Flash - Embedding Fonts Using Flash Professional CS5
Sep 14, 2011
I embedded font using Flash Professional CS5, but I still can't use it in my AS code. How should I embed the font to be able to use it in AS3 as well in Flash Professional CS5?
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Jan 7, 2011
I just upgraded to Flash CS5. Font embedding is entirely different than it was in CS4. I've been looking for examples online but none seem to show me a solution that matches what I need.
In the project I'm working on, code changes the font a text box uses based on region and language. To keep file size down I created separate swf files with the fonts embedded. That way I only download the font I need. The way I did this and the code I used in CS4 doesn't seem to work anymore.
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Mar 29, 2009
I've recently had to format my computer and now having a problem with the flash actionscript window: the actionscript text looks like bold, or in a different font. The problem is that when I search for something like "flash" and "fonts", no matter which other words I use, always comes a lot of things about fonts for flash files, or for flash embedding fonts, but never for the program itself. Wich font is missing in my system that flash CS3 needs?
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Jul 30, 2009
Is there a way to create embedded "pure as3" swf fonts using compc (without the flex framework integration)? If I embed a font like this in my as3:
package fonts
import flash.display.Sprite;
import flash.text.Font;
which prevents me from using the embedded font in "pure as3" projects. Is there a way to get flex-free fonts using compc?
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Sep 6, 2011
I am trying hard to embed many fonts in my flash application. I tried few AS3 codes given in forums, but it not worked.
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Apr 2, 2010
I found this code for embedding fonts 100% with code - bypassing the CS4 library, but I'm not understanding how I call it.If, for example, I put it in an external as file called globals, do I call the function lie this: globals.Test()?It's the "extends MovieClip" part that's confusing me.[code]
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Feb 9, 2011
There is a new way to embed fonts in CS5. So I've embeded a font in a CS5 flash file's library and gave it a linkage ID. I'd like to embed this font in an ActionScript project using the "[EMBED]" tag. I've tried the following code to embed the "Helvetica LT" font, but the textfield seemed to be unaffected.
[Embed(source="../fla/CS5FlashFile.swf", symbol="HelveticaLinkageID")]
private var _cHelvetica:Class;
private function someFuntion():void {
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Aug 2, 2010
I have been trying to embed "小塚ゴシック Pro M" font via export for actionscript and I haven't had luck so far. I did the font.registration method but still no luck I had no problem doing this in CS3 and CS4 but CS5 must be different.
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Jun 13, 2011
is there any way to smoothen or make a dynamic textfield look better without embedding fonts? I've tried writing the textfield into a bitmap but haven't been successful with that yet, is there any other better approach?
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Sep 24, 2010
I'm clear on the new CS5 IDE dialogue for embedding fonts, for example, embedding Arial, no problem, BUT, I want to embed Arial Bold (should be easy, right?), so I:
1. From the dynamic textfield's property panel, select Arial for the family, and Bold for the style.
2. Click embed, the dialogue appears, set up with the Arial-Family and Bold-Style as an entry on the list of embedded fonts.
3. I set a range of characters to be embedded with the font.
4. Click OK.
(Note: We're not assigning this font via actionscript to the textfield, the dynamic textfield is an asset on the stage, etc, so I'm assuming then I shouldn't have to export the font for actionscript)But clearly it's NOT OK, the bold font doesn't render, and I just see the regular Arial font... How can I get an embedded font STYLE to render correctly?
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Oct 18, 2010
I was trying this embed external fonts method found in this video. [URL] This method works great for dynamically created textfields. The problem is it doesn't seem to work with text fields that are already on the stage. Why would there be a difference?
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Mar 21, 2010
how to use the IDE for selecting which glyphs you want when embedding fonts, but is there a way to do it in code when you've created your text field entirely with code?The pages on embedding fonts using code in the Adobe support area don't seem to mention glyphs. Do you add something after... myText.embedFonts = true;
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Oct 1, 2010
I have embedded fonts "Frutiger 45 Light" inside my Flash library and hence into swf. This works correctly. Now I am loading texts from an XML file where there could be Russian language of texts. Flash loads it perfectly no problem. BUT when I try to assign text to a field.text property, it does not show me correct texts. It shows only some texts and most of other texts is disappeared. Here goes the code.
