Flash :: RSS Reader Uses PHP Any Work Around On A Non PHP Server?

Aug 7, 2009

This is called from flash/action script

File name: rssProxy.php

RSS reader uses PHP any work around on a non PHP server?

Script below:

$rss = $_GET['rss'];
// make sure that some page is really being called[code]....

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ActionScript 3.0 :: RSS Reader Does Not Work

Nov 30, 2009

I got this script on the web, I just modified it a little, it works perfectly when I run it on the mac, but when I public it for the web doesn't work at all


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ActionScript 3.0 :: RSS Reader Won't Load On Server?

Jul 24, 2009

I have an RSS reader that displays my blog feeds on my flash website. It works if I view the website remotely by hitting F12, but it doesn't work if I view it through the website on the server. Why is that? Is it an issue with the server? I also have a guestbook and contact forms on the website, and it takes at least 20 minutes before the guestbook updates with the new entry or I receive the email from the contact form.

blogspot_txt.htmlText = "<u><a href='http://run2savelives.blogspot.com' target='_blank'>View TheRun4Life Blogspot</a></u>";
var rssReq:URLRequest = new URLRequest("http://run2savelives.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default?alt=rss");


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Media Server :: Setting Up Flash - If I Setup Another Channel Pointing To The Other Edge Server Ip Adresss It Doesnt Work?

Sep 24, 2011

i have a orgin server and 2 edge servers and a load balancer

first off im confused in each edge server i set them to be remote, rtmp and changed the routeentry to  <RouteEntry>*:*;96.44.***.***:1935</RouteEntry> on both servers
orgin server is just local
what my question is im streaming to orgin and its getting sent to 1 edge and other edge is doing nothing no traffic the stream i set it this way url:


which is the 1 edge thats working if i setup another channel pointing to the other edge server ip adresss it doesnt work.. what am i doing wrong isnt all this supposed to be load balanced or am i missing steps...or did i do it wrong on the flash player config.

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Text Reader In Flash?

Nov 3, 2003

I'm almost certain that this is impossible, but I had to ask. One of my clients wants to know if I can build something that can read the text in Flash, kind of like an HTML reader for the visually impaired. The user would be required to have speakers.

It wouldn't have to read all of the text in the movie, just certain dynamic text fields that are in the SWF.

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Saving Flash To Reader?

May 27, 2009

is there a way, anyway, to save a flash file to reader?

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Flash Won't Work When Uploaded To Server

Sep 30, 2009

I made a flash website for a client and there is only ONE thing wrong with it. Everything works when I preview it in Adobe Flash Player. And I have it embedded in a Dreamweaver CS3 file, and when I preview it...it works. THEN when I upload it to the server, two of the INTERNAL links fail. I have two links that say "Behind the Camera" and "Contact". [URL] You can see when you click on either of the links, it just randomly skips ahead in the first scene. What I really want them to do is when you click Behind the Camera you go to Scene 2 and Contacts you go to Scene 3. I have coded everything correctly, because everything works when I preview it. But once I upload the .swf file to the server, those links fail.

The code I used for the buttons are:

BTC.onPress = function(){
gotoAndPlay("Scene 3", 1)


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Flash :: Check Reader Version

Oct 12, 2009

Creating a CD to hand out with a pdf on it. i'd like to check for Adobe version or if reader is installed in flash menu (exe) before they're allowed to open it. then have them download latest from [URL] if not installed. seems fairly simple, just not finding anywhere that will give guidance.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash Rss Reader Not Visualizing?

Feb 15, 2011

I needed a personalized rss reader for this site i m building, but i m not familiar with Flash so i used an online tutorial. The resulting file plays nice when i preview it in Flash, but it wont return anything when i preview it in html or save it and open it as a file.The flash itself is made mainly of two white blocks. The first one shows a list of the news on the rss feed, if one of them is clicked, the second panel retrieves the info for that news article and previews it.As i said it works nice previewed on flash but not if saved in html nor uploaded to the server as part of a page.

import fl.managers.StyleManager;
var logFormat:TextFormat = new TextFormat();
logFormat.font = "Myriad Pro";[code]......

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Actionscript 3 - Flash Barcode Reader?

Dec 19, 2011

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ActionScript 3.0 :: XML News Reader In Flash?

