Flash :: Use Script To Seek Position Of Videos Embedded On A Page?

Nov 28, 2009

Is it possible to use javascript to seek position of videos embedded on a page (Videos from Youtube, DailyMotion, Revver, etc)?

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Swfobject - Get Current Position From Embedded Flash Videos?

Mar 11, 2011

I'm using SWFObject to embed Flash Videos. Is there a way to get notified as soon as the user hits some specific time marks of the embedded video? I.e. get a notification from the Browsers Flash Plugin?

My goal is to change the page content at specific times of the embedded video.

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Actionscript 3 :: Netstream.seek() Not Working For MP4 Videos In Flash

Mar 11, 2011

I am implementing a video player in Actionscript and I need to be able to define the starting play time for the videos. Netstream.seek(pos) works for flv files but fails for H.264 files (the player starts playing the video from the beginning). Anyone knows what might be the problem? (I am using Netstream for this instead of adding a parameter with the starting time when I call the Netstream.play method because I don't have Flash Media Server).

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Flash :: NetStream.seek() For Mp4 To Exact Position Not Keyframe?

Jul 26, 2010

It seems seek() on mp4 file seeks to the closest keyframe (seekpoint). Is it possible to seek to exact position in between of keyframes?

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Css :: Flash :: Embedded Videos Be CSS Transformed?

Mar 11, 2011

I'm experimenting with CSS transforms and I noticed that embedded videos (like for instances the ones from youtube) don't behave as expected when a CSS transformation is applied to them.

I've tested this in the latest Chrome, Firefox and IE and none of them was able to display transformed videos.Is this a bug of sort, or are videos not supposed to obey to CSS transformations? Not even using html5 in Chrome solved the issue.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Seek Bar For An Embedded Video?

Nov 19, 2010

Does anyone know of any tutorials that explain how to make a seek bar with a handle that will be linked to the main timeline, so that when you move the handle the animation will move too, e.g. if you drag the handle to the centre of the bar then it will skip to the middle of the animation?

I currently have a handle that move on the x axis with in a set boundary, but not sure how to link it to the main timeline.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Stop All Embedded Flash Videos

Jul 19, 2010

I want to be able to stop all embedded flash videos on a page. For example, I have 3 flash movies on a page. If one is playing, I want it to stop if another is started.

I have just got back to programming flash after not doing any in a few years.

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Embedded Flash Videos - Audio And Video Sync?

Feb 28, 2008

Im having serious issues making a video sync with audio inside an embedded flash video file.

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Flash :: Program An Html Page To Move To A New Web Page On User's Clicking An Item Of An Embedded Movie?

Nov 21, 2011

Let me ask how to program an html page to move to a new web page on user's clicking an item of an embedded flash movie? But , in detail, I actually want to do a little different thing. I want that the parent html page remains there ,instead I want a child html frame has a new page after user's clicking the list item of the embedded flash movie.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Seek Flv Based On Mouse Position

Oct 10, 2010

I'm doing an online advertising format (728x90 leaderboard). I have embedded a video into the flash file which covers 1/3 of the format (242x90).What i need to do is seek this video from 0% to 100% based on the mouse position over this area (242x90). I'm guessing it would be easier if i created a button over the video which is 242x90 but i would still be looking for the code that seeks the video based on the mouse position over the button.

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Javascript :: Getting A Flash Video On New Page Load At Position It Was At On Last Page

Oct 11, 2011

I have a an unobtrusive flash video looping in the background of a website, it is not essential to navigation - it is purely cosmetic.The flash video loops every 30 seconds.As this video is on all pages, it jumps back to the start when a new page is loaded.Is there an actionscript / javascript way to get it to remember the position it got to on the old page so it can start there on the new page?I do know that this can be accomplished by loading the flash movie in a frame as well as by having the subsequent pages load the contents in AJAX but I was hoping not to go down this route.I have seen other people ask the question and allude to the solution but they only posted that they got it to work without saying how.

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Actionscript 3 :: Flex Hslider Tooltip Similar To Youtube Seek Position

Nov 23, 2010

I don't see any similar tutorial enable you to get the time position when the mouse cursor is on that hslider position, how do I make it possible like Youtube's feature? With this trick, my application would be perfect! Using Flex 4, I hope the code is not too difficult.

