Flex :: Play MP3's From Socket Connections In Flash AS3?

Mar 7, 2010

How to play mp3's from socket connections in Flash AS3?

I have some simple programm which is listening to some port (TCP).

I connect to it using as3 sockets and it starts sending me mp3 data

How to play that data?

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< cross-domain-policy >
< allow-access-from domain="*" secure="false" / >
< /cross-domain-policy >

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import flash.data.SQLConnection;
import flash.data.SQLStatement;
import flash.events.SQLErrorEvent;
import flash.events.SQLEvent;

Description Resource Path Location Type
1172: Definition flash.data:SQLConnection could not be found.
EyeVision1.mxml /EyeVision1/src line 28 Flex Problem

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Flash :: Socket Class Is Not Working On Flex SDK 4.5?

Jun 1, 2011

I am migrating an application from flex sdk 3.4 to flex sdk 4.5.I am using a telnet example of AS3 tutorials as base to construct a generic socket class that implement a specific protocol.The main problem is that the new application with the validated socket class does not fire any event (no error - no connected - no data - nothing). The try catch with the connect method does not throw any error. I checked if the events were successfully connected, but they are not fired never.Update: I used the suggestions to modidy the code. Actually, now I am receiving an error on the security policy.

This is the constructor:
public function GenericSocket(server:String, port:int, output:TextArea) {
// set class variables to the values passed to the constructor.


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Php :: Flash/Flex & PHP Socket Application Sandbox Error?

Dec 3, 2010

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this.socket.addEventListener(Event.CONNECT, onSocketConnect);
this.socket.addEventListener(Event.CLOSE, onSocketClose);
this.socket.addEventListener(IOErrorEvent.IO_ERROR, onIOError);[code]....

When I run the application locally, it works! However, when I upload it to my server I get a sandbox security error (#2048). The flash app is actually hosted on the same server as the socket server, and there is cross domain policy file in place.

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public function totalConnectedUsers():void{
lblText1.text = "There are a total of " + bindableUserVariable + " Users Connected to the Stream Now";

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flex PHP Socket Server

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Jul 15, 2010

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Flex :: Client / Server Messaging (RPC Or Socket)

Apr 9, 2010

I'm building a Flex application, which is going to perform many server requests (let's say, that almost all interactions require an update from server). At the moment I'm using remote procedure calls for it. But I was wondering if using a socket would be better. In other terms, is maybe better to keep the connection alive rather then performing many calls in sequence? For my demo app I only have 1 client. Is the number of clients connecting to the server a factor for this choice?

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Java :: Read An AMF Object With Flex Socket

May 18, 2011

I'm currently trying to communicate between java and flex by using sockets and AMF serialized objects.

On the java side I use Amf3Input and Amf3Output from BlazeDS (flex-messaging-common.jar and flex-messaging-core.jar).

The connection is correctly established, and if i try to send object from flex to java, i can easily read objects :

FLEX side :

protected function button2_clickHandler(event:MouseEvent):void
var tmp:FlexAck = new FlexAck;


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Actionscript 3 :: Communication Between Flex And Java Socket?

May 19, 2011

I have a Flex AIR app, and i am trying to get data from a Java Server. Can some one tell me if this approach will work?

Start a ServerSocket in Java and wait for a connection. Use Flex to connect to the same port. Write some data to the socket from Java Server. Read the data at the Flex end and process it.

I think i am able to get this working, but the data that i read back at Flex end seems to be empty.

My server code is :

socket = new ServerSocket(port);
client = socket.accept();
InetAddress address = client.getInetAddress();


My current problem is socket.bytesAvailable becoming 0 and therefore obj is coming up as "". So how to read data sent from the server using a Socket in Flex?

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C# :: Security Sandbox Violation For Socket Connection Using Flex

Sep 29, 2009

import flash.events.*;
import flash.net.XMLSocket;
import flash.system.Security;


I want to implement flex web application using Socket connection. But I am getting sand box violation error for remote sites in sample application . It is working fine in local.


Security Sandbox Violation
Error: Request for resource at xmlsocket:// by requestor from http://localhost/Sample/DotNetSocketConnect.swf is denied due to lack of policy file permissions.

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Feb 1, 2010

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Interaction with client
SERVER==>XML PACKET==>CLIENT==>swf plays on given frame and duration


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Flex :: Completing A Socket Connection Across An Intranet Or Internet

Feb 12, 2010

I am writing a peer-to-peer binary socket program. There are only two endpoints. One socket is listening on my laptop system. The other socket is broadcasting from my desktop system. I have a third program running on a hosted server, that is available to broker the connection between the two. My problem is that when the laptop and desktop are on the same network, they both have the same internet IP address but different intranet IPs, but when the laptop is on the road, then the IP addresses are different. In order to be truly peer-to-peer, I have to write it so that after the connection is established, that the two computers communicate directly between one another. How is this generally accomplished, when the two computers could potentially share the same IP address, if they are running on the same network?

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Flex :: Security Sandbox Violation When Connecting To Socket?

May 12, 2010

I am using a Socket (not xmlSocket) connection between flex applications and the server pushing messages.Now, when I connect from the local machine to the server everything is working file and running, connection is succesful and I get data back and forth.When I upload the application (flex) to the server and run it from there, I get a security sandBox violation message.Note:1. I do have a crossdomain file with * wildcard both on port and on domain.2. I created a Securiy.allowDomain("*") as well.Another thing.I also created another listener on that same server, listening to connections for port 843 (default) and this service just waited for a connection send policy file to the client and that's it.

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