Jun 22, 2011

I have a question concerning this AS3 script, which is for XML-NEWS-READER i n FLASH

ActionScript Code:
var loader:URLLoader = new URLLoader();
loader.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, onLoaded);
var imgLoader:Loader = new Loader();
imgLoader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, onImgLoaded); 
var url:URLRequest/*


As you can see there is a MovieClip in the Library: NEWS_item. The Clip has a textfield and a Imag field(a MovieClip). While the text is passed in the text fields of the NEWS_item Clip there should be afterwords the photos be placed with addChild(imgLoader). But online the last Image appears. What is wrong here?Does someone have experience with xml readers an images ?

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RSS Reader - HTML Tag Rendering In Flash

Jan 3, 2010

I'm making a simple RSS reader in flash. I test the swf in Flash, it works perfectly. I publish the swf with html through Flash, and it works perfectly. However, when I incorporate the swf into a web site that I am currently developing, using swfobj 2.0 (dynamic) procedures (followed both by google code and lee's video tutorial on using swfobj 2.0), the html rendering does not work. I've tried copying the html code that comes from the Flash-published html, and paste that into the website I'm developing, but that straight out just doesnt work. I'm going to attach the AS3 code here. I pull the RSS xml info into flash, do a bit of string analysis to replace inactive links with active and cut out another snippet of the string, apply a style using an external css, and finally render as html.

Code: Select allvar loader:URLLoader = new URLLoader();
loader.load(new URLRequest("[URL]"));
var xml:XML;
function onDataComplete(e:Event):void {
xml = new XML(e.target.data);
var il:XMLList = xml.channel.item;
[Code] .....
Latest version of FF is used in both pics. Also, an image to illustrate what happens:

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Flash :: IDE - Making An Online PDF Reader

Dec 9, 2008

Im considering making an online flash PDF reader.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Flash RSS Reader Vs Crossdomain.xml

Aug 10, 2010

I'm building a Flash based RSS reader, to be run on a kisok, but it's getting tripped up by crossdomain issues. In the abstract: SWF loads local TXT file containing paths of remote RSS feeds (XML files), then loads the feeds stored at those remote paths.


I was under the impression that an single asterisk/wildcard in quotes would mean any domain could access content on that server. But it's not working that way. I've tried changing the Publish Settings to "Access Local Files Only," and "Access Network Only," to no avail. I've also tried adding all of the relevant files to the trust list in Macromedia's Global Security Settings page.

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Flash :: LoadMovie Doesn't Work On Server

Apr 30, 2011

I have a flash swf file which I don't want people to be able to download and decompile it . my first solution was to load this swf file in another swf file and put the container swf file in my site . but something's wrong . when I load my swf file in another swf file using : myloader.loadMovie ("myswffile.swf");it works fine in my local computer but when I load these two swf files to my server and try to use them there , it doesn't work .

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Media Server :: Why Server Side Shared Object Doesn't Work

Mar 29, 2011

application.onPublish = function (client, p_stream){  var myInfo = SharedObject.get(p_stream.name);   myInfo.setProperty("live", true);

I set the sharedobject using code above,now I can publish video,but so is not set(from admin console, "shared object" tab).

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Upload File Which Works In Php4 Server But Dont Work Inphp 5 Server?

Jul 15, 2010

i have used the following code to upload file which works in php4 server but dont work inphp 5 server.The flash code is as follows:

import flash.net.FileReference;
import gs.TransformManager;
//Allow this domain[code]....

i am uploading the php file.

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Create A RSS (feed) Reader In Flash With It?

Mar 17, 2012

I´m working in a rss reader for my website, that has already a rss channel created. I created this in a file that is called news.rss. So I made the interface of the reader in Flash, and then continue inserting a code. But when I try the swf, it just shows the title of my channel, but any of my news. [code]...

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Media Server :: Install It And Restart The Server It Wont Work?

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i have FMS Installed And after its installed i also Install The Addon Auth to make a username and password so no one else can just start a Stream but after i install it and restart the server it wont work any the fms does work but the addon doesn't.

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Flash Paths Don't Work Once Uploaded To Server?

Feb 23, 2010

I have a bunch of loadMovie() scripts in my flash files and everything loads fine when I open the flash files from my folder.Once I preview them online on my test server, the loadMovie() scripts no longer work. Has anyone encountered this? Does my paths need to change in order to view the flash files online?Right now, I have everything realitive to the flash file so:My main file is test.swf. that loads in fine in the website.But test.swf loads in test2.swf which is contained in a flash folder so my loadMovie script itloadMovie("flash/test2.swf", 2)

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Authoritative Flash Multiplayer Game Server: Twice The Work?

