Flash :: Load Testing RTMP Connections?

Aug 23, 2011

I am using Wowza Media Server's webcam record capability in a project. It records the webcam feed over RTMP which is connected to via a flash file. It's all working fine, but I need to stress/load test the functionality to check how it'll scale up.

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Media Server :: Closes Connections And Rejects New Connections?

Feb 23, 2012

I have been running FMIS 3.5 for about 18 months, and recently it started acting up even though I have not made any changes.  After a while (sometimes days, sometimes hours), it starts rejecting new connections, but it allows existing connections to keep working.  If I refresh my app, then I can't reconnect.  The license I have is unlimited.  Can anyone shed some light into why this is doing this and what I can do to fix it?  Sometimes it happens when only a couple dozen people are online, and today it did it about 4 times with over 1500 people online.

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Actionscript 3 :: Testing Movie With Flash IDE Fails To Load File From Localhost

Feb 25, 2010

I have created an SWF that loads an XML file from [URL], but I get this error when running the movie using Test Movie in the Flash IDE.

Error #2044: Unhandled ioError:. text=Error #2032: Stream Error. URL: http://localhost/flash/Projects/MEL/Quiz/Quiz/bin/xml/quiz.xml
at Main/loadConfig()[D:wwwwebrootflashProjectsMELQuizQuizsrcMain.as:126]
at Main/configLoadError()[D:wwwwebrootflashProjectsMELQuizQuizsrcMain.as:143]


Trouble is running the SWF in a browser locally does work, it only throws these errors in the Flash IDE.

I have tried a adding wildcard crossdomain.xml file in my root web directory and setting the SWF publish properties for local playback security to Allow network only, but neither of these have solved my problem.

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Know how can i get the Adobe RTMP SDK or any other SDK which implement the RTMP protocol.[url]...

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< cross-domain-policy >
< allow-access-from domain="*" secure="false" / >
< /cross-domain-policy >

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Flash :: How Does Socket Connections Work On The Web

Oct 6, 2011

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import flash.data.SQLConnection;
import flash.data.SQLStatement;
import flash.events.SQLErrorEvent;
import flash.events.SQLEvent;

Description Resource Path Location Type
1172: Definition flash.data:SQLConnection could not be found.
EyeVision1.mxml /EyeVision1/src line 28 Flex Problem

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Media Server :: Where Is The "Load Testing Tool"

Aug 5, 2010

where I can download the "Load Testing Tool" which is mentioned in the below page?
Adobe Flash Media Server ToolsUse these tools to assist you in managing your server: FMSCheck, FLVCheck, Load Testing Tool, F4V Post Processor Tool, Sample Video player with Dynamic Streaming support, and the Administration Console.
The "Load Testing Tool" didn't show on "Adobe Flash Media Server productivity tools and sample downloads" page. [URL]

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Flash :: Settings For RTMP And AS 3.0?

Mar 31, 2010

Is there any extra code need for using rtmp with AS3.I have the code like this. Is that enough for rtmp or any other code needed?

var strSource:String = "rtmp://myserver.com/file.flv";
var ncConnection = new NetConnection();
var nsStream = new NetStream(ncConnection);


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Flash :: Progressive Download Vs. Rtmp?

Nov 17, 2009

I'm trying to understand and really pinpoint when to use progressive download vs. rtmp in flex/flash. It seems that the main point is that rtmp is not served with http, whereas progressive download is. Since it's not rtmp, the resource is protected since there is no way to connect to the rtmp server from outside the swf.


they would not be able to connect to rtmp. So rtmp seems to be more useful when you want to protect a resource? Is that all there is to it?

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Flash RTMP Streaming With No Filename - How To Connect

Mar 9, 2010

I am building a flash media player for an live audio stream. The server is set up to stream from a url that looks like so: [URL]. The instructions I have found say to first set the directory:

And then later play it:

This works when we have discrete filenames on the server (thefilename), but the live stream is not a file - rtmp://ourwowzaserver.net:80/shoutcast. How in the heck do I get .play to play it?

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Flash :: Format Of Flv-videos For A RTMP-implementation?

Nov 14, 2010

I'm implementing the RTMP-protocol for my bachelor thesis. I got through the handshake and application connect process and received the play-command from my client which is actually a jw player.But I now stuck with the audio and video-messages. I can't find something about the exactly built-up of these messages neither in the specification nor somewhere else.What should i do with the metadata and header of the flv-file? Can I send the whole tag and audio-/video-data from my file in the RTMP-audio- and video-messages?

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Flash :: Pause An RTMP Stream Immediately?

Aug 18, 2011

I can stream video RTMP just fine in JW Player by LongTail Media. The Pause seems to work, however using Windows 7's Resource Monitor I can see that the player continues to download data when the video is paused, it downloads for about 60 seconds (and does not seem to be longer for longer videos). I have found the same using the examples on longtailmedia's website, so I know it is not something I have done.

I want a way to pause the video and have it stop downloading, this will save us lots of bandwidth. But also have it continue where it left off if play is pressed again.