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Apr 23, 2012
So, I'm stuck between a rock and a hard spot. I have a stylesheet in my flash document, and if I use the command: story.embedFonts = true; the dynamic textfield does not appear. when I don't include it, it appears fine. the only problem is that I am designing the document to print using printjob(), and if I don't include the embedFonts, the textfield doesn't print.
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Jan 18, 2011
I'm working on font embedding in Flash (flas are compiled using CS5 made previously in CS3). The project is split into a number of separate flas, and I'm having trouble with one particular one. I'm dynamically embedding the fonts using a class I wrote that sits on top of the stage listening for Event.ADDED then searching for textfields that have dynamic text and embedding the font needed dynamically (No efficiency requirements here. I have a check so that I don't bother processing textfields that are already embedded. No textfields in any of the flas (to my knowledge) have fonts embedded.
But some textfields are saying that they are, as in
textfield.embedFonts == true.
In the fla global font embedding, that no fonts are embedded. If I click on the actual textfields embed button, I see that the font of the textfield is in the font list, but no character ranges are embedded. This is leaving me confused, as I want absolutely no fonts embedded in any flas. But the font for the individual textfield is always in the font embed list, no matter how many times I remove it. If I click on the embed button for the textfield to check it there is no embedding then the font is added to the list without any character ranges.
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Mar 15, 2011
I have textbox on stage, but when start my applicacion, show me following message: "Fonts should be embedded for any text that may be edited at runtime, other than text with the "Use Device Fonts" setting. Use the Text > Font Embedding command to embed fonts." i don't do. becouse i need this text box.
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Aug 15, 2011
I'm starting to localize my flash application.I'm trying to see if there is a way to rollback on default operating system fonts for languages like japanese so I don't have to embed them.So far I didn't find anything online.I'm currently using css to define the font family like :
fontFamily: "Tuffy Regular";
embedAsCFF: true;
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Apr 12, 2012
I am using three fonts of the Helvetica typeface,embedding them with the embed metatag, font files inside project, openType.I noticed that for some reason the bold font looks identical to the roman font.After 4 hours of ____, and testing with five fonts, it turns out that:
if i change the name of all the font files at once, and change the reference to them in the code, all of the fonts work the first time i publish. the second time i publish (without any changes except pressing publish a second time) some fonts overwrite others, randomly, for instance :
roman looks like roman
bold looks like roman,
light looks like roman,
black looks like black,
rounded looks like black.
the only way i can make sure that flash embeds all of the fonts, is to change *all* of their names and publish. additional info:second time i publish the swf filesize is much smaller than first time ( -flash really doesn't embed anything).traces to which fonts are registered show all fonts are there,no errors
using distinct fontnames
publishing cache disabled
restart doesn't help
flash cs5.5
fdt 4
flex 4/air 3 sdk
windows 7
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May 18, 2010
I am designing a site for a music project that I manage.The band also uses another free site, Reverbnation, for promotions and such.The site provides a mailing list function, and you can embed an already provided "widget" onto your HTML web page that will automatically add people to your e-mail list if they choose to sign up.The problem I am having is that the page the widget is going to be on is now all Flash.I can't figure out how to get the widget into the Flash page.The Flash page itself is really nothing elaborate.Here is the code for the widget that they provide:
<img style="visibility:hidden;width:0px;height:0px;" border=0 width=0 height=0 src="http://counters.gigya.com/wildfire/IMP/CXNID=2000002.0NXC/bT*xJmx*PTEy [code].....
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Mar 16, 2012
Embedding a font in the engine/main file, does not require embedding the font individually in each swf file?
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Nov 24, 2009
my fonts displaying in my swf file. I created the flash site using CS4 on a mac. I thought the fonts were embedded but when I tested the swf in safari and firefox the fonts disappeared are all scrunched up in 1/2" on top of each other in several lines. Its a mess. It is displaying in times or some other font when viewed in on a pc browser.
What I did so far that did not work:
Made fonts static with animation
made fonts dynamic with animation
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Sep 15, 2010
I am having trouble embedding fonts with cs5. When i publish the text disappears.The text is dynamically loaded and when published appears blank. I'm using Actionscript 2 I need help with the scripting. I've selected the dynamic text box and gone to Type> font embedding and created a new font. Then exported it for actionscripting.What script do i have to put in the first frame so that it uses the font?
