Flex :: Flex Causes Browser Unresponsive When Processing Large Amount Of Data?

Jun 29, 2011

I have an actionscript function which is supposed to launch a panel and then fill in Networktopology data inside it.As, network data is too large that it consumes much time and makes browser hang!Even I tried to display busy cursor which also stopped spinning when data was being processed.How can I ensure processing large amount of data does not hang the browser.

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AddChild 1
AddChild 2
AddChild 3


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Jun 11, 2011

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var videoListsArr:ArrayList = new ArrayList();
var folder:File = new File(driveName+":\");


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import flash.events.Event;
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import flash.net.URLRequest;


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Flex :: 4 - Scroll Flex Spark Datagroup To Maximum Amount Programmatically

Jul 6, 2011

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Scrolling Large Amount Of Text Through Banner

Nov 14, 2011

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<div id="tab02" class="slider">


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Flash - How To Group Large Amount Of POIs In Mapquest For AS

Feb 28, 2012

I have a large amount of POIs at the same spot (e.g. the same district). If I zoom out the map I want to group these nearby POIs to one big Spot so that the map doesn't get filled up with pois. For example: [URL]. But instead of decluttering them I want to group them into 1 bigger spot. Is there a way to do this?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Way To Insert Large Amount Of Text Neatly?

Mar 23, 2009

So I have extended my textfield so I can add a some text, a style, an x and y position.

var clientText:MyTextField = new MyTextField("Client:", "style1", 75, 60);

The problem is the text is starting to get a bit long and I need a way to insert large amount of text neatly. I don't really want to use xml I would prefer to just have it in the ide like in the attached image. However formatting it in this way gives me the error

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Flex :: Check To See If CallResponder Is Processing?

Apr 11, 2012

I'm using Flash Builder 4.6. As a simple example, say I have the following application:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<s:Application xmlns:fx="http://ns.adobe.com/mxml/2009" xmlns:s="library://ns.adobe.com/flex/spark" xmlns:sdk="services.sdk.*">


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Actionscript 3 :: Flex: Processing Xml, Before Using It In Datagrid?

Aug 12, 2009

I have following problem: My webservice application returns xml data in following order:



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Javascript :: Sending Flex Data To SQL As The Browser Closes (on Window.onbeforeunload)?

Nov 3, 2011

I have a ColdFusion function which sends analytics called from a Flex sendPageAnalytics() function to a SQL database when the user navigates - this works perfectly.What I am trying to do is have the Flex application send a bunch of analytics when the user closes their browser, therefore providing information about the last navigation.

I have used an ExternalInterface callback and listener for window.onbeforeunload and a trace statement tells me that this is working fine.My problem is that when all bundled together, I get as far as tracing out that the sendPageAnalytics() function has been called, but I do not get a sendPageAnalyticsFaultHandler() trace or a sendPageAnalyticsResultHandler() trace, which I do on every other sendPageAnalytics() call.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Not Enough Layers - Group A Large Amount Of Movie Clips?

Mar 5, 2005

I'm making a game where missiles are created using the duplicateMovieClip thing and I've used it a lot before, but i never noticed that there is a limit to the number of layers, around 256, I think. The problem is that i have a bunch of sprites in my games and each of them move(i.e. fire,smoke,shrapnel from rockets,etc) so is there a way to group a large amount of movie clips so that they're on one layer, without putting them into another movieclip? If u want look at a part of my game, well two parts.

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Actionscript :: Flash - Group A Large Amount Of POIs In Mapquest?

Jan 27, 2009

I have a large amount of POIs at the same spot (e.g. the same district). If i zoom out the map i want to group these nearby POIs to one big Spot so that the map doesn't get filled up with pois.


But instead of decluttering them i want to group them into 1 bigger spot.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Large Amount Of Textfields Should Be Animated And Random Without Xml File?

Mar 29, 2009

I have 100 names. I want to have it animated like the genname.fla I attached.And it should show these names when I mouseover it, in completely random order.Like the namebanner.fla I attached.I don't want the flash swf to get too large in filesize or the animation playing choppy.