I checked the logs on our wowza media server, which indicates that the player actually waits 60s before it sends the pause command to the server.

LongTail's support say that the pause functionality uses the built in NetStream class and its behaviour is out of their control.

I have tested flowplayer online examples, and a couple of Adobe / OSMF examples and they all continue to download for 60 seconds after the video is paused.

A way to get this working in JW player would be best, but Are there any flash players that will stop downloading while paused?

If this is not possible with RTMP are there any technologies that will do this with a flash player?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Rtmp Streaming In Flash Builder

Nov 11, 2010

I am trying to connect to an rtmp site using flash builder 4. I have created a class to handle the connection. This code works (traces a connection error) if connection.connect(null); but if i try to put an rtmp site in the connection, it doesn't do anything. I have it scripted that if the connection fails it should trace and error message but it just seems to stop. any thoughts?

ActionScript Code:
package com.streaming.video
import flash.display.Sprite;


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Flash CS5.5 Crashes When Testing?

Dec 29, 2011

Flash CS5.5 crashes when testing this movie using CTRL-ENTER a few times. Sometimes, a message warning that the Java Virtual Machine is running out of memory appears. I would like to know whether it is the FLA or my Flash installation that is corrupt.

see the following FLA file. [URL]

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Flash 9 :: SCORM Testing On A Mac?

Nov 7, 2008

I recently finally moved across to my Mac for all of my development work. The main problem I have come across is not being able to test any of my work in a SCORM test suite. The one I have on my PC is the ADL test suite which does not appear to be compatible with the mac, so does anyone know of a suite that is?

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Flash :: Professional - RTMP / FMS & Video Audio Echoing?

Jan 27, 2010

Our client has encountered a bizarre problem where they hear an audio feedback or some sort of "duality" when playing an F4V file through FMS. When I tested this myself, I did not encounter this issue. I'm wondering if anyone here can provide some insight as to some of the potential causes of this issue and how we can fix it. We are using

1) FLVPlayback

2) Application targets the Flash 10.0 runtime

3) We are using a standard FMS 3.5 install, videos located in the vod folder

4) Trying to playback F4V files. The samples provided by FMS also exhibit the same issue.

On another note, I built a bare-bones Flex application (SDK version and using the VideoDisplay component and it always has the duality problem. It even gets worse as I refresh the page, the echoing / multiple audio playbacks seem to compound.

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Flex :: Flash - Buffer + Live Stream Via RTMP?

Jan 27, 2010

Live streaming and a buffer on a NetStream do not mix. Why? The docs don't say you can't do this.The playback gets hosed. Buffer is supposed to fill to what you set it to before playing. Instead though, about half the time, the player starts playing right away and disregards the buffer time you've set. Then you get caught in short buffering and rebuffering cycles that degrades the playback experience.

Give it a shot yourself. Here is the simplest of live streaming video players. No frills. Just connect it to your live stream by changing the defaultURL string and stream name in the ns.play() statement.

Run it in Flex debug mode. It will check and print the ns.bufferLength property every second. The buffer is set to 20 secs currently. Last time I ran it, I never made it above 2 seconds in the buffer. Player started playing right away instead of buffering the full 20 secs first. Sometimes you get to the full 20 and sometimes not.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<mx:Application xmlns:mx="http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml" layout="absolute"


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Handbrake - M4V / MP4 Files With Flash Streaming Server Over RTMP

Oct 8, 2010

We are attempting to transcode some video to a format suitable for our Flash Streaming Server. In the past we have used Adobe Media Encoder (AME) CS4, but we are working with *.VOB files this time, and AME CS4 does not support them. We are attempting to use Handbrake now, as it has great support for h.264 and MP4 files. Unfortunately while the files play wonderfully on our local machines, they do not stream from the Flash streaming server over RTMP. The files come out of Handbrake with a *.m4v extension. Our old files out of AME CS4 are *.MP4's with h.264 and AAC audio. I can see no differences in video or audio codecs which leads me to believe it may be a container format problem. We are attempting to use Handbrake because it does an excellent job of batch encoding files and produces good quality files.

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Flash :: OSMF Detecting The End Of A Live RTMP Stream?

Oct 26, 2010

What's the best way to check whether there is video data (or not) in a live RTMP stream? For example, if a broadcast terminates, can I auto-detect that condition, to perform some sort of "thank you for watching" behavior?Also, how can I know if a visitor somehow gets disconnected from the Internet during the broadcast? (So I can notify the visitor of the problem, and give instruction.)

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Security - Save This Rtmp Flash Video Stream?

Jan 26, 2011

I immediately fired firebug in firefox but surprisingly the video source is not in the requests.tp://hwcdn.net/m7n9i8d5/fms/videos/5_Standard_Zipper/B_Overview_of_Zipper_Types.flv.smil is the last request that is being made. response being:

<meta base="rtmp://fms006.lo1.hwcdn.net/m7n9i8d5/_definst_">


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