Nov 11, 2011

I'm working on a puzzle game in Flash. It's a two-player, head-to-head game with some realtime elements. It is not Tetris-like, but the level of player interaction and the rate of movement is similar to, though slightly more complex than, Tetris Battle on Facebook.

Naturally, I would like to match players up over the Internet. I would also like to prevent cheating as much as possible. Because of this, I am researching an authoritative server solution, much like Colin Moock describes in this answer to a similar question. That is, the server runs the authoritative game logic while the client runs a parallel simulation, sending player movements to the server for validation.

My question is this: Doesn't this essentially mean implementing the game logic on both the client and server side? Worse still, the server probably isn't going to run its simulation in Flash/ActionScript, which means you can't share code and you'll be implementing the same logic twice in two different languages.

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Flash :: Shoutcast Stream Doesn't Work On Server?

Feb 28, 2012

There's a code that works while I'm trying it in FLASH. It streams shoutcast :

var soundOBJ : Sound = new Sound();
soundOBJ.load(new URLRequest(""));
soundOBJ.play( );

When I publish it and deliver on server, shoutcast doesn't stream

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Flash - Opening PDF Document With Adobe Acrobat Reader?

Jun 7, 2011

I want to open up a pdf-document (included within the *.air-package) with adobe acrobat (or any other pdf-reader). I've followed this solution openWithDefaultApplication fails on files in application folder.

var _myfilename = "John_Doe-tax_return_2011.pdf";
// = my filename
var realFile:File = File.applicationDirectory.resolvePath(_myfilename);
var tempFile:File = File.createTempFile();
tempFile.openWithDefaultApplication(); //nothing happens ?

I've tested it all, so it's not a directory issue
// > tmp (?? tempFile.extension = "pdf" doesn't works)
// > true (original pdf-document exists!)

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Flash RSS Reader, That Reads ATOM Feeds?

May 4, 2006

I have a reader on my site, but it doesn't reader ATOM feeds?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash Cs3 Rss Feed XML Reader - Displaying My Offline Xml File?

Dec 22, 2009

create a xml news board, i finally completed the news board and i had no problem displaying my offline xml file.I uploaded it to my testing server and nothing came up. i parse the rss feed in a different way ?when i tested it on my testing server. but when i tried it locally from my flash app it worked.

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Professional :: Flash Player 11.3 - Button Cursors Do Not Work Server Side

Oct 13, 2011

I have Flash CS5.5 I just uploaded an swf with a few button instances I got the msg that I needed to update my Flash player so I did. After that when I went to test the swf I get no button cursors on any buttons in the swf. The buttons work when I press on them but there is no cursor. If I publish the file locally the cursors are there, I made a few different fla's with test buttons to make sure and they all do the same thing. The publishing settings are set for 10.2 , this seems to have happened once I got the new Flash player 11.3.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash XML Sockets - Get A Simple Socket Server Test To Work?

Jul 11, 2010

I've benn trying to get a simple socket server test to work for days now and it seems I'm not getting very far.Basically I just want to send some data from flash to the php script and have it echo it out, or anything at all like that I've been working from this tutorial http[url]....I have this basic flash class which just sends a string to the server:

import flash.net.XMLSocket
import flash.display.MovieClip[code]...

The server side php is the attached script (pretty much this http:[url]....So I keep the php running on my server then run the as class, what happens is after a while (presumably the 15 second script limit in as) I get this error:

Error #2044: Unhandled securityError:. text=Error #2048: Security sandbox violation: .../networking.swf cannot load data from website.com:9980.at base()

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IDE :: Integrate A Magnetic Card Reader Into Computer And A Flash Based Application?

Dec 12, 2009

how to integrate a magnetic card reader into computer and a flash based application?

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Professional :: Button Cursors Do Not Work Server Side After Flash Player Upgrade

Oct 13, 2011

I have Flash CS5.5 I just uploaded an swf with a few button instances I got the msg that I needed to update my Flash player so I did. After that when I went to test the swf I get no button cursors on any buttons in the swf. The buttons work when I press on them but there is no cursor. If I publish the file locally the cursors are there, I made a few different fla's with test buttons to make sure and they all do the same thing. The publishing settings are set for 10.2 , this seems to have happened once I got the new Flash player 11.3.

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Actionscript 3 :: Screen Reader Reads Flash In Google's Chrome But Not In Internet Explorer 8

Mar 12, 2010

The screen reader (JAWS) is able to read the textfield in flash on Google's Chrome but not in Internet Explorer 8. I'm using the latest version of swfobject.

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