Flex :: BorderContainer As Foreground Object

Sep 12, 2011

I am searching for a way to have my spritevisualelement have round corners so that it is displayed in a circular shape.The SpriteVisualElement contains a Video Stream from FMS to display but I do not want it to be rectangular.[code] But the Container keeps being in the background and the whole remote Video which is displayed in the "vid" (=id) is in the foreground.How can I set the Container to be in Foreground? then just setting whole application background would do the job.

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Flex :: Dispatch Event When Popup Brought To Foreground?

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Flex :: Toggle A Mask To A Group In Flex (works For BorderContainer)?

Oct 6, 2011

Here's my test application:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<s:Application xmlns:fx="http://ns.adobe.com/mxml/2009"

I would expect the mask to be applied when the checkbox is selected, and removed when it issin't. But it doesn't seem to work.However, when you change to , it works like a charm. Can anyone explain to me why?

Note: In my actual application, i'm applying this in a skin to a component that is extending SkinnableComponent which can't use BorderContainer so a solution to this would be great.

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idname.color = "#333333";
idname.backgroundcolor = "#333333";
How might I go about doing this?

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My code:
BorderContainer's definition:
<s:BorderContainer xmlns:fx="http://ns.adobe.com/mxml/2009"


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<s:BorderContainer width="100%" borderWeight="2" cornerRadius="5">


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<s:BorderContainer includeIn="state2" width="200" height="200" backgroundColor="#992F2F"
horizontalCenter="-61" verticalCenter="23" depth.state2=currentState.num>

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protected function lbHideQuery_clickHandler(event:MouseEvent):void
if (lbHideQuery.selected)


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Sep 7, 2010

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Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference

When the error occurs, Flex highlights the following code:

myButton.label = value;

Here's the app:

// MyApp.mxml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<s:WindowedApplication xmlns:fx="http://ns.adobe.com/mxml/2009"


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Actionscript 3 :: Move A MC On Foreground?

Aug 12, 2011

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function processMusica():void
var loadStatus:int=0[code].....

I want to move "riproduzioneDetails" MC on foreground, but when i attempt to launch application, it give me this error: TypeError: Error #2007: Parameter child must be non-null

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Aug 12, 2011

i've a problem to a set a different child index of a Movieclip. This is the code:


I want to move "riproduzioneDetails" MC on foreground, but when i attempt to launch application, it give me this error: Error #2025: The supplied DisplayObject must be a child of the caller error

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Stop BackgroundEffect Movie Clip Appearing In The Foreground?

Mar 5, 2010

I have a movie clip showing party streamers animating upwords, and another movieclip that has letters falling into place. What I want is for the streamers to be in the background and the letters to be in the foreground.

The AS for the streamers is -

import com.effects.BackgroundEffect;
var effect:BackgroundEffect = new BackgroundEffect ();
effect.bgEffect ("effect28","up",0.3,{zigZag:z = new Array (1, 30)});


I have tried giving the attachmovie click various depths, but that makes no difference. how to make sure the new BackgroundEffect movie clip appears in the background?

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Actionscript 3 :: Add Verticallayout To A Bordercontainer On Runtime?

Dec 10, 2011

I'm creating a bordercontainer on runtime:

var bcArtist:BorderContainer = new BorderContainer();
var imgArtist:Image = new Image();
var lblArtist:String = new String();
bcArtist.id = artistXML.pk_artist_id;
bcArtist.width = 75;
bcArtist.layout = VerticalLayout;

But the last line gives this error:

1067: Implicit coercion of a value of type Class to an unrelated type spark.layouts.supportClasses:LayoutBase.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: BorderContainer - Get The Width That Is Visible On The Screen?

Jun 1, 2011

I'm programmatically creating a spark BorderContainer in ActionScript and filling it with a few labels. After I make it visible, it's width is 298 pixels. However, I only know this because I'm taking a screenshot and measuring the width. If I trace() the width, or explicitWidth, or measuredWidth, or getExplicitOrMeasuredWidth(), or getLayoutBoundsWidth() ... ad nauseum ... the reported width is always 42 pixels. Without fail. how the hell I can get the width that is visible on the screen? It's absolutely ridiculous how easy this should be, but isn't.

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Actionscript 3 :: Make A BorderContainer To Listen For Scroll Events?

Aug 19, 2010

There is my scenario:

I have a BorderContainer that is contained by a Scroller.

Question :

How can i make my BorderContainer to listen for Scroler events?

e.g. When i scroll down or up, or right or left, i want to change my BorderContainer's cordinates(x, y).

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Flash :: Tree ItemRenderer Can't Show Tiny TitleWindows Added To A BorderContainer In Renderer

Mar 14, 2011

I am facing some problem that I add some title widows to the ItemRenderer of tree. but some time tree don't show those tiny title windows in tree item-renderer.. is this the issue that tree re-use its renderers..(these windows are skinned like little cricles, and added specific to the data of item renderer.. these TitleWindows are added using addElement() to a s:BorderContainer in the renderer)[code]...

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Flash 9 :: Slow Moving Of A Flash Application From Background To Foreground

Oct 23, 2008

I have created a Flash application running in a browser (Firefox 3 on Windows XP). When I move this application from foreground to background and (after some time) viceversa, I notice a considerable slowdown, i.e. for about thirty seconds the application becomes unusable.

My swf is very small (~200 KB), but this swf creates *many* buttons and *many* other graphical widget (with statical images), so the RAM occupied is considerable (~150 MB).

I initially assumed that was caused by the swap mechanism of the operating system or of the browser. This was *not* true, and it was confirmed by the fact that, by default, Mozilla Firefox prevent Windows from swapping out memory when the program is minimized (see config.trim_on_minimize option). Nothing has changed even disabling the paging system of Windows.[code]...

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Flash :: Flex Dynamic Object Name And Add Object To Object?

Jun 16, 2011

I have this situation where i'm trying to save "chat logs" while people switch around views in my flex mobile application..so, my plan is i'm starting out with a main object that I plan to re-use as the main chat log object..I call it textObjso, when someone new wants to chat my plan is to make a new object with the persons username.so how if i were to get the username from something like data.username how could I translate that into the var name of the object I want to make? So in the end i end up with.[code]

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Flex :: Access XML Object In Restlet 2.0 Thats Wrapped Inside A Representation Object?

Jan 7, 2010

I am developing an application with Flex for the GUI and Restlet for the webservices. I have a strange problem. I put my XML as a property on a generic object, and send it as part of a POST request. But in the Restlet webservice, this XML is irretrievable. How do I retrieve it? I tried initialising the received Representation object to a DomRepresentation, but thats not working. If I put the received Representation object into a Form object, then getFirstValue is returning that XML as a string! I noticed that the contentType of the HTTPService was application/www-form-encoded so I set it to application/xml and its not helping either. I use restlet 2.0m6 and here is the code snippet that I use -


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Flash :: Handle A Time Object From Php In Flex (parse It To A Date Object)

Aug 19, 2010

I've got a php backend which delivers a time (e.g. '07:00:00'). This time is recognized as a string but I need it as a Date. So what I need is: Convert a string '07:00:00' to a Flex Date object. Is there a way to do this (without using regular expressions)?

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Flex :: Move Shape Object Across Screen- Initial Object Remains

Jun 25, 2011

I am trying to move a 'Shape' object across the screen. As the object moves, a copy is being left at the initial position. Almost as if only an instance of original object ahs been moved

This is not an issue for moving an image or MXML graphic. Is something wrong in setting to the move object?

The code is as follows

private var arrow:UIComponent;
private function resetAssets():void{
arrow = new UIComponent();


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