Flex :: Pre-processing Data Before Showing It In AdvancedDataGrid
Jun 8, 2010
I want to extend AdvancedDataGrid to show a Waterfall Chart in one of its columns.
To do that I already created custom cell render that shows bars as I need.
Now I have a little challenge: I have to pre-process data to show my Waterfall Chart properly. I have to do it before my grid is show. So, I assume that I have to extends AdvancedDataGrid and overwrite some methods.
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<mx:SummaryRow summaryPlacement="group">
<mx:SummaryField2 dataField="Cost" label="amount" summaryOperation="SUM">
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public function calculateSummary(data:Object, field:SummaryField2, rowData:Object):void
var dataField:String = field.dataField;
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If a String from the dataprovider Array is preceded by an asterisk - as is the case for banana in this example - the String needs to be surrounded by square brackets and be displayed in a grey colour.
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[CODE]tag.itemEditor.htmlText = formattedText;[/CODE]
I get error "Access of possibly undefined property htmlText through a reference with static type mx.core:IFactory.I tried to both explicitly extract the TextInput itemEditor (like I did for the override set data) AND use the labelFunction, but I couldn't get both to be in the correct scopes.
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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
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public function PushMessage(gameMsg:GameMessage):void
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webService.addEventListener(ResultEvent.RESULT, function(event:ResultEvent):void
var rawData:String = String(event.result);
var profileEvt:DynamicEvent = new DynamicEvent("profileSaved", true);
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Sep 2, 2010
Is there any way to detect if AdvancedDataGrid itemClick event is actually caused by the user dragging? I'd like to take action on click, but ignore drag.
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Aug 5, 2009
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Jun 3, 2010
after multiple Selection in a advanced datagrid, I want to check if the clicked row, was already selected. Anyway my idea below (in the nested if clause I want to check if the newly clicked item's processing data is already in the added Array Collection) is not working, but I assume there must be a better way to differiante if an click was made on a already selected row.
model.processingData = out;
if (model.selectedIndices.length > 1){
//check if item already added
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Dec 14, 2010
I would like to add new row on the fly (runtime) to my AdvancedDataGrid.I can add it to the data model, but couldn't find a way to make the table render and show the new row.What i am seeking for is to create an effect of expandable item, where clicking on row will show "additional information" (like a drawer) and clicking on row expand button will reveal it's children.I saw examples of this for dataGrid (http:url...), but not for AdavancedDataGrid.Only way I found to do this is to add a new child and use openItem, but this cause the other children to be visible as well.
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Sep 9, 2011
need my AdvancedDataGrid group by the name of the person, but I'm having trouble because the groupingField not accept "objectPeople.idPeople"
the name of the groupingField not accept "objectPeople.idPeople"?
GroupingField name="people.idPeople" <--error??
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Jul 7, 2009
I've got a subclass of AdvancedDataGrid showing a tree-like data structure. How can I, given the index returned by calculateDropIndex, get the item at that index? After reading through reams of code, it seems like the least terrible way is:
var oldSelectedIndex:int = this.selectedIndex;
var mouseOverIndex:int = this.calculateDropIndex(event);
this.selectedItem = mouseOverIndex;
var item:* = this.selectedItem;
this.selectedIndex = oldSelectedIndex;
The other option seems to be tinkering around with the iterator property... But, judging by the way I've seen it used, that will get pretty harry pretty quickly too. So, how can I get the item at a particular index in an advanced datagrid without going insane?
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Apr 14, 2010
Is it possible to use a renderer for for a treecolumn in an advanceddatagrid and still keep the hierarchal functionality? If I use a renderer provider I lose the the arrow for the tree dropdown. I want to keep the tree functionality and change the display of the column.(and not just the folder image)
<mx:AdvancedDataGridRendererProvider column="{titleCol}" depth="1"
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Oct 25, 2010
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