ActionScript 3.0 :: Can't Access Variable From Within Movieclip.
Sep 14, 2010
On the first frame I have a string variable called "nextSection". When the user clicks on a menu item on the site then "nextSection" is populated with the name of that section. Later on in the fla I have a movieclip containing various sections for the site. The swf compiles without any problems.
I'm now attempting to make the file smaller and easier to update. Rather than have 8 different movieclips that load images, I thought I would just have the one. I changed the following lines in my fla
PHP Code:
// nested within 2 movie clips (sections.aboutUs)loadImage("aboutUs/mainImage.jpg");//nested within 2 movie clips (sections.outdoorAdvertising)loadImage("outdoorAdvertising/mainImage.jpg");// there are 8 of these in total.
I'm now getting the error "1120: access of undefined property nextSection". The variable does not contain anything when the file compiles. Only when the user clicks on a menu item does the variable get filled (ie: if user clicks on the OutDoor Advertising button, the variable contains the string "outdoorAdvertising" which is also a folder in the site directory). I tried to populate it with the name of one of the sections on the first frame ( ie: nextSection:String="aboutUs"; ) just to see if it worked but still got the error.
I have a button inside a MovieClip (instance name: bt_fechar) and I want to refer to it from the main timeline (that's where I want to keep most of the code). It returns the following output error message: "Error #1065: Variable bt_fechar is not defined"
Heres the code: function retirarCiclo(event:MouseEvent):void {
I have a movieClip named MC, and it's enabled with action script, with the class name MC_Rectangle and a Stage.I override the MC_Rectangle class file in a external is the code:
1. how can i access the variable "sequence" in "mc_rect"
2. how can i pass parametre from main stage to mc_rect via function setSequence(data:int)?
3. how can i call the function in addSequence() in mc_rect.
in, i usually use mc_rect.sequenct,mc_rect.setSequence(data), mc_rect.addSequence() to achieve my goals......btw, can function in mc_rect return out result to main stage?
It's too complicate to explain but I'll give you an example
I have an AS3 ResultEvent Object and this object has several propeties which can be accessed by this or event.result.age and, I have this String variable: eventProperty:String that contains "name" or "age" How do I access to event.result. with the variable?
I want to declare a variable on the main timeline that can be called from anywhere in my movie. So, _global var should be the right approach. I want to declare a movie clip 'MC1' "open", or "closed" so that when it is revisited, my flash file knows the user has been there before and performs a different task from the one it does when 'MC1' was first encountered. So, i need a 'if' statement to run from the variable, when the playhead encounters the movieClip.
I have been banging my head against a brick wall regarding the following problem which must be very simple to fix, just can't see the answer.I have a class assigned to a movieclip called canvas. The class is called drawClass. I have called the instance of canvas on the stage 'drawingCanvas'.When I trace "drawingCanvas" I get object drawClass] which is fine. Tracing gets me the instance name 'drawingCanvas'.This is a String variable.Basically what I am trying to do is pass the MovieClip name to another class. In my example the class 'toolBar', which can then interact with the MovieClip.
The problem is passing '' results in a String, so I get an error saying :TypeError: Error #1034: Type Coercion failed: cannot convert "canvasArea" to flash.display.MovieClip.I can't for love or money find a way to convert a String variable to a MovieClip variable! I have the name of the MovieClip, I just need to tell the toolbar class. But I can't find a way of doing this as the instance on stage is an object of drawingClass, not a MovieClip (unless MovieClips with attached classes are not treated as standard MovieClips?).
Working on an RPG type flash, and I have to be able to control a text-box from quite a few locations. The one that is causing me trouble is the inventory. I need to be able to access the textbox with an instance of "statusWindow" from within the inventory clip (instance name "inventory"), so when I mouse over an item within the movieclip it will change the status window on the stage.In this instance I want to mouse over inventory.invHealth from the main timeline to get the display.itemName and itemProps are strings containing information about the item.I tried the following but it gave me a "possibly undefined" error.
invHealth.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, itemStats); function itemStats(e:Event):void { root.statusWindow.text = itemName+" "+itemProps; }
i'd like to access a variable in an associated class from my Document class [code]in my document class im trying to see if the class has changed the variable... if it has changed i'd like to obviously do something.if this isn't possible what's the simplest way to check a variable in another class?
I'm making a fighting game and so far all the controls are good, characters can walk, run attack etc. My problem: The character is a MovieClip, Guy, and is exported to a class Guy. In I have a boolean "hitting" which is set to default "false". If the Guy object hitTests an enemy while "hitting" is true, the enemy will take tamage.
In the Guy MovieClip there are about 7 frames, each with its own animation. 3 of those frames are attacking animations in form of MovieClips, i.e, if we click them we get another set of frames. Say one of the attack MovieClips has 10 frames in it, frame 7 of 10 is where the punch actually lands, this is when I want the enemy to take damage, not before (while the character is still moving his hand forward). Seeing as this frame is inside a MovieClip which is inside another MovieClip(Guy), is there a way to access the property "hitting" with this inner frame?
I have an xml parser that i tried to code into an external class/package.I have no experience with packages so its been difficult but i got most of the way there.The code works, the problem is that i dont know how to access the output variable from the package in my fla file.How can i use the variable allText in my fla?
How to access a local variable from another class? I have this powerup class that changes the speed value of the enemy in enemy class(it's a game). For instance, if player hits the powerup it changes the local variable 'speed's value inside enemy class.
I have a MovieClip who's added on stage by code.I would like to access to rond2(which are an instance of rond on frame 10) but one error appeared like you can see.This the code that i've maked on first frame on the scene:
var monCarre:MovieClip = new mv_carres();monCarre.addEventListener(Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, leDire);
Normally, I declare a variable at the very top of all my code like, var myObj: Myobj = new Myobj();...
but for some reason the the new variable being declared is necessary to present within the function, like displaying same objects in the library using for loop.
I notice that variable declare within a function will not be accessible outside the function or from another event handler or from another function....
I have seen code that make it possible my declaring a new variable?
I have a class with a var textFieldObjets:Textfield in my class environment. What I'd like to do, is access this var from another class and change the text. I tried things like environment.textFieldObjets.text = "....."; Got error 1119, Access of a possible undefined property textFieldObjets trough a reference with static type Class. I can't even access my environment class...
I have 2 classes: A and In I now want to access a variable of a XmlLoader-instance, which has been changed in run-time by a Event.COMPLETE EventListener.To make things clearer here some code:
Code: package { import flash.display.*;
in I want to trace (trace(_xmlData._xml)) the xml file which is loaded.
function loadHandler only runs one time .. since it runs only once it makes it very difficult for me to do anything with.I can only access the variable "myClip" inside of the function.... if I could access it outside of the function I would be able to write some if statements.Basically what I am trying to do ... is the first time this script runs ... I don't want "myClip.gotoAndPlay(2);" to run. Every other time this frame of code runs .. it wont run the function a second time. So I need to somehow tell it every time it runs after the first time to run the code myClip.gotoAndPlay(2);