Flash :: Share Same NetConnection Object Between Two Views?

Jun 11, 2011

Flex Mobile applications are view based. And I'm using Adobe Cirrus (im assuming its the same for any FMS netConnection) Does anyone know how to maintain a persistent netConnection between views in a flex Mobile Application?[code]I want to be able to trace(netConnection.nearID) on this view, go to another view and trace(netConnection.nearID) and get the same result. and be able to have a cirrusStatusHandler() function like I have a above to listen for cirrus events. Then be able to do netConnection.close() on another view if i wanted to to be able to close the connection.

Brainstorming Ideas what I was thinking I could do:I was thinking I could maybe set up the connection on the main ViewNavigatorApplication mxml file, but i have so much going on and being triggered based on netConnection status events it seems it might be really complicated to handle everything from that mxml file on each of the views. Maybe I could declare the netCon vars in the ViewNavigatorApplication mxml file, and just add event listeners to those vars on each view? But i'm not familiar with accessing vars that exist in the mainViewNavigatorApplication mxml file.I just need to be able to make the connection once, and then it stays persistent until I call netConnection.close()I guess I could use separate views where I dont need the netConnection and just have this particular view use "states" inside the view where the netCon needs to be persistent. It just seems silly be be using states since this is a view based application.[code]and the same in my Home View but i'm getting a null error when i try and call trace(netConnection.nearID) in the crationComplete function on profileView (which is after homeView) to see if it still has the same netConnection and should then be able to get the same nearID

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Actionscript 3 :: Share A NetConnection/NetStream Between Separate SWFs In The Same HTML Page

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I am aware that I can share simple Objects using LocalConnection, but this does not (in my limited testing) appear to work with NetConnection or NetStream.

In short, I wish to have a single SWF that acts as a NetConnection proxy for other SWF files in the HTML page. The client SWFs require direct access to NetStream objects on the proxys NetConnection.

Is this at all feasible, or will each client SWF require its own NetConnection?

I am aware that I could build the entire application in flash and utilize a single NetConnection internally, but this is NOT what I want to do.

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Asp.net :: Error #2126: NetConnection Object Must Be Connected

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I want to count the online user,when each client login the system,it's connecting to the server and increase a variable stored in a remote shared object.But when client connecting server,problems arises:Error #2126: NetConnection object must be connected

My web layout:

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Code snippets:

rtmpnc = new NetConnection();
rtmpnc.objectEncoding = ObjectEncoding.AMF0;
var uri:String = ServerConfig.getChannel("my-rtmp").endpoint + "/userLogin";


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[URL]. It has a client object that "Indicates the object on which callback methods are invoked" but no where can I find a list of the functions that are actually called?

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a. pass round the stage (which was the viewComponent for each mediator in my case - where each view was added to - eg. viewComponent.addChild(foo)

b. create its own view - which allowed me to add and remove it in the first place.

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var view:MyView = new MyView();
facade.registerMediator( new MyViewMediator( view ) );

with that the case - I have no idea how I would go about removing/adding each view when needed.I could easily enough set the visibility from within each mediator, but I sort of wanted to avoid doing that - prefer removing when not in use for resource management...how I am 'meant' to go about this (as in, when a view is no longer needed on stage, remove it - temporarily, and add it later on when it is needed?)

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Import 3D Models From 3D Programs Into Flash, And Draw Views To BitmapData?

Jun 8, 2011

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Here's the general question. I need a Flash library that loads and is able to deal with 3D models, orient them and convert them in various ways to 2D BitmapDatas. Do you know anything that can do this? To elaborate, I was thinking of the best possible workflows for myself and artists' needs and there is one that I would really enjoy but need serious help to break through. Here it is: Import a textured 3D model from 3DS Max or other similar tools, into Flash At runtime, orient the model the way I want and draw it to BitmapData as a flat 2D colored image. This image is what is supposed to be displayed ultimately. Ideally there shouldn't be a need to display the model at all; just like you can draw MovieClips into BitmapDatas without adding them to the display list. The 3D model is non existent to the user, it's only a workflow convenience for developers, it's a data holder as well as a means to reduce file size.

- Still at runtime, I have to be able to generate a height map: Basically a BitmapData entirely black with, instead of the real texture, a gradient along the 3D Y axis that would have the same 2D shape as the model under its current orientation (i.e. it overlaps perfectly with the flat 2D colored image we made earlier; let's call colored images diffuse maps.) Remember it's along the 3D model's Y axis: If it's a character and its orientation makes the model's shoulder have the lowest Y 3D coordinate while his hips are the highest, the gradient will start from the shoulder. (i.e. it's not always "feet to head", depends on the model's orientation.)

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Flex :: Use The Flash.net.NetConnection Over Https?

Dec 4, 2009

Is it possible to use the flash.net.NetConnection object to connect to my Flash remoting enabled web application over HTTPS within Tomcat or any other servlet container?

I am using the SpiceFactory cinnamon project for amf remoting and have searched for examples of using HTTPS but see only the reference to a proxy type in the NetConnection object.

If someone could provide a reference or example that would be awesome. Or if it is not possible using the flash.net.NetConnection object are there any recommendations of how to configure HTTPS for the spicefactory cinnamon library.

