Flex :: Changes To Mxml Not Reflected In Browser

Oct 7, 2009

I have a Flex project and am using a trial version of Adobe Flex Builder 3 to build it.

I do the following:

1. Change an mxml file in the project (for simplicity, assume I changed the text in a label).

2. Right click on the project, Export, Release Build

3. Right click on the main mxml file, Run As -> Flex Application

A browser window opens, everything runs fine, but I cannot see the change I made in step 1.

I thought the browser (tried with IE, Chrome) might be caching stuff, so I tried after deleting all temporary internet files, but I see the same behavior.

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Flex :: ItemRenderer Hieght (and Height Changes) Not Reflected In AdvancedDataGrid Row

Sep 14, 2011

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Unfortunately, I cannot provide source code as there are a huge number of classes going into this, hierarchial data, rolling up closed nodes into multiple rows, custom hierarchy parsers, a multitude of item renderers - that and its a Government contract.I have run into a similar issue with a much simpler item renderer, basically a label that will respect a max height, resize itself upto that height as its wordwrapping data will require, and then create scrollbars for itself. Again, the data sizes almost correclty when the grid is created, then changing the column width within the grid does not resize the row height as the item renderer adjusts to its new width. Only in resizing the grid itself do the item renderers resize correctly, create scroll bars, and the grids row heights are correct.The source for that item renderer:[code]Very wide column, no scroll bars, the labels measured height is shown in the row height.Smaller width column, some renderers have hit max height and are creating scroll bars, the last renderer is still using the measured height of the label.Smaller still column, all max heights are hit and scrollers are present for all labels, scrollers will select the row when used but allow scrolling so all text is viewable.

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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<s:Group xmlns:fx="http://ns.adobe.com/mxml/2009"


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<mx:method ... />
<mx:method ... />


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