Flex :: Converting A String Into A CheckBox?

May 20, 2010

I have a string which is ultimately the id of a CheckBox.

What I need to be able to do is to access the CheckBox's properties from the string

var myCheckBox:Object;
var myString:String;
myString = "checkbox_1"
myCheckBox = Object(myString); ?!?!

... and then I'd need to get to myCheckBox.selected, and myCheckBox.label etc

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Flex :: Get Checkbox To Change String Value (text)?

Mar 10, 2012

What i am trying to do is very simple but it does not seem to work

I am trying to get a checkbox event handler to change the text value of a string.[code]...

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Flex :: Converting VideoPlayer CurrentTime To String

May 17, 2010

I want to format the currentTime displayed by a videoPlayer component inside flex, something like : 8230.999 to something like 01:59:59:999 which is "hours:minutes:seconds:milliseconds". I tried different sets of codes but they can't get it to work because currentTime is nor a correct milliseconds time as it adds a floating 3 digit point to seconds;
So instead of : 2000ms it outputs 2.000

Here's the current MXML:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<s:Application xmlns:fx="[URL]"
xmlns:mx="library://ns.adobe.com/flex/mx" minWidth="955" minHeight="600">
[Code] .....

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Actionscript 3 :: Converting Object To String In Flex?

Feb 6, 2011

I've faced a problem converting an Object into String in flex . my object is mydropdown selecteditem and I want to convert it to string and show it on a label tag . I've tried ".toString()" and "as String" and "String()" but none of them worked

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Actionscript 3 :: Arrays - Flex 4 Converting Array.length Into A String

Mar 5, 2012

I am trying to assign a number to a variable that is dynically generated from a binded array...when i try and assign it and trace it out nothing happens, which means I am obviously doing something wrong but I am not sure? just for fun i decided to bind the data to a label like so...


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Flex :: Converting A String[] Of Amazon S3 Object Keys To A Treemap/ Hashmap Etc?

Nov 14, 2011

I am currently pulling data from an s3 storage account. S3 has a flat file structure but gives the impression that the files are stored in directories. how do I convert this String[]



I am using grails to render the data as JSON for a flex application using an Advanced Datagrid and need a tree like structure, as if you were browsing files on your desktop.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Checkbox - Converting HTML Form To Flash

Nov 25, 2009

I am converting an html form to a flash form. I am not so good with AS3 and it's the first time I have to create forms so it was quite difficult for me. I am almost done, I did the text fields and the comboboxes, so everything except the checkboxes works.

Here's the html code for the 5 checkboxes;
...<input type="checkbox" name="txtMessage" value="Find Your Pace">...
...<input type="checkbox" name="txtMessage" value="Stress Escape">...
...<input type="checkbox" name="txtMessage" value="Time Revolution">...
...<input type="checkbox" name="txtMessage" value="Ultimate Connections">...
...<input type="checkbox" name="txtMessage" value="Contact Me About Life Coaching">...

Here's an example of how my flash form works;
var variables:URLVariables = new URLVariables();
var varSend:URLRequest = new URLRequest("website");
var varLoader:URLLoader = new URLLoader;
varSend.method = URLRequestMethod.POST;
varSend.data = variables;
[Code] .....

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Actionscript 3 :: CheckBox In Flex 3 - Text Area Which Should Contain The Selected Checkbox's Label / Data

Mar 19, 2012

I need a datagrid, which contains checkbox (4 no's) without multiple selection. And I also need a text area which should contain the selected checkbox's label/data. I tried using arraycollection but I am not getting.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Checkbox Tweak - Display 'Yes' If The Checkbox Is Selected, And 'No' If The Checkbox Is Unselected?

Feb 12, 2009

This PHP contact form works well and is very simple. I have one checkbox in the fla file. However, it keeps displaying 'No' in the email message field, whether the checkbox is selected or not. It should display 'Yes' if the checkbox is selected, and 'No' if the checkbox is unselected.Here is the PHP:

PHP Code:/DESTINATION--------------------------

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Converting XML To String?

Nov 17, 2010

I have an xml file titled config.xml that looks like this.
<textChanges>     <change id = "22833" whatToAdd = "
" whereToAdd = "Front"></change>     <change id = "22843" whatToAdd = "
" whereToAdd = "End"></change> </textChanges>
I'm processing this code inorder to automatically add to the front or end of a line found in an xml file titled textXML.
Here is the processing code:

This traces the correct line of code from textXML, but the shows  up in the text and doesn't add the carriage returns.  The crazy thing  is, it works if I replace textAddition with "

".  I figure this is  happening because of some weird formatting issue.  So I've tried many  ways of formatting the textAddition var to a string.  Each time has had  no effect.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Converting A String To An Instance Name?