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Flash - Pass ...rest To A NetConnection Call?

Jun 8, 2010

I want to pass a rest in a netconnection call, something like this:

public function requestData(service : String, ...params) : void
nc.call(service, params);

this doesn't work since the call is expecting each parameter to be separated by commas, like:

nc.call(service, params[0], params[1], params[2]);

I've read some posts about apply, but I can't find a solution for this specific case.

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Flex :: Connecting To Web Server Using Flash.net.NetConnection?

Nov 17, 2010

The ActionScript 3.0 Reference says the following about flash.net.NetConnection:

The NetConnection class creates a two-way connection between a client and a server. The client can be a Flash Player or AIR application. The server can be a web server, Flash Media Server, an application server running Flash Remoting, or the Adobe Stratus service. Call NetConnection.connect() to establish the connection.

Does this mean I make a regular HTTP connection to any web server using an NetConnection object? I am a little confused about this as further down the section on the connect() method says connect(): Creates a two-way connection to an application on Flash Media Server or to Flash Remoting, or creates a two-way network endpoint for RTMFP peer-to-peer group communication....Pass an "http" URL to connect to an application server running Flash Remoting.. So, the application server has to have Flash Remoting?

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Flash :: Force A Source Port On A NetConnection?

Feb 26, 2011

I'm trying to decipher a pre-existing project and make some modifications as I go.

I have a section of code that starts with creating a new NetConnection and then streaming a media file from an external source. I see in the documentation that you can provide a destination port (via the URL), but is it possible to force Flash to use a specific source port? I couldn't find a clear way to do this in the documentation, but I was curious if anyone else has an alternate method or idea.

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Flash - Using NetConnection Class To Live Video Feed?

Oct 11, 2010

I'm trying to use the NetConnection class to connect to a live video feed on an external server. I have it set up to start playing my video when the user clicks a Play button, however, this appears in my output every time I click the Play button:

ArgumentError: Error #2126: NetConnection object must be connected.
at flash.net::NetStream/ctor()
at flash.net::NetStream()
at Over/connectLiveStream()[Over::frame2:31]

Here is the (I think relevant) code:
if (playVid.label == "Play") {
nc = new NetConnection();
nc.objectEncoding = flash.net.ObjectEncoding.AMF0;
nsPlay = new NetStream(nc);

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Flash :: Create A Share Button In AS3?

Mar 24, 2010

creating an AS3 Facebook share button? I need to be able to customize the title, description and picture.

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Flash :: AS3 Swf Hosting An Swf Share The Same Array?

May 22, 2009

I have an AS2 swf that has an array that is updated when a user clicks on items on the screen. The array stores the currently selected items. This As2 swf is hosted by an AS3 swf loaded in using Loader class and a local connection between them is managed by swfBridge. I want to know what the best way for both AS3 and AS2 swfs to share this array is? or how can I call a function in the AS2 (client) swf and return the array to the AS3 (host) swf when it needs to read the items from the array?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Share Flv On Facebook From Within Flash?

Jan 20, 2011

i have something like a flv player in my flash site and i load different flvs depending on user interaction. I want to add a "share on facebook" functionality so the videos will be shared on fb in a way similar to youtube sharing. I've serached a lot but there seems to be a lack of documentation on this subject.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Share Data Between Different Flash?

Sep 22, 2004

alright.. recently i needed to share data between different flash .swfs on a homepage.. so i tried to use Shared Objects to do so. sofar its fine.. i tried it .. and as long as the data is stored on my harddisk. the sharedObject "cookies" work fine.. but when i put the site online.. they simply dont work anymore..

could this have something to do with security settings of the browser used?.. doesnt a web browser allow flash to access the harddisk to read and write shared objects.. is there another.. simpler and more reliable way to send data from one .swf file to another..?? (without using php -> my webserver doesnt support this sofar )

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Flash :: IDE, Duplicated Objects Share Instances?

Jul 30, 2009

I'm using CS3+AS3 and I have a Flash project with a menu, the items in the menu can expand to reveal more items and this is currently done by having each state of the menu in a separate frame, and then doing "gotoAndStop" in this movieclip when buttons are pressed.Perhaps not the best solution, but works very well for this purpose, but as you can imagine, this means that the "same buttons" in "different frames" will do the same thing.All frames were constructed by duplicating the first frame, then moving the buttons around and adding more buttons where needed. So now I set instance names to the buttons in frame #1 and added event-listeners. But when I tested the project, the buttons that had event-listeners in frame #1 also had them in all the other frames. Now this could be an awesome feature, but right now it's more of a huge mystery to me.

ance names in frame #2, but yet they share the same instance. I searched all over the IDE but I could not find any functionality to actually determine what instances are linked, how to link instances or unlink instances. But I do know that two objects share instances when you duplicate them.So my question is, is there no functionality in the Flash IDE to actually make more efficient use of this?

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Share Flash Screen (multiuser Whiteboard)

Aug 8, 2011

How can I make a Flash Application that can be shared? Shared in the sense of like a paint box. If someone is painting there then the painting must be shown to all users. This means each user can write and edit in the paint box at the same time..

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