Flash - How To Group Large Amount Of POIs In Mapquest For AS

Feb 28, 2012

I have a large amount of POIs at the same spot (e.g. the same district). If I zoom out the map I want to group these nearby POIs to one big Spot so that the map doesn't get filled up with pois. For example: [URL]. But instead of decluttering them I want to group them into 1 bigger spot. Is there a way to do this?

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Actionscript :: Flash - Group A Large Amount Of POIs In Mapquest?

Jan 27, 2009

I have a large amount of POIs at the same spot (e.g. the same district). If i zoom out the map i want to group these nearby POIs to one big Spot so that the map doesn't get filled up with pois.


But instead of decluttering them i want to group them into 1 bigger spot.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Not Enough Layers - Group A Large Amount Of Movie Clips?

Mar 5, 2005

I'm making a game where missiles are created using the duplicateMovieClip thing and I've used it a lot before, but i never noticed that there is a limit to the number of layers, around 256, I think. The problem is that i have a bunch of sprites in my games and each of them move(i.e. fire,smoke,shrapnel from rockets,etc) so is there a way to group a large amount of movie clips so that they're on one layer, without putting them into another movieclip? If u want look at a part of my game, well two parts.

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Displaying A Large Amount Of Text In Flash CS4?

Jun 26, 2009

how to display a large amount of text inside of Flash CS4. I have a 46 page pdf I would like to display but I would really like to keep it internal to Flash...I don't want to link it out to a separate html page if I don't have to (i.e. through a URLRequest). I would like to have one self-contained swf file.

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Javascript :: Large Amount Alternative HTML For Flash?

Apr 2, 2011

I have a flash video(swf) that i'd like to display on my homepage. But, for those without flash i'd like to display a html slider. how would i do this?this is the code for the slider taht i'd like to display if flash isn't available

<div id="tab02" class="slider">


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Professional :: Way To Email Flash File To Large Group Of People For Quick Viewing

Dec 6, 2010

I'm trying to figure out the best way to email my flash file to a large group of people for quick viewing.There are people with all different kinds of software and computers, so I don't want to zip anything.The projector file I made is too big to send out.Does anybody have any suggestions on how to email flash files for quick, simple viewing?

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Actionscript 3 :: Ignore Large Amount Of Sites With TCP/IP Sockets Policy File For Flash

Apr 20, 2011

I'm using flash sockets to build an embedded chat application. everything works great. I want to allow all the sites who embedded this application to connect to my server, except for some sites.

My problem is that the number of sites that I don't want to connect to my server is a very large one( 4-5k). Currently from what I seen all you can do is tell in your policy file the domains that you allow/not allow.

What I'm looking for is a way for flash player to send me the domain where the flash is embedded and I could return an accept/decline response. I know I can send info about the site where the flash is embedded using actionscript, but this can be very easy simulated.

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Flash :: Css - Showing A Large Amount Of HTML Alternative Content With Swfobject & Swffit Site

Dec 7, 2009

I have a full flash site which uses swfobject to embed it 100% height and width. I'm using swffit to force a browser scroll bar for pages with a large amount of content. This is all fine and works perfectly. I also have the content in HTML format, as alternative content and this also works apart from in order to get the flash swfobject to work I need to add the overflow = hidden in the CSS, like:

height: 100%;
height: 100%;

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Scrolling Large Amount Of Text Through Banner

Nov 14, 2011

I have this banner that needs to have a several rows worth of paragraph text animate horizontally through it. Ideally, the text should also be possible to update from outside of flash. As for the scrolling text, working with that much text as one long row of letters doesn't seem feasible, so I'm wondering is there a standard way in Flash CS5 of working with large amounts of animated text? Not the user editable kind like text fields and such, but presentational text.

Obviously it's not efficient to have one long string of text that extends several screens beyond the display, as is the case now. Editing just one letter can take several seconds of scrolling as the string is currently over 3000 px wide, and it's not even all the text that's going to be in the final animation. It'd be great if it was possible to type that text through some web based cms, and have it automatically transferred to the Flash banner,

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Way To Insert Large Amount Of Text Neatly?