Jun 8, 2009

//declare variables and create arrays
var initx=80;
var inity=80;


Alright, what I am trying to do here is get 15 buttons arranged on the stage in a random order. The buttons are all named "butt1" "butt2" etc. First step, getting the numbers 1-15 in a random order in an array (successful). Then I concatenate "butt" before the number so the array contains the button names.

However, when I try to place them I get the following message:

ReferenceError: Error #1056: Cannot create property x on String.
at numbersgame_fla::MainTimeline/frame1()

Flash is interpreting my array values as strings rather than the buttons they are supposed to be, and failing as a result. How can I fix this?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Converting String Into MovieClip Name

Jul 28, 2011

My code is below. I have an external Class AS file doing most of my code but I need some of the moviClips to highlight areas (other movieClips) when they're rolled over. I've kept instance names the same + an H for their highlights to lessen the amount of code and be able to use array's and for loops.

My code is below and brings up this error:
Actionscript Code:
TypeError: Error #1034: Type Coercion failed: cannot convert "areanaH" to flash.display.MovieClip. at EnterpriseZone_fla::Layer1_1/end()
[Code] .....

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Converting A String In To A Variable

Jul 14, 2009

I have a string that stores an object's instance name: var instName:String = e.target.name; and now I need to use its information to do something like this: instName.alpha = 0.3; but since it is a string it causes this error: 1119: Access of possibly undefined property alpha through a reference with static type String.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Converting String To Integer?

May 29, 2010

I'm having some trouble converting a string to an integer.  Here is my code:
var str:String = e.currentTarget.name as String; // Getting values like "song1", "song2"
str = str.replace("song", ""); // Changes it from "song1" or "song2" to "1" or "2"
var num:int = str as int; // SHOULD be converting the "1" to 1 and "2" to 2
trace("num:" + num + ", str:" + str);
The trace is always outputting:

num:0, str:1
num:0, str:2
The str value is there, but when it gets put into num then it zeros out.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Converting String To Movieclip

Jul 15, 2010

I have this bit of code. The highlighted area (I think) is causing "TypeError: Error #1010: A term is undefined and has no properties. at firstStep_fla::MainTimeline/placeDef()" The error appears when I go through the "match" section.
import flash.display.MovieClip;import flash.events.MouseEvent;
var numRight:Number = 0;var originalX:Number;var originalY:Number;var box:Rectangle = new Rectangle(0,0,450,380);


View 9 Replies

Flash :: Converting A String To Number?

May 27, 2011

I'm trying to convert a string to number and no matter what I do, get strings still.

var lastDigit:Number = Number(e.target.name.charAt(e.target.name.length-1));
trace ('lastDigit is number = ' + lastDigit is Number)

And this traces false. I also tried parseInt and get a type coercion error.

View 4 Replies

ActionScript 3.0 :: Converting Number To String?

Feb 16, 2009

Which way is the right way to convert a number to string?

ActionScript Code:
var aNumber:Number = new Number(25);
var aString:String = new String();
///////// THIS ///////////


View 8 Replies

ActionScript 2.0 :: Converting String To Movieclip?

Dec 9, 2009

I have a reference to a dynamic movieclip that I am trying to access from another movieclip, but I think the problem is flash sees it as a string rather than movieclip. Basically in a movieclip I have the following:

var changeMe:MovieClip;
var changeMe = "_root.scrollerClip."+_global.currentlySelecte d; // (_global.currentlySelected is the name of a movieclip i know exists, but adding the


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Converting A String Name Into A MovieClip?

Sep 9, 2010

I had an old AS2 trick that I named "menuStatus" that I would use to for a file where I had several buttons. Each button would have it's over state, off state, and "current" state. When the button is in it's "current" state, it moves to a 3rd frame in the respective button (for this example - a basic color shift). I'll also eventually remove the listener when it is in this state. But first things first: I can grab a button's name using the "event.target.name" and assign it to a variable. But when I try to tell that variable to gotoAndStop(3), I get an error:[I]1061: Call to a possibly undefined method gotoAndStop through a reference with static type String.

ActionScript Code:
var current:String = new String();
var myBtns:Array = [one_btn, two_btn, three_btn, four_btn, five_btn];


View 9 Replies

ActionScript 3.0 :: Converting String To Number?

