Flex :: AdvancedDatagrid Does Not Display Grouped Data?

Mar 10, 2012

I am trying to display grouped data in AdvancedDatagrid but the data does not show up. When I specify the dataprovider without the grouping collection I am able to see the data. Is there something wrong with this code?

<mx:AdvancedDataGrid id="dgAssetStatus" width="100%" height="85%" initialize="gc.refresh();">


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Flex :: Export Grouped AdvancedDataGrid As CSV Text?

Sep 16, 2010

I'm trying to export an AdvancedDataGrid to CSV. This is easy enough for non-hierarchical data, but when using a HierarchicalCollectionView to show treed data it gets trickier.

how to access each of the cells just as they appear on screen when all of the nodes are expanded?

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Flex :: Sort Grouped Columns In AdvancedDatagrid

Feb 1, 2011

I#m looking for a solution to sort all grouped colums in advancedDatagrid. It should be the same behavior like clicking in a columns head. i'm not looking for a solution to sort the fields IN a the grouping. There is working solution named compareFunction. But I'm not able to sort the two rows in my picture by column "Einnahmen". Sorry for the german word.

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Flex :: Data Cannot Be Grouped Outside App And Return ArrayCollection

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Flex :: Get AdvancedDatagrid To Display Just One Row?

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Flex :: Display All Rows From An AdvancedDataGrid, Without Scroll?

Apr 21, 2011

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How can I show all rows in that AdvancedADataGrid? (Need to set its height in a so manner that it will be visible all its rows).

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Flex :: Make An AdvancedDataGrid Re-display Its Labels When The Results Of The LabelFunction Change?

Mar 31, 2010

I have an AdvancedDataGrid with a custom label function whose value can change based on other form status (specifically, there's a drop down to choose the time display format for some columns).Right now, I have this labelFunction:

internal function formatColumnTime(item: Object, column: AdvancedDataGridColumn): String {
var seconds: Number = item[column.dataField];
return timeFormat.selectedItem.labelFunction(seconds);


... and the timeFormat object is a combo box with items whose labelFunction attributes are formatTimeAsFractions and formatTimeAsInterval.The columns that have time formats have formatColumnTime as their labelFunction value, because extracting the seconds in that function and passing it in to the formatters made for a more testable app (IMHO).

when the timeFormat.selectedItem value changes, I want to force my grid to re-calculate the labels of these colums. What method must I call on it? invalidateProperties() didn't work, so that's out.

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Flex :: Flash Builder - Display Rich Text In AdvancedDataGrid Column?

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Flex :: Pre-processing Data Before Showing It In AdvancedDataGrid

Jun 8, 2010

I want to extend AdvancedDataGrid to show a Waterfall Chart in one of its columns.

To do that I already created custom cell render that shows bars as I need.

Now I have a little challenge: I have to pre-process data to show my Waterfall Chart properly. I have to do it before my grid is show. So, I assume that I have to extends AdvancedDataGrid and overwrite some methods.

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Flex :: Sort AdvancedDataGrid With Hierarchical Data?

Mar 29, 2011

I have an AdvancedDataGrid with a HierarchicalCollectionView as its dataProvider. When I view the grid with the dataset I'm working with, and click the header of the column I wish to sort on, everything works perfectly. It sorts it hierarchically exactly how I would expect it to.What I want to do now is have the grid already be sorted when it is shown to the user. Is there a way to do this programatically? I can't for the life of me figure out how to do this, and clearly it's possible since the AdvancedDataGrid has this built in.[code]This appears to do something as far as sorting goes, but it doesn't sort it in the same way as clicking the column header. "startDate" is a property of an object in theDataSource by the way.

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Flex :: Rendering/Editing Different Data Objects On One AdvancedDataGrid?

Dec 12, 2010

The dataProvider for my grid contains several objects. Some of which have a Number value, and some Boolean values under field 'value' (other fields are used in other columns).I would like to be able to render differently for each data-type, i.e. have a checkBox for booleans, and a label for numbers. Furthermore, I would like to be able to edit these fields differently, unchecking the checkbox for booleans, and using a numericStepper for Numbers.

Just FYI, I decided to go with AdvancedDataGrid, to take advantage of the styleFunction property, nothing more..Tried to used spark-states, which didn't seem to work as I'm using an AdvancedDataGrid. I'm not sure what the problem was.

