Actionscript 3 - Disadvantages To Release Flash Application Which Was Compiled In Debug Mode?

Sep 30, 2011

I want to release my flash application not in release mode but in debug mode to see result of trace() after releasing the app.

I don't care that debug mode makes processing speed little slow.Except for processing speed, are there disadvantages to release flash application which was compiled in debug mode?Is it possible that the app throws exception or Flash Players of the app's users crash due to debug mode?

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IDE :: Debug Mode No Longer Providing Debug Info?

Dec 21, 2009

When I first downloaded Flash CS3 Professional, I was able to enter an exceedingly useful debug mode by compiling using ctrl+shift+enter instead of ctrl+enter. I could toggle break points, step in, step over and view values stored in variables at a whim.

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ActionScript :: Flash Error In Release, But Not Debug?

Jan 7, 2012

I have some ActionScript3 code that for some reason only crashes in a stack overflow when compiled for 'Release' mode. The method it crashes in doesn't call any other function and does therefore not recurse in any way.The weird thing is that when compiled in 'Debug' mode it works perfectly.The 'Release' mode also starts working if I enable 'Verbose stack traces' in the compiler options.

Edit: Here is the stack trace:

Stacktrace: VerifyError: Error #1023: Stack overflow occurred.
at Extensions::CRunObjectSelection/filterNonQualifierObjects()
at Extensions::CRunObjectSelection/filterObjects()[code].....

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Flash - Application Compiled By Flex Builder 3 Does Not Trace

Feb 2, 2010

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Despite all that, trace output is not shown in the log file. What am I doing wrong?

(I suspect it's a compiler option, but I can find no such option in the project options in FlexBuilder)

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Has anyone else come across something like this before?

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function scrollWheelHandler(e:MouseEvent){
stage.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_WHEEL, scrollWheelHandler);

I hate flash. This is in a new project btw. wtf is going on?

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Apr 3, 2011

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import flash.display.Sprite;


and tried to load it into a AS2 swf I have compiled using Flash CS4. But that just didn't work. I don't get any errors when loading and the AS2 swf can load any swf, either compiled in AS2 or AS3 by Flash.

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Jan 31, 2011

set some filters on the bitmap after it has been loaded.During development (Debug mode), everything worked and the even has been fired just fine.But now I switched to Release mode and the complete event doesn't fire anymore.To load the image, I set the source property of the image to an URL that points to a PNG image. That does still work in release mode, so the image appears correctly.It's just that the "complete" event doesn't fire, no matter what I try.

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Flex :: Find Function / Line Number That Caused An Error Without Using Debug Mode?

Jun 28, 2011

I'm currently trying to implement an automated bug reporter for a Flex application, and would like to return error messages to a server along with the function/line number that caused the error. Essentially, I'm trying to get the getStackTrace() information without going into debug mode, because most users of the app aren't likely to have the debug version of flash player.My current method is using the UncaughtErrorEvent handler to catch errors that occur within the app, but the error message only returns the type of error that has occurred, and not the location (which means it's useless). I have tried implementing getStackTrace() myself using a function name-grabber such as [code]

but that will only work because of arguments.callee, and so won't go through multiple levels of function calls (it would never get above my error event listener).Anyone have any ideas on how to get informative error messages through the global error event handler? There seems to be some misunderstanding. I'm explicitly avoiding getStackTrace() because it returns 'null' when not in debug mode.

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Professional :: Remote Debug A Flash File Running Inside An Application?

Jan 14, 2010

I'm an application developer, and my standard usage of Flash is as follows: I'm creating an executable application, which contains a ShockwaveFlash object instance, which in turn is displaying a Flash Movie Clip - also created by myself. The executable application and the contained Flash clip are communicating via the ActionScript ExternalInterface (using XML strings) and the FSCommand.
I'd like to be able to debug the ActionScript code of the Flash file while I'm running/debugging my executable application. For that, I need to be able to start a remote debugging session from the Flash object running inside my executable. Problem is, I did not find any way of doing this.
When I publish the Flash SWF file with "permit debugging" checked, I'm able to start a remote debugging session when I'm displaying the file in a player or a browser (the "debugging" option is shown at the right-click menu of the Flash object), but I'm not able to do the same with the object inside my executable (the "debugging" option doesn't exist on the menu).
Environment Details: The executable application is using the ShockwaveFlash COM file to create the ShockwaveFlash object. The executable application is created using VB.NET, Visual Studio 2008, .NET 3.5. The Flash SWF file is created using Adobe Flash Professional CS4. I'm developing under Windows XP (SP3).