Mar 23, 2009

So I have extended my textfield so I can add a some text, a style, an x and y position.

var clientText:MyTextField = new MyTextField("Client:", "style1", 75, 60);

The problem is the text is starting to get a bit long and I need a way to insert large amount of text neatly. I don't really want to use xml I would prefer to just have it in the ide like in the attached image. However formatting it in this way gives me the error

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Large Amount Of Textfields Should Be Animated And Random Without Xml File?

Mar 29, 2009

I have 100 names. I want to have it animated like the genname.fla I attached.And it should show these names when I mouseover it, in completely random order.Like the namebanner.fla I attached.I don't want the flash swf to get too large in filesize or the animation playing choppy.

How do I implement all these names (with animation) with coding in AS2 instead of timeline and labels?Without using external files xml, swf, txt.My solution I chosen is to have Labels (label1, label2..) in my timeline and I have now 30 labels, 30 movieclips+30MC:s in every with the name animation. It is so hard work to copy label, motion, convert new movieclip and do this for 100 names. Maybe I need 200 names.. This is impossible to sort out.

Every name must have the same:

- animation: movement, speed, blurfilter

- font

I need to be able to change:

- the name (firstname, lastname)

- animation (blurfilter, where it should start animate and stop, how fast..)

And I need to be able to change the font so It changes in every name so I don't need to go into every movieclip and change.

I have following code:


function fncShuffle()
{ return Math.floor(Math.random()*5)-1; }
//function for every label on the timeline


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Actionscript 3 :: List (a Potentially Large Amount Of) Classes In A Specific Package?

Dec 11, 2011

I have x amount of classes in a package eg. "com.trevorboyle.lotsofclasses" and I keep adding more (These classes will probably all be static and will probably all extend the same class).I wish to create a drop-down list of all these classes, preferably without having to manually create an array myself.

Once a class is selected from the list, I'll be able to use getDefinitionByName to return it, because I will know it's name at this point.The question is, as I believe there is no support in AS3 to list all the classes in a specific package, is there a design pattern that handles this?

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Flex :: Pasting A Large Amount Of Text In A TextArea Leads To A Script Execution Timeout

Dec 23, 2010

(Flex 3) I have a TextArea component which needs to hold the user's clipboard content. The TextArea does the job relatively well for most cases but when pasting a large amount of data, I can't seem to get the content in the component at all due to the script execution timeout.

I've done a fair deal on investigation to try and hopefully find how I could make this work. I found that the TextArea is using a IUITextField (which is in my case an instance of TextField at runtime) do handle the job of obtaining the pasting data and then throws an event when it is done.

I have found no way to take a look at the source of TextField as it is a class in the playerglobal.swc library.

Is there a way for me to maybe see the source of that class or is there something I'm missing in my approach to figure out a way to make this work?

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Flex :: Flex Causes Browser Unresponsive When Processing Large Amount Of Data?

Jun 29, 2011

I have an actionscript function which is supposed to launch a panel and then fill in Networktopology data inside it.As, network data is too large that it consumes much time and makes browser hang!Even I tried to display busy cursor which also stopped spinning when data was being processed.How can I ensure processing large amount of data does not hang the browser.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Video Amount Played MORE THAN Amount Loaded?

Feb 11, 2012

I have been having a serious issue with custom video where flash is saying that the amount of the video so far played is MORE than the amount that it has downloaded, which is clearly impossible. This results in various problems, such as the playhead (scrubber) moving past the end of the loader bar. I posted a simple demo that displays the amount loaded and the amount played in text fields. You can see it at: [URL][Code]...

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Actionscript 2.0 :: Video Amount Played More Than Amount Loaded?