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Mar 15, 2007
I'm having real problems getting my embedded fonts to display on publish using CSS.I've added new fonts to my library, exported for actionscript, set my textfield.embedFonts to true, linked my stylesheet, and no dice.Works fine without the embeds, but goes blank with them.
story, cast, trailers, photos, tickets, links, pressSec {
font-family: DeckerText; <--Name of embedded font symbol...also tried Decker
font-size: 14;[code]....
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Oct 5, 2010
As adobe's phone cust. service is rubbish, making me wait for half an hour just to tell me they can't even try to help me with fonts that are not purchased from adobe, I have turned to this message board in the hopes that someone here can help me with my latest in a perpetual series of dillemmmas with this nightmare of a program...
Im using flash cs5 at work on a mac pro with juiced up processors, memory, etc. I installed a bunch of fonts, mostly ttf and otf and when flash loads I'd say about 40% of the fonts that I installed don't show up in the font list. This sucks. Adobe's good programs like photoshop and illustrator show all my fonts, no questions asked. I have tried uninstalling and re-installing the fonts, re-starting flash, and disabling fonts. My one breakthrough was when i created another account on my computer and tried installing a font which was not showing up in the new user's font book. Lo and behold, the font shows up in flash! I have about 900 fonts on my computer which may be alot but I have used previous versions of flash with around that number of fonts and I don't recall any problems. I really dont want to switch my user account as this is a company computer and it will throw off company related access.
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Feb 6, 2010
I am currently trying to make a Flash website for my cousin's business, and his website should feature a portfolio gallery to display the work he has done (He is a contractor). I am trying to use the SlideshowPro plug-in which generates a very nice-looking Flash gallery that is about 50 times nicer than the one he is using on his website at the moment. One of the big things I like about SSP is that it offers a full-screen picture viewing mode, which would allow potential customers of his to see work he has done better than they are currently seeing.
However, whenever I publish the website to test it and make sure everything is working okay, I go to the Portfolio page and test SSP in full screen. Once I come back from full screen, the gallery remains on top of the screen on every other page of the website. The audio also does this (It can play audio in the background while looking through the galleries you set up). Since I am somewhat new to Flash, I am not sure why it is doing this. Perhaps someone else has encountered this and has a fix or workaround that I could use.
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Feb 17, 2010
I have created a flash movie using actionscript 3 and an xml file with a list of images for a slideshow. After clicking publish, I can view the slideshow by previewing the html file it creates for you. However, I want to embed this flash movie in a different web page. When I try to add it in Dreamweaver, by dragging and dropping the swf file into the page, a flash placeholder is generated, but the movie does not play when previewed. It is just blank white space.
Now I watched the Tom Green tutorials on "flash the easy way" and my flash (CS4 professional) did NOT generate the AC_RunActiveContent.js files. I did find and download the file and manually added it to my Scripts folder. Still no joy.
I will note that the html file that embeds the flash video is in a different directory than the movie itself. Surely this cannot be the issue, otherwise people's websites would be incredibly messy with multiple flash videos. I am trying to put all the flash movies in their own child directories of a /flash directory to keep them neat and organized.
I am not sure what to do next. How do you make the dang thing play on a web page that is in another directory?
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Mar 3, 2010
I have 1 swf file which generated through 3rd party tool.Now I want to embed this file into empty flash file and want to save as new, I tried with following options,
1) import option ( File > Import ) but it is importing only Images and symbols. I want my original file as it in new file.
2) loader.load(), but this will load my external file at runtime only and to work smoothly it require both the files.
I want same but in design time, so I can add some extra functionality to it.Is it possible to embed external swf file as it is in new flash file in CS4?
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Apr 20, 2010
I am trying to embed a video file into my flash project and I want to to play till the end and jump to a different frame in the timeline. I tried to emport the video into flash and it says that the file is not supported. Can I not do it or do I need to convert the mpeg file into some sort of fla file?
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Nov 27, 2009
I have a combo box under a mask and I've done some research and discovered that I need to embed the fonts in to it in order for the text to show. I don't want to embed my own fonts, I just want to use the basic default font and get this working, yet I can't seem to find any tutorials that tell you how to do this, they all seem to be about setting the font colour, size and type.
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May 15, 2009
i'm building a website, with non-system fonts.. Do i have to do something for other computers to see the same font? or thats just the case if i use imput text?
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