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Flash :: Cursor MovieClip - Application In Fullscreen Mode

Jun 17, 2009

I have a custom cursor movieClip that changes depending on which side of the screen its on in my Flash application. This works fine, and even when the Flash test window is resized. However when going to fullscreen mode, it stops working. This code is called every frame, so shouldnt the stageWidth/stageHeight adjust accordingly when going to fullScreen mode?


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash Could Not Connect To The Debug Player - Debug Session Will Terminate?

Apr 29, 2011

In CS5 I get the above message. I need to debug so it's very important. Anything I need to do?

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Flex :: Debug PHP Side In An AIR Application?

Aug 10, 2011

I have an AIR application which uses RemoteObject to comunicate with remote services in PHP (using Zend AMF). The application works great, but I can't debug the PHP side (the Flex debugger works fine, the PHP side is the problem). I'm using Flash Builder 4.5 for PHP, when I write a Web Application (not AIR), I can choose to debug the application as "Web (PHP) Application", and the breakpoints in the PHP side are working as expected. But I can't see any similar option for Desktop Applications (AIR). Does somebody know if it's possible (and how) to debug the PHP side in an AIR application?

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Flash :: Debug An Inner Swf That's Loaded From A Non-debug Outer Swf?

Apr 4, 2009

I have a swf that I need to attach the flex builder debugger to. I have full access to the source code, and can make a debug build of this swf.

However, this swf is being loaded by a non-debug build of another swf which I don't have source code to, and can't make a debug build with.

I've tried mocking this up with two very simple swfs, and while it works fine when both are debug builds, when the outer swf is a non-debug build, while I can get the debugger to connect, I don't get trace messages, breakpoints don't work, and it seems to lock up the flash app.

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Change Flash Version From Non-debug To Debug?

Jan 3, 2012

I have flash installed on my mac 10.6.7 and it's version is (Non-debug).How do i convert it into debug.

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Android :: Debug A Crash With A Flex/AIR Mobile Application?

Sep 12, 2011

I have a flex app using the 4.5.1 sdk and AIR 2.7 running on an Android 3.2 tablet. During use, I can get it to crash fairly regularly. It's usually when I'm rapidly scrolling around in a List control. I can't seem to find the cause.

The application will just suddenly close. It happens in both debug and release builds.

When in debug mode, it just disconnects from the debugger and doesn't give me any useful information.

I'm at a loss on how to debug this. What are some techniques I can use?

I found the "adb logcat" command. Relevant info from the log below, unfortunately it doesn't mean much to me.


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Actionscript 3 :: Flex 4 Release Changes To Application Are Not Showing Up

May 10, 2010

I just took over a clients flex project and I can't get the app to reflect even a simple trace statement. Before I took over, the project was last successfully built using the Flash Builder Beta 2 environment/sdk. I have the latest release version of Flash Builder 4.

Upon importing the project into FB4, I got a ton of errors. Most of them mostly because of the changes made to the sdk from beta2 to release.

Some of the things I corrected:

- mx namespace from [URL]

- video player skinning: a lot of the state names for the video player component had been changed, more required states had been added. also there were other video related component and property names that had to be updated.

But I fixed all that and the application was finally able to compile (although with some warnings mostly of the duplicate variable type)

The only thing now is that whatever change I make to the project doesn't get reflected in the build (debug or release). I changed existing traces, added additional traces. Nothing shows up. I even removed the applicationComplete property in the main.mxml. Everything still ran like nothing changed.

Also I can't seem to debug the app. Whenever I try to debug.. flash builder says..
"Swf Application doesn't contain the required debugging information ... "

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