Flash :: Token-Based Authentication In WCF?

Dec 7, 2009

I am creating a website which will contain both ASP.NET pages and a Flash applet.I want to encapsulate my business logic in a WCF service which will be exposed through two endpoints: One accesssible over the Internet through HTTP(S), for use by the Flash client, and one accessible within the data center for use by the application servers.If this does not seem like a good approach, then stop me here; otherwise, I'll move on...

The question is how to authenticate requests coming from the Flash client. Since I don't want to store the user's password in a browser cookie, don't want to send the password with every request, and don't want to have to use HTTPS after the initial login, I plan on using a token-based authentication system. I also don't want the user to have to log into the Flash client after already logging into the site itself, so I plan on using Javascript to pass the token to the Flash client when it starts.

I know WCF supports using the .NET Framework's built-in security framework (System.Security) to enforce access control, and I would like to take advantage of this.The question, then, is: How do I pass the token to the WCF service when it is called by Flash, and how do I process the token on the server? WCF has an "issued token" authentication mode, but it appears this is intended to be used in a full-blown federation scenario with a Secure Token Service and SAML tokens--a bit more complexity that I really want. It is possible to use this mode with my own "simple random-string" tokens? If so, how? Keep in mind this needs to be compatible with Flash.I could potentially pass the token in a header (either a SOAP header or an HTTP header). In this case, once I've determined which user is making the request, how do I inform the framework so that the System.Security checks will work?Is there a different approach altogether that I should consider?Anything that avoids sending passwords in every request, lets me use System.Security, and works with Flash is a possibility.

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I'm using the actionscript api for a flash application on the web. I would like to perform actions which require an access token, but I'm unsure of the security implications of using this in flash (which can be decompiled). Is the access token something I need to keep secret?

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Media Server :: Fmscheck Passing Token?

Mar 31, 2011

rtmp connect takes a token. My connect looks like below.


Using fmscheck I am not able to pass token in the query string so that in my connect I can access the token.How would I use fmscheck to pass a token so that my connect so that onConnect will have a token.

application.onConnect = function(new_client,token) // token -> 123456789

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var evt = '(function(){})';
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public function getRepnameByUsername($itemID) {
$stmt = mysqli_prepare($this->connection, "SELECT * FROM $this->tablename where Username=?");


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Dec 12, 2010

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[flash]----request---->[server X]----request---->[server Y]----response---->[server Y]...

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Apr 2, 2012

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Is this possible? Right now I'm looking into request headers and the settings in IIS for authentication.

So I found out how to use Basic Authentication through help posted here. The problem I'm running into is that even though the flash app sends the appropriate request. Which is handled fine in FF, Chrome, and Safari. It still displays the login pop-up box for Opera and IE. Does anyone know why IE and Opera behave differently with Basic Authentication?

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Nov 4, 2011

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Dec 2, 2009

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What should I be doing to troubleshoot this? I've tried this on different browsers and it's the same behavior. There is one main html page with a .swf (the only thing on the page)...it loads other assets but they are within the same subfolder.

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Iis - Uploadify (flash File Upload) & Integrated Windows Authentication

Mar 31, 2010

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Java :: Flash - Rewriting Inbound Server Authorization Headers Prior To Authentication?

Feb 16, 2011

Authentication is performed with Basic auth over SSL (although the password inside the basic auth is SHA-2'ed). The issue is that using basic authentication for the Flash client is causing the standard browser log-in box to appear because of "WWW-Authentication: Basic" in the header. Flash is unable to bypass this by manually setting the Authorization header prior to the request.Other clients need to be able to authenticate via the existing mechanisms, so rewriting the authentication logic would not be ideal.

I have the idea that the authorization headers sent to and received from flash client could be dynamically rewritten to use another name for Basic auth which would cause the browser not to understand the auth mechanism and not present the dialog box. Authentication headers to and from Tomcat could be rewritten from "WWW-Authenticate: Basic" to "WWW-Authenticate: PretendBasic" but ideally the built in container security could still handle the basic auth after the rewrite.

I wrote a filter to rewrite inbound headers as "WWW-Authenticate: PretendBasic" as "WWW-Authenticate: Basic" hoping the next filter chain would be auth and the request would be handled as normal. Unfortunately the Servlet specification states that a filter cannot be inserted prior to authentication. I think the only possibility of this working is to create a stackable JAAS authentication module that would first perform a header rewrite on requests if coming from the Flash client, and then pass authentication through to the existing container managed security systems.

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Flash :: Automate Authentication Via Adding The Username / Password In The Profile XML Of Media Encoder Live (3.2)?

