Flash :: Access Dynamically Loaded Movieclip (stage > Scrollpane > Myloader > Movieclip)?

Oct 16, 2011

what I'm trying to do is accessingsnapText = scrollPane.source.textSnapshot;from an external swf. I've tried:

trace("-->: "+scrollPane.source.textSnapshot.getText(0, 1000));
trace("-->: "+myLoader.content.textSnapshot.getText(0, 1000));
trace("-->: "+mc.textSnapshot.getText(0, 1000));


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Resize Stage To Dynamically Match External Movieclip Loaded Into Empty Movieclip?

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know how I can resize the stage to match the size of an external graphic/movieclip which is loaded into an empty movieclip,

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Flash :: Access The Movieclip Inside Scrollpane?

Jun 23, 2011

I have a ScrollPane component to stage and I give it as source a new MovieClip instance. How can I access the movieclip inside scrollpane? This is what I have so far but it returns null:

var regForm = new RegistrationForm();
regForm.name = "rForm";
regFormSP.source = regForm;
var form = Object(regFormSP.content).getChildByName("rForm");
trace(form) // returns null


There is an object "instance20" as a parent to rForm...Why is that?

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Actionscript 3 :: Access To Properties Of Movieclip Loaded In Dynamically

Apr 24, 2010

My movieclip clipArt_mc receives movieclips that are loaded dynamically from a listbox selection using:


I would like to access the nested or loaded in movieclip inside of clipArt_mc that has in it a movieclip named color_mc so that I can apply color directly to it instead of clipArt_mc.

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Flash - Access Methods Of MovieClip Inside ScrollPane?

May 9, 2011

I'm using a movieClip inside a ScrollPane to show a list of CheckBoxes. The amount of CheckBoxes shown is dynamic, it depends on a SQL query. After the query is done, I add as many CheckBoxes as rows in the result set. What I am trying to do is to access some methods I wrote in the MovieClip inside the ScrollPane to get the length of the CheckBoxes, check which ones are selected and the label they have (their label is also defined by the SQL query).

I've tried this
valueINeedToGet = Object(root).scrollPaneInstance.source.functionINeedToRun();
But it returns error #1006
How can I access the code inside the MovieClip inside the ScrollPane?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Dynamically Loaded Swf To Communicate With MovieClip On The Stage?

Apr 6, 2011

I have a heck of time here with an issue. I have an xml document that when a certain button on the stage is clicked it loads it's corresponding external swf into an empty movieclip on the stage. This empty movie clip is a holder for all external swfs.So what I'm trying to do is when an external swf is loaded that has buttons on it, I need those buttons to communicate with the main timeline and remove a mc that is on the Stage. I need the currently loaded swf(s) to be able to do this.So whatever the currently loaded external swf is that's loaded, I need it to talk to the main timeline. (I have quite a few external swfs that need to do this) So I imagine I need to somehow target the currently loaded external swf to get it to talk to the main timeline.The code below in summary doesn't work but it doesn't give errors either. I don't pretend to know what I'm doing and I haven't been successful in searching for a solution to this particular issue.

// main timeline object
var index:Object=this;
function loadComplete (e:Event) {


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Resize Stage To Dynamically Match External Movieclip Loaded Into Empty?

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Does anyone know how I can resize the stage to match the size of an external graphic/movieclip which is loaded into an empty movieclip

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Set The Content Of A Scrollpane To A Dynamically Generated Movieclip?

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I would like to set the content of a scrollpane to a dynamically generated movieclip.

I am authoring in Flash 8, publishing to FP8.

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Actionscript 3 :: Dragging Movieclips From Scrollpane Component Into A Movieclip/stage

Oct 2, 2011

Im trying to make a flash map game.Now i have got items in a Movieclip and want this Movieclip into a scrollpane component but i have got probs cause the dragging dont go outside of the scrollpane.

Here is my Code

container.mc_item.buttonMode = true;
container.mc_item.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, onDown);
function onDown(event:MouseEvent):void {


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ActionScript 1/2 :: Move ScrollPane Left And Right Through MovieClip Or Button Instance On Stage?

