Flex :: Cairngorm 3 Presentation Model Initializations?

Jul 13, 2011

I have a TitleWindow that I open up... and I have 6 states defined.I am using the Presentation model pattern for all of my views. When I tell my window to go to XXX state, the controls have to initialize since the states in flex use lazy loading. so... my PM code that says myTextArea.text bombs out and say "cannot access..." so as a work around, I made some creationComplete events on my controls to register the control with the PM. So when the state changes, the textarea finally initializes and on creationComplete calls PM.registerTextArea() which sets a reference to it. then in that function I run my code... myTextArea.text.. etc.

This seems like such a ugly hack that I hate it. Is there any way to wait until the entire state in created then call code on the PM? I have tried enterstate... but this event seems to fire before the state controls are ready.I tried to add a comment, but I guess editing is the only way I can do this...I am doing something slightly off straight PM. Every view has a viewController (as I call them). Its kinda my own hybrid of a delegate / dataprovider. But this is moot. It's the flex component lifecycle when dealing with states that is the pain.if you change state.. there is no event to say "all my components in this state are ready".only event to say "we changed state". so my code that fires on state change is trying to talk to components that aren't ready yet.So from what I see, there seems to be no design pattern or perfect way to ensure that all components are created in a state unless using creationComplete on every component in the state to register it is ready... if you don't, you get a race condition. Regardless of frameworks or design patterns, this seems to be a root issue.

I am trying to attach video to a display once I get to that state. This is done via addchild. regardless of where I do it.. I need to know that the videoDisplay is done loading before I call addchild. I even tried currentStateChange event since docs say that fires last... but alas.. the components in the state are still initializing. So it seems that creationComplete is my only option. Maybe the only sane way to keep to clean code is to create the entire thing(videodisplay and video) using as once the state is entered. I just hoped the flex framework had events to ehlp me here rather than buiilding everything on the fly in as.

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public class ConfigServer {
public function ConfigServer() {
var loaderUrl:String = FlexGlobals.topLevelApplication.loaderInfo.loaderURL;
var urlToSet:String = <loaderURL-string-manipulation>;
_serverUrl = urlToSet;
[Code] .....

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TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference.
at org.fao.fapda.util::ConfigServer()[C:devworkspacesFAPDA runkFAPDA-clientsrcorgfaofapdautilConfigServer.as:8]

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<services:FAPDAServices id="services"/>
And the problem is that FAPDAServices.mxml is read runs before FlexGlobals is valid. Is there a point in the Flex Application lifecycle where such loaderURL is defined so that I can construct ConfigServer? When in startup events that initialization in done?

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import com.adobe.cairngorm.vo.IValueObject;


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May 5, 2011

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Jun 5, 2009

I recently completed a project for a custom report UI in Flex. Now, I've been tasked with creating a new application that is essentially a "lite" version of the original UI. It will include only a few of the options that are in the original application. Also, it needs to be a separate application.

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I have created a few Event and Command classes for use in my Cairngorm projects.For example, I created an class that extends URL... that allows me to set callback functions upon completion or failure of the corresponding Command. To accomplish this, I also had to create a new Class that implements com.adobe.cairngorm.commands.ICommand that I extend for all Commands in my projects.Now, I want to use these two classes across all of my Cairngorm applications. What is the best way to do this? Should I just edit the Cairngorm source for CairngormEvent and ICommandand recompile the Cairngorm MVC (is that even possible)? Or add my two classes to the Cairngorm source and recompile the Cairngorm MVC? Or should I just add them to a shared library?I've chose the third option for now, but this requires that I reference the Cairngorm library in both my library and each project. I am wondering if there is a better practice and what the benefits are.

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Jul 23, 2010

I am trying to figure out how to define a callback to my model object, via the Mate Frameworks LocalEventMap.

<EventHandlers type="{WebServiceEvent.RT_GET}" debug="true">
<HTTPServiceInvoker url="/services/rtGet.asp">


I get essentially the same error if I try to make method="model.rtGetHandleResult"

So, in keeping with the presentation model... how do I have the event map get this to the model to execute?

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Flex :: Store The Model Of An Application?

Apr 25, 2011

I am working on an StoryBoarding application,it is a slide based application in which the authors can put several components like image , sound , captions etc in each of the slide.A collection of slides will make a storyboard.This application will be deployed on a web server (sharepoint + IIS , and php+apache), and several users can collaborate with each other for authoring or reviewing the storyboard.In my application I also want to support auto save ,which will keep on storing the state of the storyboard.User can also save at any point of time by clicking the save button.I am confused about how to store the state of the storyboard.

1)Presently I am doing this by passing all the storyboard data to a dot net web-service and then that service is storing images,caption etc in their respective tables into a database .2)Another approach possible is to store the model of the application as a serialized object into the db , which will be more convenient since separating the components of the model (like images,captions etc..) will not be required and also restoring the state of the objects in the application will be easy . I have two doubts about using approach 2 :-i) I want the the saved storyboard to load quickly, for which I would like to support the partial so that lighter objects like caption can be loaded quickly but other heavier objects like image,video etc can be loaded on demand. Using approach 2 , do I have to send the whole data in one go or is there way to support partial loading ?

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Flex :: Bind XMLListCollection Into Model?

Mar 24, 2012

When the XMLListCollection is updated in the DataGrid, I want it to add the XML (bind it) into the Model. How would I do this? Or if not possible, how would I manually add XML into the Model?

This is a rough example of what I'm trying to do. Adding data to the DataGrid works fine; it just doesn't go into the Model when sending to the HTTPService.

<mx:Model id="model">
<mx:XMLListCollection id="collection" />


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