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Flash :: Videos In Safari Render Page Incorrectly?

Sep 16, 2010

I have a really strange issue. If I insert a flash video from YouTube, BlipTV, JW Player etc. the text on the page is jagged and the links from the "Pages" drop down menu that overlays the video are all bunched up. This problem only occurs in Safari, you can see it for yourself here: cannot pinpoint why this is happeningEDIT: Fixed this myself by adding position: static to the list items. It seems position: relative was causing the problem.

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Css :: How To Position Embedded Flash File

Mar 17, 2012

I am making sure that my site displays properly on different screen resolutions. Everything is fine except the flash; it is located in the perfect position in 1024 wide resolution but not for wider screens. How can I get it to show in the same place?[code]

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Add Several FLA Videos On The Same Flash Page And Control Them With Different Navigation Buttons?

Aug 12, 2010

I am trying to add several FLA videos on the same flash page and control them with different navigation buttons.So, Button 1 to play video 1, Button 2 to play video 2, etc .I have already put two navigation buttons and added two videos.However, I need to know Action Script to enable navigation button to do above.

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Embedded Sharing Buttons In Videos?

Apr 16, 2010

flash video that incorporates buttons to share to sites like twitter or facebook? For example at the end of a video at youtube you are presented with a share button. At vimeo there are links on the right hand side of the video for like, share, embed, etc. Are these buttons (i.e. links) added during creation of the video or are they added by the site itself?

I am trying to build a small site that allows a user to upload videos and have a 'share to facebook' and 'share to twitter' button show up in the video when the video is done playing.

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Actionscript 3 :: Block Embedded YouTube Videos Ads?

Aug 18, 2010

I follow this steps and manage to play videos on my flash movie, [URL]is possible to block the ads?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash Get The Url Of The Page It Embedded On?

Sep 2, 2010

I was wondering if it is possible to for flash to get the url of the web page that the flash movie is embedded on. I'd like to do this if possible without using javascript.

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Professional :: Embedded Youtube Videos Stopped Working?

Mar 13, 2011

i've got a problem with a Flash website that has been driving me crazy. i have a Flash website that was built for us in late 2009, it uses ActionScript 2 and i have been maintaining it in CS3 on a Mac.

the site is structured as a heirarchy of swf files, and loads XML files to specify text content, image locations, and Youtube videos. all this has worked fine until sometime in the past month or two. the problem now is that the embedded Youtube videos no longer load, although nothing has changed in the code. unfortunately i don't know exactly when the videos stopped loading.

in the Activity Window of Safari i can see the URLs for the Youtube crossdomain file [URL].. Youtube still for the video, and the Youtube player[URL].. however neither the still frame nor the player skin load.
if i run the site directly from my hard drive (with my Flash Player security preferences set to allow the swf to access the internet), the videos do load and play, so i am guessing that it is some kind of security domain issue. if i run the site in Flash CS3 in debug mode, when i navigate to a video page, although the video loads and plays, i get lots of these warnings (i've edited the path and file name):


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Javascript :: Removing Annotations On Embedded YouTube Videos

Nov 17, 2011

I've discovered that you can disable annotations on embedded YouTube videos by adding the parameter &iv_load_policy=3 to the url in the embed code.


<object width="425" height="344">
<param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/PMnEvKCtHBw&hl=en&fs=1&iv_load_policy=3"></param>


Is there any way to force this parameter on all YouTube embed urls on a webpage using javascript/jQuery?

(Sort of like this example where you force wmode transparent on all flash objects)

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Stop All Sounds For All Flash SWF Embedded On A Page?