Oct 5, 2011

I am trying to get numbers from a string and have tried number(), int(), parseInt() BUT....it all works fine but they all seem to accept as a number which appears throughout the text which then messes up the calculations. Is there anyway to force it to only accept 0-9 digits?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Converting From A String To A Numeric?

Feb 6, 2003

I have an mc.instance name is Twentysecond it has a text box called label When clicked Twentysecond populates a text box and I want to use this code Flash will not let me use an instance name of 22nd.

TwentySecond.label = _name;//(I want this to show 22)
onRelease = function(){
myTextBox = _name; // (I want this to show 22nd

I should know how to do this, but memory is failing.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Converting Code To A String?

Jul 8, 2009

Since Action Script is an interpreted language, and it is clear by decompiling animations that the code is still in there, is there any function that lists the code of a function or class as a string?asically, I want to create a suite of components for developers that lets them make modifications to or at least view the code behind a component while the animation is running, and that way make it easier to find bugs, instead of having to stop the animation, dig up the code for that class, and recompile it. It would be even handier if it was possible to edit code while the code was running, so the next time Flash encounters that code, it will instead run the new code. Yes, if used unwisely, that could cause a lot of problems, but the benefit outweighs the risk, and that feature is used in such development environments such as Visual Studio.

Likely, the only solution to that would be to give each class a "code" variable, likely a String. Then when the users click the button to view that certain source, it checks for the "code" variable and displays the contents. The problem is that you have to remember to update the variable each and every time Perhaps I can write an extension for FlashDevelop that does that automatically? It could just update that variable at compile time.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Converting String To Object?

Jan 28, 2010

I'm using TweenLite for my Tweens. The constructor takes the form weenLite(targetDisplayObject, duration, object). The third parameter specifies the parameters of the tween, in the form {x:100,y:100,ease:Back.easeIn} etc. What I want to do is this:

var str:String = "{x:100,y:100,rotation:Math.random()*360}";
var obj:Object = convertToObject(str);


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Converting A String To A Movieclip?

Jun 29, 2011

Is it possible to convert a string to a movieclip instance name.

var theName:String;
but it says, "Type Coercion failed: cannot convert "mv3" to flash.display.MovieClip"

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Converting A String To An Integer?

Feb 24, 2005

I'm loading some data from an external .txt-file.In the .txt-file i have this:number=40I want to manipulate the number like this:newNumber = this.number+1;...in order to get the new number to be 41, but when I load the number from the .txt-file it is loaded as a string (am I not right?).How do I convert the number to be an integer instead of a string, so I can manipulate it?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Error Converting String To Number

Mar 31, 2009

I am working on an Flash application that reads data from XML files. I ran into an issue where when Actionscript converts strings to numbers, it returns values different from the initial numeric string. For example:

Original string: 90330135147081210 Number("90330135147081210") returns 90330135147081220

I cannot figure out why it does it. Does anyone have any idea. I tried compiling under both Flash CS3 and CS4, and it always

View 11 Replies

ActionScript 3.0 :: Converting String To Float Number?

Oct 18, 2010

Here's what I'm trying to do. The user types a number, such as 12.011, in an input box. I want to check to see if the number they typed is between two numbers, such as 12 and 12.1.Therefore, I want to convert the string in the input box to a float number, not an integer, so I can check to see if it's in the correct range. How do I convert a string into a float number?

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Actionscript 3 :: Getting Error When Converting String To Date

Dec 29, 2011

I am using FLEX 3.0 I want to convert string to Date. At first i just think its very easy for me but later its going to be very hard its a simple one but i can't convert that i have got an error.

Hours in 24 hour format. if 7 hour than it shows 07. this one is same for minutes, seconds, date & month.

Here i am providing you the code that i have did till that time...

public function btn_click():void
var str:String = lblDate.text;
var d:Date = DateField.stringToDate(str,"YYY-MM-DD HH:NN:SS");


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Converting String To Number Using ParseInt?

Jun 12, 2007

All I want to do is convert a string into a number, I thought it would be easy:


var stringNum:String="00000000537112"
var num:Number= parseInt(stringNum);
//Result: 179786

I have tried using Number(stringNum) aswell which does not work, all I want it to do i convert "00000000537112" into 537112.I have tried it by removing the 0s at the beginning of the string which works. Is there any way of solving this or will I have to build a function to shave off the preceding 0s?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Converting String Variable To MovieClip

Dec 19, 2007

I'm trying to reference a variable of type String as a MovieClip that is linked from the library. For example, I have a linked library movieclip called HomeFrame, in my class I have a variable with "Home" and need to create an instance of HomeFrame based on the string I receive.[code]

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