Feb 11, 2012

So I have been having a serious issue with custom video where flash is saying that the amount of the video so far played is MORE than the amount that it has downloaded, which is clearly impossible. This results in various problems, such as the playhead (scrubber) moving past the end of the loader bar.I posted a simple demo that displays the amount loaded and the amount played in text fields. You can see it at: URL...[code]I encoded the video at a high rate so that it would download slowly. It may not playback smoothly, which I am not concerned about. What I am concerned about is the numbers below the video what are derived from ns.bytesLoaded and ns.time. If you watch it for a bit, the amount played should exceed the amount loaded.

I double checked the video duration and the bytestotal that flash is reporting and they are correct. I don't know of any way to check the accuracy of bytesloaded.If your internet connection is super fast, you may not see the issue - it only occurs when it is playing back faster than it is downloading - if this is the case, you may need to throttle your speed down, or start downloading a large file while you are watching this demo in order to see the issue.But this is a serious issue and means that building custom video interfaces with loadbars and playheads is impossible!

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Radiobutton Group Value - Get The SelectedData From The Group?

Aug 14, 2009

I've got some MC's in my library that have radiobuttons in them -- all of this created at design time -- and pull them onto the stage dynamically. My question is how do I get the selectedData from the group? The setup is like this: In a MC called pageOne, I have a group of buttons with a group name of Q1, Q2, etc. I pull the MC onto the stage like this:


Do I need instance names on each of the buttons and add listeners to all of them?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Delay Between A Group Of Leaves Falling And Next Group Falling?

Oct 17, 2010

I have some code here for some falling leaves. I was wondering how it can be altered so there is a delay between a group of leaves falling and the next group falling? also to slow down at the end of the fall? [code]

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Disable Radio Button Group In Flash?

Mar 30, 2010

im trying to disable a radio button group in flash, so users cant change the selected item.

im using the following code to create the radio button

var rbuttongroup:RadioButtonGroup=new RadioButtonGroup("radioGroup");

then adding radio buttons to it on the fly, my question is how do i go about disabling the radio buttons ?

EDIT - im using action script 3.0 !! and when i try doing

rbg.enabled = false;

i get an error 1119: Access of possibly undefined property enabled through a reference with static type fl.controls:RadioButtonGroup.

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Flash :: Rotate Camera Around Group Of Objects?

Dec 17, 2010

So I create a point cloud, in 3d with code like (flash 10.1 CS5):

import flash.display.Bitmap;
import flash.display.BitmapData;
var bmd:BitmapData = new BitmapData(400, 400, true, 0xFFCCCCCC);


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Flash :: Convert Textfield Into Group Of MovieClips?

Nov 16, 2011

I have a dynamically created textfield, and I would like to convert this textfield into a movieclip containing a childmovieclip for each letter of the text, so that i can animate the letters individually (for example treat them as particles and make them explode). Of course the converted movieclip should still look the same way as the original textfield.

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Flash :: Group Width When Elements At Negative Coordinates?

Apr 27, 2011

<s:Group id="g1">
<s:Group id="g2" width="100" x="-40"/>

I have a group that contains elements placed at negative coordinate values. I would like to get the total width of the group including parts of elements placed at negative values. In the example above g1.width returns 60 (100-40) but i like to get the value 100. In the example bellow g3.width returns 0 and still i like to get the value 100. How can I do this.I have debugged the application and no property of g1 or g3 is 100.I get the values I want if I use the Box class instead but how do I get the values i want with the Group class?

<s:Group id="g3">
<s:Group id="g4" width="100" x="-150"/>


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AS3 :: Flash - Reset Or Deselect A Group Of Radio Buttons?

May 11, 2011

I need to reset or deselect a group of radio buttons. How do I do that ?

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Flash - What Is The Maximum Amount Memory Adobe AIR Can Utilize

Jul 1, 2011

I've been doing some rapid prototyping for a game I'm thinking of building. one of the main things i want to do is map generation for a tile type map. While generating the map i end up using large amounts of ram. I'm building the map as an array of random integers for my test. When i try to generate maps of a large scale flash gives me the out of memory error:

Error: Error #1000: The system is out of memory.