Jan 23, 2012

I have 100 swf embedded in a page. The swf are various forms of individual audio playbacks.- an swf button that loads an swf into it that has audio on a timeline streamed. AS3
- swf that has streamed audio using scripting so there is no preloading. AS2Since I have 100 and the user could press all 50 at a time and have this giant noise of sounds and bog down their bandwidth. Is there anyway of:- stopping all playing of swfs that has streamed audio using timeline. I guess that could be like a ALL stop frame command??- stop all sounds coming from the streamed audio swf

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Flash :: Why An Embedded Swf Won't Play On A Page Under Https

Dec 3, 2009

I have one swf banner which I want it into .aspx page. The website runs ok under http and the banner plays correctly. After we set the website to run under https, the banner stopped to load. I've tried to load this banner via http link from inside https running page. Nothing happened as well.

Example: Page: [URL]

Script inside:

<script src="http://www.mywebsite.com.br/AC_RunActiveContent.js" language="javascript"></script>


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Flash :: Embedded Swf File To Content Asp.net Page

Mar 6, 2011

have a swf file which content a FlvPlayback play to play targeted video. It is working OK when I run published HTML file from flash professional CS5. but when I embedded this flash to asp.net content page using object tag the move will pay but the video controls play and stop with disappear. I listed down the code I sued.


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Analytics - Can Flash Objects Detect The Page They Are Embedded In

Apr 2, 2012

Is there any way for a Flash component to look up the URL of the website it is embedded in? For example, if I embed a YouTube video on my website, does Google have any way of knowing who referred to them?

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Analytics :: Flash Objects Detect The Page They Are Embedded In?

Mar 17, 2005

Is there any way for a Flash component to look up the URL of the website it is embedded in? For example, if I embed a YouTube video on my website, does Google have any way of knowing who referred to them?

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Javascript :: Script Not Allowing Lightbox To Cover Embedded Youtube Videos?

Feb 18, 2012

I had problems covering videos on Youtube itself but solved that with a design change (don't need to cover them any more).

So I have a script the user can run and it calls a javascript file to do other stuff on the current webpage. One thing it does is bring up a lightbox that covers the page. Of course it won't cover embedded Youtube videos and so I need to do a few changes. I did the necessary changes and it didn't work. I kept trying and trying and eventually made a page with just an embedded video and a .jpg (my script won't run if there are no images).

I looked to see what the Pinterest script added to the embedded video portion and while it was almost identical they did have an autoplay=0 in there so I added it just so I could see for myself that it is exactly the same. If I run the Pinterest script and close it, then run mine, mine works fine. If I run mine, then the Pinterest script, then mine again, mine works. So I believe this means I'm not adding anything that tells the page "Go ahead and put the video on top anyway."

My portion of the script that adds the wmode:

var players = document.getElementsByTagName('embed');
var len = players.length;
for(var i=0;i<len;i++){


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Enforce That Embedded Videos Retain Their Native Frame-rate?

Apr 11, 2011

I've just been called onto a bug in an application that I didn't build.We have a master application, running at 40fps, which loads .swf components with embedded movies in.Last week, all the videos started playing too fast.The videos are rendered to .flv at 25fps.Is there a way to enforce that embedded videos retain their native frame-rate?

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Flash :: Data Integration - Localhost - URL Page With An Embedded SWF File?

Aug 8, 2006

I can't figure this out. When I test a URL page with an embedded SWF file (using [URL]) I cannot get the embedded SWF to play more than one or two frames. However, if I upload this same flash-embedded html page, and test it on the WWW, then it seesm to play without a glitch.

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Professional :: Twitter Feed Flash App Does Not Work When Embedded Into The Page

Sep 2, 2010

I have built a simple twitter feed flash app and it works just fine when accessed directly, but does not work when embedded into the page. I suspect that the answer might be simple, but I just can't find it.


I can't use JavaScript, because I want it to be embedded in my signature on a certain website, and obviously <script> tag is forbidden. EDIT: problem is solved, it's very embarrassing, but like in most cases it was a path error...

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Put Two .flv Videos On The Same .swf Page?

May 11, 2010

I'm using CS3 to try to put two .flv videos on the same .swf page, BUT only one will go full screen no matter which video skin button to go fullscreen I press, and all the rest of the buttons on the skin work for the appropriate video. I recall in Actionscript 2.0, in the component settings for the video you could change the field name in the schema to play multiple videos in a .swf file, wondered if AS3 had similar setting for fullscreen.

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