How do I implement all these names (with animation) with coding in AS2 instead of timeline and labels?Without using external files xml, swf, txt.My solution I chosen is to have Labels (label1, label2..) in my timeline and I have now 30 labels, 30 movieclips+30MC:s in every with the name animation. It is so hard work to copy label, motion, convert new movieclip and do this for 100 names. Maybe I need 200 names.. This is impossible to sort out.

Every name must have the same:

- animation: movement, speed, blurfilter

- font

I need to be able to change:

- the name (firstname, lastname)

- animation (blurfilter, where it should start animate and stop, how fast..)

And I need to be able to change the font so It changes in every name so I don't need to go into every movieclip and change.

I have following code:


function fncShuffle()
{ return Math.floor(Math.random()*5)-1; }
//function for every label on the timeline


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flex Delayed Message Processing?

Aug 6, 2009

I've been working with a 3rd-party multiplayer engine for a game I'm developing. A lot of messages get sent during certain times (loading, etc) to the point where it is possible that multiple messages may be sent per gameloop. To solve this problem, I am attempting to create a delayed message processing scheme. this function is invoked every time a new message is received:

// called by the Client
public function PushMessage(gameMsg:GameMessage):void

And at a point in the gameloop, I want to process these messages and clear the message queue. The only problem: there is no assurance that the messageQueue won't be modified during that time. The messages in AS3 are basically interrupts (possibly overlapping), and I can't find any way to temporarily disable event dispatching for a specific EventDispatcher-derived class.

So at this point I can think of only two options. The first is to write a mutex using a Boolean and setTimeout. I do not want to do this for obvious reasons (bad! BAD!). The second is to give up on a delayed processing model.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Image Processing In Flash (flex)

Oct 30, 2010

Is there a way to process a picture > 4096 x 4096 px in pixel bender? Or any other technique?

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Actionscript 3 :: List (a Potentially Large Amount Of) Classes In A Specific Package?

Dec 11, 2011

I have x amount of classes in a package eg. "com.trevorboyle.lotsofclasses" and I keep adding more (These classes will probably all be static and will probably all extend the same class).I wish to create a drop-down list of all these classes, preferably without having to manually create an array myself.

Once a class is selected from the list, I'll be able to use getDefinitionByName to return it, because I will know it's name at this point.The question is, as I believe there is no support in AS3 to list all the classes in a specific package, is there a design pattern that handles this?

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Flash :: Flex - Client-side Image Processing?

Sep 20, 2011

I'm creating some image uploader in Flex with client-side image processing. Processing consists of two steps:
1. Resizing (solved)

2. Converting resized image (represented by ByteArray in PNG32 with alpha-channel) to gray-scale PNG with bit-depth = 2 and no color-palette. Is there any existing library that is capable of second step? Something like libpng for C++, maybe?Edit:It seem I stumbled upon rarely encountered problem. However my descision was to create an AS3 class that is capable of converting bitmapData to 2bit grayscale PNG. I used standart PNGEncoder and PNG format specification (which is not so good as I expected) as basis.

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Actionscript 3 :: Ignore Large Amount Of Sites With TCP/IP Sockets Policy File For Flash

Apr 20, 2011

I'm using flash sockets to build an embedded chat application. everything works great. I want to allow all the sites who embedded this application to connect to my server, except for some sites.

My problem is that the number of sites that I don't want to connect to my server is a very large one( 4-5k). Currently from what I seen all you can do is tell in your policy file the domains that you allow/not allow.

What I'm looking for is a way for flash player to send me the domain where the flash is embedded and I could return an accept/decline response. I know I can send info about the site where the flash is embedded using actionscript, but this can be very easy simulated.

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Actionscript 3 :: Deployed Flex Applet Not Processing Web Service Results

Nov 20, 2010

When I test my deployed app in a browser the popup window continues to be displayed even after it should be closed. Everything works as expected when debugged in Flash Builder 4.

Following is currently what's happening: the request is sent to my restful web service, which processes the request, (seemingly) the ResultEvent is called which in turn dispatches the profileEvt dynamic event that changes the view state. However, the popup window does not get closed and the applet gets 'stuck.'

Below are the flex applet web service event listeners/handlers:

webService.addEventListener(ResultEvent.RESULT, function(event:ResultEvent):void
var rawData:String = String(event.result);
var profileEvt:DynamicEvent = new DynamicEvent("profileSaved", true);


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