Apr 7, 2012

I am using ScrollPane component of as2.0, but I want to move the scrollPane left an right by clicking external button does it possible? this button can work like the functionality of LeftArrow anf RightArrow in scroll pane.

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AS :: Flash - Access MovieClip On Stage?

Nov 15, 2011

This may be a stupid questions but I can't find it.I'd like to refer to movieClip onStage by looping though it for example, I have 10 movieclips name slot1 - slot12 then in my code

var hole:MovieClip;
function checkHit():void {
hole = pirate.slot3; // My problem is here how do i change this slot3 to slot 4,5,6 ...


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Actionscript 3 :: Get Name Of MovieClip On Flash Stage That Was Created Dynamically?

Aug 17, 2010

There are multiple MovieClips that will be dynamically placed on stage. These MovieClips are coded to be buttons. I'm trying to figure out--when a user clicks on the MovieClip...figure out which object on the flash stage the user clicked on.Inside function toggleClick I put the trace statement: trace("movieClip Instance Name = " + e.target.name);

In the OUTPUT window:
movieClip Instance Name = instance5
movieClip Instance Name = instance12


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash Masking Dynamically Loaded Images Within A Movieclip

Dec 10, 2011

I am loading images into a sliding menu which will act as a thumbnail viewer, the structure of which is: "thumbsContainer" (movieclip) nested inside "galleryPane" (movieclip). The images are loaded into movieclips named "all_thumbs", which are added to the thumbsContainer stage.

I would like to mask the content of the thumbsContainer, so that only the images physically within the thumbsContainer border will be viewable.

I have tried adding my coded mask to the thumbsContainer stage, and tying it to the thumbsContainer; and have separately tried the same with the all_thumbs movieclip - but no matter how I organise my code, I can't get this to work. If the mask is tied to the thumbsContainer mc - that element disappears; if the mask is tied to the all_thumbs mc, only the background to the thumbsContainer is visible. Either way, I cannot get thumbnails to display through the mask. No thumbnails at all will display on stage.


all_thumbs.addChildAt( thumbLoader, 0 );
c = c + 1;
if ( c < totalPics ) {
all_thumbs.alpha = 0;


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Flash :: Access A MovieClip On The Stage From The Document Class?

Jan 7, 2010

I have a "box_mc" movieclip on the root of my stage and I need to select it from within my Document Class. I thought Stage.getChildByName("box_mc") would work, but it just returns null.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash Dynamically Addressing An Existing MovieClip On Stage?

Aug 8, 2010

I am loading an external XML file. According to the information loaded from the file I would like to highlight a symbol (MovieClip) when I press a corresponding button. The Button and the MovieClip change every time I load a new XML, so it has to be dynamic.I tried the following, but that doesn't work, does anyone know why?I have an Array defined (a_HighlightArray) that I fill within a loop to hold the object (as a string! ) that is supposed to be highlighted when I press the corresponding button:

a_HighlightArray[i] = "o_Map.o_Privatwelt.o_Layer4";

Later, when I want to address the Symbol I am using the following (where Quest corresponds to the No of the button I pressed):


There is no error that comes up but it just doesn't do what expected. Strangely enough, if I address the Symbol directly it works perfectly fine:


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Flash :: Access MovieClip Instances That Are Already On The Stage In Document Class?

Dec 15, 2011

I have created a game in flash, and due to the nature of the game, I have many movieclips placed on the stage manually in Flash CS4. They are not programmatically added as children to the stage, and so I am having difficulty getting access to them in the document class. So far the only method I have been able to use is to do stage.addChild(active_area); (for example), but there are many movie clips, all very differently named, so this method seems incorrect.I've discovered that my MovieClips are not children of the stage, but in fact MainTimeline, as when I for loop through stage.getChildAt(i);, only one child, root1, is traced out. How can I access movieclips that were placed on the stage in the timeline from the document class, without having to manually add them as children to the stage? So it looks like my problem wasn't that I couldn't access the MovieClips, it was that I wasn't modifying the MovieClips' values, so I wasn't registering any change in them.