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Flex :: ItemEditor In AdvancedDataGrid When Using Hierarchical Data As DataProvider

Mar 23, 2011

Following is the sample code. While I start editing either in optionId column or option column, the other rows of the same column are also get affected and reflecting the same value. But when I am editing in other columns it is working fine... Don't know the reason.


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Flex :: Convert XML Data To Number Before Filling An AdvancedDataGrid

Jun 16, 2011

I import XML data in order to fill an AdvancedDataGrid (using Flex 4.5). This ADG is correctly filled with the data, columns display the right information etc. etc.

I would like to summarize this ADG using

<mx:SummaryRow summaryPlacement="group">
<mx:SummaryField2 dataField="Cost" label="amount" summaryOperation="SUM">

But there is a problem! Indeed, the 'Cost' data are imported as 'Strings' and that is why I cannot do the SUM... I just get a nice 0 as a result! I would like to convert these data into Numbers, so that the addition can be processed. This conversion has to be done before filling the ADG I think.

I already tried to implement a custom summaryOperation but was unlucky...

public function calculateSummary(data:Object, field:SummaryField2, rowData:Object):void
var dataField:String = field.dataField;


The Alert always displays a void message, the data are not transmitted to this function I think

There is another thing: the user can insert new data in the XML dynamically and that insertion has to update the SUM result.

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Data Binding :: Flex AdvancedDataGrid Databind Complete Event

Jun 23, 2009

Is there some way in Flex where I can tell when all of the data has finished binding to my AdvancedDataGrid? I have a bunch of label functions that run and I need to a busy cursor while the grid gets populated. I then want to remove it when it's all done. And also fire another event.

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Flex :: Datagrid - AdvancedDatagrid Editable But Not Allowed To Change Data?

Jul 3, 2011

I have an advanced datagrid, but I want users to allow to copy some lines they want. when I use the property editable they are allowed to select the text they need, but they also are allowed to edit this. How can I prevent that?

I want users to be able to select any text in the datagrid, but they are not allowed to change the value of the grid. They should only be allowed to select and copy (ctrl + c).

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Flex :: Insert HBox Between A AdvancedDataGrid Header And Grid Data / Content?

May 24, 2011

I need to insert a Box containing some text that appears between the grid header and main content and spans all the grid columns. I've been searching and experimenting (addChildAt()) but no luck so far. Is this possible to achieve?If not, is it possible to dynamically render the text in the header itself, below and spanning the column header text?

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Flex :: Won't Display Data In Run, Or Won't Display Data In Debug?

Aug 15, 2011

This is the edit to my question. There is quite a bit of code here, but the problem area is below the second set of three line comments. I stuck the rest in just in case I'm completely wrong about where the problem is. With the "if" statement I can display fine in a run, but not in debug. If I get rid of the conditional it runs fine in debug, but not in a regular run. These errors only occur on the first run of the quiz. In either mode it runs fine fi I take a second quiz.

// ** this function is called from another component that passes in the array of qnums
// ** and then function clears data from previous quizzes. Component starts in the
// ** "loadingState **//


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Flex :: Have Ungrouped And Grouped Items Mixed In Same Datagrid?

Apr 7, 2011

Is there a way to have ungrouped and grouped items mixed in the same datagrid?

For example, think of a grid that lists the root items on a C: drive.

Obviously, we would want the Directory Structure to be group and expandable. But the files on the root drive would also be shown on the list, however they would not be grouped.

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Actionscript 3 :: FLEX Data Manipulation Separating Data For Bargraph Display From A PHP Call

May 25, 2011

I want to separate the data from the PHP call to Different CollectionArrays So that I can use the data for a bar-graph;

I created a static version of the bar-graph and separated the Collection array manually I don't want this done manually I need to do it dynamically. So what I am trying to understand is where to put the event-listener how to add to a collectionArray then once the collection array(s) are built. use that information to build the bar graphs...

36, > 2 years, Compliance
6, 0-90 Days, Compliance


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Flex :: Datagrid - Display A Multi-line Column Header Using The Flex Spark Data Grid?

Apr 13, 2011

How can you display a multi-line column header using the Flex Spark Data Grid for Flex 4.5?

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Actionscript 3 :: Apply Formatting To Data Feeding AdvancedDataGrid?

May 19, 2011

I'm using the Halo AdvancedDataGrid component, in which the default itemEditor for each column is mx.controls.TextInput.