Feb 28, 2012

Is there a way to automate authentication via adding the username/password in the profile XML of flash media encoder live (3.2)? I'm not referring to the command line parameters, but placing a tag in the xml file that contains the username/password for both the primary and backup server.

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Media Server :: Flash Media Live Encoder Authentication Add-In Not Working?

Mar 30, 2011

I have installed the Authentication Add-In on a FMS 3.5.5 Development version, running Windows 2008 Server.I can easily get to the users.exe command prompt and add users with no problem.BUT, when I open the Flash Media Live Encoder and go to enter a username/password when connecting to the server, I keep getting "User Not Found".I've went back several times using users.exe and tested for my user credentials and it always states that the user is there.

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Media Server :: Authentication On FMS 3.0.1?

Apr 28, 2010

I have a windows server(2003) with FMS 3.01 and already installed Authentication Add-in (3)... Already open' up a command prompt and added users using users.exe ($ROOT/conf) and checking them after, but when i go and publish something with FMLE 3, it still doesn't promp for a user and pass login. Restarted the server and everything else, and nothing seems to work!

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Java :: Alternatives For Authentication?

May 8, 2010

Preferably something that integrates well with a Flex front end. Yes the Spring Security guys say this is possible, but all examples seem to use legacy jsp tag libraries making them half useless as examples.I don't want to spend a month setting up and learning how to use a security tool. I would like a tool which supports using annotations (@RolesAllowed etc), MINIMAL XML, and 'remember-me' features (not cookie based).Apache Shiro seems to support Flex/Silverlight/Swing as well but I'd like to know if there are any other alternatives that are NOT container specific.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: User Authentication Using PHP

Oct 30, 2009

I'm building a site that is placed behind a client login tool. I simply need my site to verify the users "authentication level" so they are forwarded to the correct "label/frame" on my time line.

I.E. Owners go to the "Owners" label on the time line, Managers go to the "Managers" label on the time line and Employees go to the "Employees" label on the time line.

I know Flash is accessing the PHP file as when I change the name of the PHP file, Flash provides an error. Therefore, I'm assuming it's reaching the file as I'm not getting any compiler/output errors.

My Actionscript

loadVariablesNum("newlogin.php", 0, "POST");
if(_root.checkLog = 100)


This PHP file is stored in the same folder as the FLASH SOURCE files and is pointed to it through it's local address ("newlogin.php", 0, "POST);

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Nov 17, 2009

I'm relatively new to AS3. There's one thing that I don't quite understand about Sprites. I'm making a tile based game, and all the tile graphics for a level are inside one movie clip in each frame. Would I be able to go about creating multiple sprites based on the frames in said movieclip's timeline I would I have to go through and make a separate library graphic for each.

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Media Server :: FMS 3.5 And LDAP Authentication?

Feb 22, 2010

I'm using FMS 3.5.3 Developer edition and trying some VOD solution before I can proceed to purchase FMIS 3.5. Basically, I need to have a mechanism for certain sets of flash movies to be secured by user authentication.
Now, for Apache, I can secure a directory of webpages by using .htaccess; whilst for IIS or Windows Media Service, I can use NTFS ACL at directory level. My question is: How can I setup a VOD subdirectory that every video files inside need to be authenticated before streaming to client. The authentication authority can be either Active Directory or LDAP.
I've read the developer guide and notice that such authentication requires both client-side and server-side ActionScript. But I'm not a Flash author and I don't have Adobe Flash CSx installed. Can't this simple authentication be done at configuration level?

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Media Server :: Can't Add User Name In An Authentication Add-in

Jul 21, 2010

when i enter the following commend users add -u username -p password it returned the following error users: invalid option -- u

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Professional :: CS5 Trial Download Authentication?

Aug 2, 2010

I'm trying to download Flash CS5 through Download Accelerator Plus (DAP). I've already logged into Adobe website but my DAP keeps on asking username and password authentication for trials2.adobe.com. It does not accept my Adobe username and password. What then is the username and password for trials2.adobe.com supposed to be?

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Media Server :: 4.02 64-bit - Install The Authentication Add-in?

Jun 23, 2011

The FMS_auth_addin_win_v3.msi insists to put the files into C:Program Files (x86)AdobeFlash Media Server 4conf but the server is installed in C:Program FilesAdobeFlash Media Server 4. I nuked all the Abobe content in the 32 bit area, but it keeps re-installing it there. The server used to run 32-bit FMS 3.5, but since we upgraded, I can't get the authentication addin to work. Can I just copy the thing over?

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