Here is the code after I fixed it:
function manage_cursor(e:Event):void {


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Dynamic Access Of A MovieClip Created On Stage In Flash?

Mar 26, 2010

I am confronted with a simply yet annoying problem: I manually created a row of MovieClips inside another movieclip container_mc on the stage in the Flash CS4 Editor. The MovieClips are named in the same convention (eg. target_1_mc, target_2_mc, ...target_200_mc).

When I try to access a property of it via AS3 during runtime of the SWF like this, it works:

container_mc.target_0_mc.alpha = 0; But how do I access the MovieClip dynamically? During runtime, a script will determine of which MovieClip i need to access a property. I will get the ID number of the MovieClip I want to access. So I need to be able to to something like this:

var mc_ID:int = 2; ["container_mc.target_"+mc_ID+_mc""].alpha = 0;

Obviously, that doesn't work. When I would create all the target-MovieClips dynamically at runtime, I would simply put them in an array. But in this case I need to work with the existing MovieClips manually created in the Flash Editor.

View 7 Replies

ActionScript 3.0 :: Can't Access Variable On Stage From Within Movieclip Thats Placed On Stage

Aug 18, 2009

I can't access a variable on a the stage from within a movieclip thats placed on the stage.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Error 1119: Access Of Possibly Undefined Property MyLoader Through A Reference With Static Type Flash?

Mar 2, 2010

I created a simple menu with subs using frame labels.The code on the main timeline of the loader page is:
var myLoader:Loader = new Loader();
myLoader.load(new URLRequest("main.swf"));
 The code on the menu navigation movie clip is:
function buttonClick(event:MouseEvent):void
The buttons all have instance names but I keep getting the following errors
1119: Access of possibly undefined property myLoader through a reference with static type flash.display:DisplayObjectContainer.
on the line  -  this.parent.myLoader.load(new URLRequest(event.target.name + ".swf"));
 1120: Access of undefined property subclick.
on the lines - ww_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, subclick);[code].....

I want to use Flash to build websites and am having difficulty with the navigation and loading external files.

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Actionscript 3 :: Get MovieClip Within A MovieClip From External Flash File Dynamically?

Dec 13, 2011

I want access MovieClips Dynamically from the external flash file.There are 5 MovieClips named Loader_1_mc, Loader_2_mc,.Loader_5_mc like so. Each of this movieClip contain 5 movieClips by named acc_1,acc_2, acc_5 like.How Can I access From the swf file. i tried few steps within nested loop.[code]

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Actionscript 3 :: Access The Methods Of A Dynamically Created Movieclip?

Jun 28, 2011

How do I access the methods of a dynamically created movieclip/object?

For simplicity sake I didn't post code on how I dynamically created the movieclip. Instead, assume its already created. It is an object. It is called field_2. Below it is referenced by using getChildByName('field_' + field.id);


public var testVar:String = 'test';
public function testReturn()
return 'value returned';


When I trace temp.testReturn, why does it show "function Function() {}" instead of "value returned"?

This link below helped me get this to this point.


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Access Dynamically Created MovieClip From Class?

Sep 11, 2009

I have created Movieclip in main actionscript file main.as :

var drawingSign:Movieclip = ne MovieClip();
drawingSign.x = 40;
drawingSign.y = 40;

How could I access it (add listeners etc.) from a class file?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Access Parameter In Dynamically Generated Movieclip?

Aug 9, 2011

basically, this is a menu with a scrollPane and clips inside for each line.I have to colorise the line if it is the current line.here is the code :

ActionScript Code:
// this gives l1, l2, l3 ect... no pb with that
var lineToColorise = 'l'+ArtAPI.GetCurrentSlide();
// here is the pb

the thing is, when I write

eval('container.scrollPane.content.l10').setColor( 'mycolor') for example
instead of lineToColorise it works.

So i have a problem using the dynamic value ... but why ?