I've already figured i could write to a file instead, to solve that problem. but does anybody know the actual maximum size? I've tried searching around to no avail.Activity monitor reports that ADL is using around 500MB "real memory" and around 700MB "virtual memory". The System.privateMemory property seems to match the "real memory" value.as a side note i'm developing in OSX Snow Leopard (64) with 8gb ram


Here the example test i am running

var ba:ByteArray = new ByteArray();
for(var i:uint = 0; i<100000000; i++)


When i run this script from a browser, stand-alone debugger or AIR i get roughly the same memory usage readouts (which i know vary anyway). What is constant however is the final length of the byte array:

Browser (Firefox): TM: 540413952 FM: 19116032 PM: 562573312 BALENGTH: 13421778
Stand-alone: TM: 540577792 FM: 1810432 PM: 545361920 BALENGTH: 134217728
AIR (2.6): TM: 5410816 FM: 1159168 PM: 551464960 BALENGTH: 134217728

My testing methods might not be perfect, though i dont know how to do deeper profiling.

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Actionscript 3 :: Sending A Huge Amount Of Data From Flash?

Sep 14, 2011

I'm having an issue sending a huge (~4MB) block of data from flash, to my java servlet, currently I'm transferring the data using URLVariables, however it seems there's a limit to this (because it seems to work, with smaller data blocks), how do I suppress this limit, or in any other way, get my data to my servlet.My flash code so far:

var variables:URLVariables = new URLVariables();
variables.name = name_string; //Plenty of these small attributes
variables.data = data_string; //And the huge BLOB


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Flash 8 - Unlimited Amount Of Images In Slideshow

Mar 23, 2006

I'm trying to do the following to a flash banner, I'd like to know if it's possible and how I would code it/do it.
1. Unlimited amount of slide support. The banner must look for 01.jpg, 02.jpg, 03.jpg... etc. Let's say the current slidshow has 4 photos, they want to be able to just upload another image and create a new .as file to make it appear in the flash slideshow.
2. each link must be in its own independent script. For example 01link.as, 02link.as, 03link.as etc.

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Flash :: Rtmfp NetGroup - Not All Clients See Messages Inside Group?

Jun 5, 2011

I have Flex application - it connects to FMS and joins to NetGroup named "default".So I have for example 4 clients connected to the same server in the same group. And looks like not all clients are connected to each other! Client1 sees Client2's streams and messages but doesn't see others. Same for Client3 and 4. I know UDP must not be blocked in networks in order to P2P connections work, and this can be a reason why not all members of group see each other.My question is - if there any ways to make all clients see each other? For example - if no P2P connection can be established - connect client via Flash Media Server or some proxy?

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Actionscript 3 :: Group Text Chat Using Flash Media Server?

Feb 2, 2012

i have implemented simple text chat using fms and php but now i want to implement the group chat whoever come to online should be able to text each other implement this.

private function sendMessage(e:MouseEvent=null):void
if (_message.message_box.input_txt.text=="Message..."||_message.message_box.input_txt.text


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Flash :: Professional - Set The Amount Of Text Externally Acquired In Project?

May 20, 2011

I am a VERY basic user with Flash and have been asked to make an auto-scrolling news ticker for our website. The ticker needs to be able to pick up text from an external text file (so that we only need to alter the text file rather than the .fla file). AND, if possible, it needs to update automatically each day... I'll explain in more detail as I imagine this is very hazy so far. The news ticker will display up-coming events for the following two weeks on our website. So on, say, Monday the 1st it will show something like:


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Flash :: Why Are Animations Sometimes Done Using Steps Based On The Amount Of Time That's Passed

Jan 5, 2010

I've noticed that some programmers animate objects based on the difference in time. I am not sure why or even if this is logical. Does anyone know the significance? Below is a snippet of code that explains what I mean:


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