Flex :: Access Member Variable By Using A Variable In The Name?
Aug 17, 2009
How can I access the member variable of an object by using a variable in the name.Example:
Entries Object has properties 1, 2, 3, 4, 5.
Normally I would access them by
var i : int = Entries.1;
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public class A
public static var x:int;
When I try to access it from different parts in my code I don't get the same value in each spot.
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The only solution I can think of involves checking the mouse position against the position of each MenuEntry, depending on the number of Menu Entries. This does not seem like the right way to do it, though, as it is not scalable. I tried having the MenuEntry class extend the Button class, so theoretically, the MenuEntry itself could dispatch mouse click events, but that didn't work.
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Jul 18, 2010
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<s:Application xmlns:fx="http://ns.adobe.com/mxml/2009"
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Aug 1, 2011
Using e4x in flex:
var attr : String = "foo";
var xml : XML =
<node foo="1"/>
How can I use the variable "attr" to access
I thought I could do it with
But this doesn't seem to work. How can I access this attribute by a dynamic value like this?
work, as Constantiner suggested.
Say I have an XMLList in this form:
var bar:XML =
I want to filter the original xml above by matching "foo" attributes with the "value" from node in bar.
Essentially I want a sublist of the original xml such that
xml.node.@foo == bar.value
for each xml row in the original value
As Constantiner mentioned, I can filter the original list by the value in foo, but what if I want to filter on multiple values?
Can I do something like:
xml.node.(bar.node.contains(attribute(foo)) ? attribute(foo) : null);
Or perhaps a cleaner method instead of the null?
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Note: SimpleComp is an HBox with a couple of lists.
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Feb 2, 2009
I have a flex app where I need to be able to access and modify component attributes using variable names.
eg, say I want to edit the text attributes of text label.
I am not sure what object or attribute will need to be updated until runtime.
Say I get passed the following variables:
var objId:String = "label1";
var objAtt:String = "text";
var objVal:String = "Hello World";
I need to take these and update the "text" property of label that has the ID "label1" to "Hello World".
I have tried different variations to accomplish this but am stuck One example is
this[objId][objAtt] = objVal;
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Feb 8, 2010
I have 2 movie clips, one being loaded into a container MC via "loadMovie();"In the main movie there is a variable with no value, in the external movie there are 5 frames, each with a value to update the variable in the main movie.
IE: if on frame 1, global value = 1 / if on frame 2, global value = 2 / etc etc I'm familiar with passing variables INTO an external swf, but am stumped on how to do it the reverse way.
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Dec 11, 2009
I would like to store a hex colorPicker value in a variable and then cast the value of the var backout to a textInput. The textInput is just to see witch hexcolor i have choosen.
thus meaning seeing 0x000000 in the textInput.
what i've done now is pretty simple i have bound the flex colorPicker directly to my textInput. but i want to store the value from the colorPicker in a var first and than spit it backout to the textInput to see the value that i have picked.
When i pick a color value that begins with the number 0 it drops the 0's at the beginning of the number and only spits out the numbers greater than 0. (000033 becomes 33, FF0000 stays FF0000). I want to catch the whole value or write some kind a function to figure out how many 0's got dropped and concatenate it together with 0x. Store that all into a var and bind it to the flex TextInput.
This is what i've got.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<mx:Module xmlns:mx="http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml"
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Jan 3, 2006
f you know PHP...then you know that you can create a string variable...and then use the value of that variable to declare another variable. like this:
PHP Code:
<?php$foo = "haha";$i{$foo} = "success";print $i{haha};?>
and it would display "success"...or like this:
PHP Code:
<?php$foo = "haha";$$foo = "success";print $haha;?>
and it would also display "success".
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May 15, 2011
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Mar 20, 2009
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Feb 3, 2010
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function retirarCiclo(event:MouseEvent):void
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Dec 8, 2009
ActionScript Code:
package {
import flash.display.Sprite;
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Aug 29, 2007
var fruit1:String = "apples";
var fruit2:String = "oranges";
var fruit3:String = "grapes";[code]....