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Get Content Of Dynamically Loaded Movieclip

Nov 18, 2009

After trying to no avail to get the totalframes of a dynamically loaded .swf in AS3 I've regressed to AS2.
Now I can add the clip and get the totalframes of the content, no problem.
THe problem is I cannot resize the content at all.I have no idea how to target the loaded content.
Here's the code I'm using:
var myXML:XML = new XML();
var path:String;


I need to resize the content both for the main holder_mc as well as for the menu elements.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Closing A Dynamically Loaded MovieClip From Within Itself?

Feb 17, 2010

I have a flash movie with a button (referencesBut_bt) that, when clicked, loads a movieClip onto the stage. What I'd like to do is have a button inside the just loaded movieClip that unloads itself when clicked (removeChild). I think the problem I'm having is in targeting the loaded clip. Does anyone know how I would tell a movieClip to remove itself from the stage when a button is clicked from within the same movieClip? The code i have is below:
//------- set up movieClip for export
var references_mc:mcReferences = new mcReferences();
//------ event listener and func for referencesBut_bt


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Swap 2 Dynamically Loaded MovieClip?

Feb 5, 2009

I put 2 container named mcContiner1, and mcContainer2

var mcImg1:MovieClip;
var mcImg2:MovieClip;


I want to swap these 2 images, that is I want mcImg1 can be displayed in mcContainer2, and mcImg2 can be displayed in mcContainer1, of course the easiest way is I load these 2 picture again, but of course, it's not the answer I expected, also, we can move the movie clip to make the change, I still think it's not the best method, because it will make program too complex.

View 9 Replies

ActionScript 3.0 :: MovieClip On Dynamically Loaded Image?

Jun 9, 2009

I am using Flash CS3 and ActionScript 3.0.I think there is someone who spends 2 minutes of your valuable time in providing solution for my problem or issue.

My description for my problem(with layer numbers/names) starts from here: Layer-1: I am loading an external image(.jpeg) onto the stage dynamically when "Submit" button(which is created & placed in Layer1) is clicked using the following sample code:


The jpeg image is loaded perfectly and works fine.

Layer-2:When I click on this loaded image, a Pop-up must be visible. So, I created Pop-up in Layer2, which is nothing but a MovieClip(with instance-name myPopup), is a rectangular box with light-yellow colored background, which makes us to feel like a pop-up). So, I created this Pop-up in a layer named "Pop-up". My requirement is : Whenever I click on the image loaded, I need to view the Pop-up upon this loaded image near to the pixel-position where CLICK_Event has occured.To view an example of my requirement,just go through the following [url]Once you open the above url, then you right-click on the right-side image(which is a geographical map). You can view a Pop-up with some of the items(viz., Directions from here, Directions to here, Zoom in, Zoom out & Center map here)

Layer-3:In the same way, in my application ,I want to display few hyperlinks on this pop-up. So, I had created TextFields on the stage(which are hyperlinks) using "Text Tool from ToolsBox" in Layer3 named as "TextFields". I am accessing these TextFields using
<TextField-instance>.htmlText to make it a hyperlink.So, here my problem is: After loading of the jpeg image, When I try to click on the image, the Pop-up(MovieClip) and "Submit" button appears to be under the loaded image and the TextFields are visible over the loaded image.Hence textfields/hyperlinks visibility works fine i.e., on the loaded image as hyperlinks.

Now, What I should do in order to make the MovieClip(Pop-up) and "Submit" button visible on the loaded image?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Align Movieclip To Stage Dynamically?

Sep 28, 2010

How can do align movieclip to stage dynamically. If i use align panel, Movieclip perfectly aligned to stage. Here i have attached sample image.
For the Movieclip the registration point may be change.

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AS3 :: Dynamically Place Instances Of MovieClip On Stage?

Sep 10, 2010

I'm trying to dynamically place instances of MovieClip on the stage. Receiving an error:

TypeError: Error #2007: Parameter child must be non-null.
at flash.display::DisplayObjectContainer/addChild()


// properties in class ----------
var circle_ary:Array = new Array;
var circ_num:int;//number of circles on the stage.


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Dynamically Adding Movieclip To Stage?

Jun 19, 2009

So I want a dialog box (this is the movieclip) to pop up when I click a button and then go away when I click another button. This is what I came up with...

ActionScript Code:
function popUp(event:MouseEvent):void


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