Actionscript 3 :: Flex Bin-debug Line Spacing Different From Bin-release?

Apr 16, 2010

when I export a bin-release of my application, all my text fields have a different line spacing from that of the bin-debug version. How is this even possible?

Has anyone else come across something like this before?

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Edit: Here is the stack trace:

Stacktrace: VerifyError: Error #1023: Stack overflow occurred.
at Extensions::CRunObjectSelection/filterNonQualifierObjects()
at Extensions::CRunObjectSelection/filterObjects()[code].....

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<br />
tag, but displays as if there is 2


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PHP Code:
y_txt.text = "Hello


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Flex :: How To Get Rid Of Spacing Between Several DataGrids

Dec 15, 2009

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Flash :: Debug An Inner Swf That's Loaded From A Non-debug Outer Swf?

Apr 4, 2009

I have a swf that I need to attach the flex builder debugger to. I have full access to the source code, and can make a debug build of this swf.

However, this swf is being loaded by a non-debug build of another swf which I don't have source code to, and can't make a debug build with.

I've tried mocking this up with two very simple swfs, and while it works fine when both are debug builds, when the outer swf is a non-debug build, while I can get the debugger to connect, I don't get trace messages, breakpoints don't work, and it seems to lock up the flash app.

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Change Flash Version From Non-debug To Debug?

Jan 3, 2012

I have flash installed on my mac 10.6.7 and it's version is (Non-debug).How do i convert it into debug.

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Flex :: Reduce Spacing Between Components?

May 4, 2010

How can I reduce the space between my linkButtons and inside each linkButton ?

I've set padding to 0 but it was already 0.I've been able to only change the height of the LinkButtons, but I cannot do that with the width because the text is dynamic.[code]...

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Flex :: Dynamically Spacing Numbers Around A Circle

Jan 30, 2010

I'm trying to figure out how to dynamically place numbers around a circle (similar to a clock face) but dynamically so if the number of numbers around the circle is 5 or 27.. they would space out correctly. I found some code (below) that looked like it might help but I'm having trouble implementing it. I don't know how I actually tie this back to the circle and numbers.


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