Find Out What Movie Clip Contains The Missing Font Flash Is Complaining About?

Sep 1, 2011

I have a fairly convoluted FLA with oodles of MCs that in turn have tons of text fields. When I first fire up the IDE I get an error saying that there's a missing font and offering me my font list to substitute. The thing is that I don't know where this font came from and would love to just set it correctly once and for all, but I just don't know what text field its in, and am unable to find it, just doing a manual search.

Is there some mechanism by which I can locate where this is set and change it?

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Actionscript 2 :: Arial Font Missing Using Flash CS4?

Jan 13, 2010

I have a (old) Flash Document ".fla" file created in Flash 8.It just has a static textbox with "Hello World"(many more text boxes) in it .(just for the question. )The font set is Arial 12pt Bold (thr. the Flash 8 IDE). When i open the same file in Flash CS4 IDE i get the Missing Font Dialog and then it asks to Map "Arial" to another font.When i map missing "Arial" to "Arial" with style "Regular"..all Arial text boxes change to "Regular",even the one with "Bold" face.I even installed Arial font again but found the same problem?

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2. We are working on CS5 on the Mac, and CS4 on PC.

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but when i try to assign this to an array variable it outputs as undefined.I have been able to put some other movies in arrays using _level0.moviename

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// code to find out all the movieclips on _root
for (var property in _root) {

if (typeof _root[property] == "movieclip") {
var clipName = _root[property]._name;

// I am trying to use the var clipName to find the location of each movie clip found on _root in the next line

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clipBounds = [clipName]getBounds(_root);


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Why does it think that cPicker is static? Or that cPicker.hexValue is undefined? Also it seems that even after importing the ColorPicker library in the code using the import keyword, I somehow have to import it on the commandline for building as well. Is that correct?

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_parent.MovieClip2.MovieClip3.MovieClip4.gotoAndPl ay("frame1");


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Embedding Font In Flash Movie On Site?

Nov 13, 2009

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Javascript :: Possible To Capture/find The Dimensions Of A Flash Movie As It Loads Into A Webpage?

Sep 9, 2011

I have a cms where my client loads banner ads from their clients. They don't know the dimensions or don't want to enter them when they upload the banners. Is it possible to capture the dimensions to set the object attributes as we grab the movies from the db to display in the page?I read that the movie dimensions are available in the loaderinfo object, but this is a AS3 object right? Are AS3 objects available outside the flash movie? Can I access the loaderobject via javascript?The Flash movies we're trying to load are not ours, we don't have access to the flas or anything like that so we can't edit anything to do with the movies themselves.

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Css :: Embedding Font In Flex Locally With A Installed Font Works, But With Url To Refer To A Ttf Font File Doesn't

Feb 7, 2011

I'm trying to embed a font in my project by using url("font.ttf") rather than local("Font Name"), but it doesn't seem to pick it up. The font in question is called "Gotham Bold". When i view the details of the font, the font weight is regular, however when i use local("Gotham Bold") in the css i have to specify fontWeight: bold or else it wont pick it up. But when I use url("folderGotham-Bold.ttf"), and specify fontWeight: bold, it says that font weight is not found for that TTF. If i remove the fontweight, there's no errors, but the font is not applied to the text.

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Targeting A Movie Clip Inside A Movie Clip Inside Another Movie Clip With A Twist?

May 9, 2010

Im able to link to a movieclip inside a movieclipUnfortunately one of the movieclips now are a scrollbar and scroll. Now the actionscript isnt working?cal.onPress = function() {gotoAndPlay(2); = unit1;

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ActionScript 2.0 :: DropTest - Check And See If The Dragged Movie Clip Is Completely Within The Bounds Of Another Movie Clip

Jan 11, 2010

I'm creating a small drag & drop activity, and I want to be able to check and see if the dragged movie clip is completely within the bounds of another movie clip (or at least in the bounds of a certain x/y zone on the main stage. I can't use dropTest because it returns true if any tiny bit of the movie clip overlaps with the dropTest movie clip.

I also thought of something that just checks the x/y coordinates of the dragged movie clip, but I'd need this to reflect a range of values rather than one coordinate. For instance, I'd want to return true if the movie clip's x is between 50-60 AND the y is between 50-60. I'm attaching a small graphic to illustrate in case my explanation isn't clear enough [URL]

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Feb 21, 2010

I have created a flash website, each button is a movie clip with an invisible button over it containing the following script

on (rollOver) {
_root.mouse_over_profile_btn = true;
on (rollOut) {


each page is also a movie clip and on release of a button its played. the problem is that when i press another button to play another movie clip 'page' the old content is still there.

Is there a way of reversing the page transition i have used to bring out the movie clip and then bring in the next movie clip.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Collision Detection - Goto A Certain Scence When A Movie Clip Collides With Another Movie Clip

Jun 22, 2005

i am making a pacman game, and i need to know how to make it go to a certain scence when a movie clip collides with another movie clip.

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