For example, the data provider is:

If a String from the dataprovider Array is preceded by an asterisk - as is the case for banana in this example - the String needs to be surrounded by square brackets and be displayed in a grey colour.

I tried to do the following: [CODE]

A colleague told me about using the AdvancedDataGridColumn's labelFunction attribute. I tried that but was unable to do the following assignment (the id of the column is 'tag'):

[CODE]tag.itemEditor.htmlText = formattedText;[/CODE]

I get error "Access of possibly undefined property htmlText through a reference with static type mx.core:IFactory.I tried to both explicitly extract the TextInput itemEditor (like I did for the override set data) AND use the labelFunction, but I couldn't get both to be in the correct scopes.

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Flex :: BarChart To Display Data

Dec 21, 2009

In my application, I am using a BarChart to display data. However, the text in the category axis can be too long to display on the chart, so flex adjusts the font size automatically to the point that the data is either unreadable, or the text is partially visible.The length of the text varies every time new data comes in, so I can't set the gutterLeft attribute to a static value at runtime.Two things that come to my mind are:Change the gutter dynamically according to new data/Have a scroll bar on the categoryaxis so that if any text won't fit in the space, the user can scroll to see it.[code]

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Flex :: Display The Data In Table Format?

Dec 3, 2009

Is there are component in Flex where we can display the data in table format. [URL]..

I did not like the look and feel, any other components.

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Data - Flex Chart Display With No Datapoint?

Jun 8, 2010

I need to display price of item for every date in the month. The chart can be Bar chart or plot chart.

Question: Suppose there is no data available for 01/15/2010 then, Is there a way to display (01/15/2010) on x axis but no (bar or plot point) corresponding y axis point ?

i.e. there will be a empty space between 2 bars or plot points.

Currently i am using 0 , But 0 is a valid value.

Let me know if such a display is possible.

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Flex :: DataGridColumn Display Multiline String Data?

Aug 18, 2009

Is it possible to display a multiline string in a Flex DataGridColumn?i.e. Display:

Text line one.
Text line two.

I've tried putting "

","&#13;" when storing the string but nothing seems to work.Currently only "Text line one." is displayed and the rest is hidden in the cell. I would prefer not to use "wordWrap=true" to emulate this behaviour in the cell, but instead be able to manually put in newline breaks (although I could turn on wordWrap to avoid long text from hiding due to cell dimensions).

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Flex :: Display And Parse Sensor Data (text)?

Apr 5, 2011

I have a sensor that sends data as text file. Data format as follow: dat=110405120000+000.00+000.00+005.65+000.00+040.71+000.00+000.00+000.20.

How can i parse this data? The output i want is:

date: 05-04-11
time: 12:00:00
ch01: 000.00
ch02: 000.00


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Flex :: Get Anytihng From SQLite To Render - Display Any Data - Even Text?

Aug 5, 2011

I am trying to get anytihng from my SQLite to render in Flex, and I can't figure out how to display any data, even text, in Flex. What am I doing wrong?


I've tried a number of different components, and I can't seem to get the data to bind properly (although this code finally doesn't have the dreaded "Data binding will not be able to detect assignments to... " message, or the other dreaded "Property undefined" message).

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Flex :: Represent HTML Table Structure In Flex DataGrid Or AdvancedDataGrid?

Feb 12, 2012

I'm using Flex 4 and I need to render the data that resembles HTML Table with row span in a Flex component.My inclination was to use a DataGrid but I believe that rowSpan is not supported for that component. I looked at the AdvancedDataGrid but the user does not want to have a tree-structure in any of the columns. Looking to see if there are any hints/tips for modifying the DataGrid or AdvancedDataGrid to produce an "HTML Table with rowspan" look.

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Flex :: Flex Drag And Drop Between AdvancedDataGrid With Custom ItemRenderer

Feb 26, 2011

I have implemented drag and drop between 2 AdvancedDataGrid, but the default behaviour from Flex displays the row data during the drag using the grid item renderer showing all 5 columns.

Instead, I would like to display an icon / image or my own custom item renderer during the drag and drop.

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Flex :: Detect If Flex AdvancedDataGrid ItemClick Is Actually A Drag?

Sep 2, 2010

Is there any way to detect if AdvancedDataGrid itemClick event is actually caused by the user dragging? I'd like to take action on click, but ignore drag.

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