I need the variable fruit1, but for reasons I don't have time to get into, I don't know how to parse these two variables to make a parseable variable.
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Aug 24, 2009
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I've managed to make the parent SWF receive a variable from the php page that loads it, via javascript, it works well [code]...
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Mar 2, 2010
I have an xml parser that i tried to code into an external class/package.I have no experience with packages so its been difficult but i got most of the way there.The code works, the problem is that i dont know how to access the output variable from the package in my fla file.How can i use the variable allText in my fla?
package {
import flash.events.*;
import flash.display.Sprite;
import flash.net.URLRequest;
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Sep 14, 2010
On the first frame I have a string variable called "nextSection". When the user clicks on a menu item on the site then "nextSection" is populated with the name of that section. Later on in the fla I have a movieclip containing various sections for the site. The swf compiles without any problems.
I'm now attempting to make the file smaller and easier to update. Rather than have 8 different movieclips that load images, I thought I would just have the one. I changed the following lines in my fla
PHP Code:
// nested within 2 movie clips (sections.aboutUs)loadImage("aboutUs/mainImage.jpg");//nested within 2 movie clips (sections.outdoorAdvertising)loadImage("outdoorAdvertising/mainImage.jpg");// there are 8 of these in total.
I'm now getting the error "1120: access of undefined property nextSection". The variable does not contain anything when the file compiles. Only when the user clicks on a menu item does the variable get filled (ie: if user clicks on the OutDoor Advertising button, the variable contains the string "outdoorAdvertising" which is also a folder in the site directory). I tried to populate it with the name of one of the sections on the first frame ( ie: nextSection:String="aboutUs"; ) just to see if it worked but still got the error.
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Jan 17, 2009
i have variable a=0 and i want a movieclip that runs to change it to 2, what do i write in the movieclip code ? i tried parent.a=2 but it's error.
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Apr 17, 2010
I have a MovieClip who's added on stage by code.I would like to access to rond2(which are an instance of rond on frame 10) but one error appeared like you can see.This the code that i've maked on first frame on the scene:
var monCarre:MovieClip = new mv_carres();monCarre.addEventListener(Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, leDire);
addChild(monCarre);monCarre.x=275;monCarre.y=200;//monCarre.rond2.alpha=0; <<<<L'éxécution de cette ligne provoque une erreur
function leDire(e:Event):void{ trace("monCarre est ajouté");}
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Nov 27, 2011
Normally, I declare a variable at the very top of all my code like, var myObj: Myobj = new Myobj();...
but for some reason the the new variable being declared is necessary to present within the function, like displaying same objects in the library using for loop.
I notice that variable declare within a function will not be accessible outside the function or from another event handler or from another function....
I have seen code that make it possible my declaring a new variable?
View 4 Replies
Dec 9, 2010
I have a class with a var textFieldObjets:Textfield in my class environment. What I'd like to do, is access this var from another class and change the text. I tried things like
environment.textFieldObjets.text = ".....";
Got error 1119, Access of a possible undefined property textFieldObjets trough a reference with static type Class.
I can't even access my environment class...
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Apr 19, 2011
I have to access jsp variable in mxml file... or how to access jsp variable in java file...
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Jun 17, 2009
I have 2 classes: A Main.as and XmlLoader.as. In Main.as I now want to access a variable of a XmlLoader-instance, which has been changed in run-time by a Event.COMPLETE EventListener.To make things clearer here some code:
package {
import flash.display.*;
in Main.as I want to trace (trace(_xmlData._xml)) the xml file which is loaded.
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Jul 29, 2009
function fn1(var2)
//here i want to trace the name of var1....ie output: "var1"
how to trace the variable name i am passing to fn1 (ie. var1) as string?
ie. output shoud be
ie i want to trace the name of argument variable i am passing
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