've posted on here but im running in to a snag. It seems that when i go in to fullscreen mode with ie it runs correctly. However when i run it with mozilla I get a security error. Hitting continue, and repeating the process gives me the error again and im denied fullscreen. When i hit "dismiss all" and repeat the toggle it goes in to fullscreen.
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Feb 8, 2009
You will notice that if you click on the white textarea, youcan type in it and the keyCode is printed at the bottom. NOW, ifyou click on the black background it launches into fullscreen mode.In fullscreen mode, you CANNOT type in the text area. You canselect the text, but you can't type. If you jump out of full screenmode then it works.What is going on here? Has anyone seen this before? Is it aFlash bug? Here's the code, FLA linked below:
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Sep 1, 2008
My flash presentation contains video which I imported using the flash video component. When I play the presentation 100% size they play fine - contained within there window on the screen - When I play the presentation in full-screen mode they take over the whole screen. They also play untill the video is finished whithout moving onto the next scene.
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Aug 17, 2009
I'm making a presentation with as2 and when going to fullscreen my arrow keys don't work anymore? I have googlet this problem, but found nothing.
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Aug 17, 2009
I have the following to open my file in full screen mode, but am getting the error message below.[code]...
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Aug 16, 2010
I am using FLVPlayback component to display videos in fullscreen mode.
Try this:
1. Add 2 FLVPlayback components to stage (new file).
2. Make sure you are using two different *.flv files (video.source = "").
3. Change the video skin to one that has a fullscreen button and publish to Flash Player version 9.
4. Publish html with the fullscreen option set to true in the html page.
What you will find is that both the buttons display the same video!
I am unable to find any solution online. I have even tried this using AS3.0 with the same result.
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Oct 18, 2010
I know that adobe has blocked the keyboard input in fullscreen mode. But, is there any other way to implement that.
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