Flex :: Custom TextInput And Variable Size?

Nov 10, 2011

I want to create a custom textinput component in flex. The component is made of one background rectangle (spark.primitive.Rect) and one inside rectangle that will contain the text.My problem is that I want my component to be sizable like I want. For example if I want to create one textinput with a size of 200/100 I write :

<s:TextInput x="10" y="10" width="200" height="100" skinClass="Component.MyTextInputSkin"/>

And I have only the width and height to change if I want to create another textinput with different size.My skin mxml contains two rect but I want to do this:<s:Rect width="{this.width}" height="{this.height}" .....and for the other one (the one that will contain the text)<s:Rect width="{this.width * 0.80}" height="{this.height * 0.80}" .....The problem is that flashbuilder displays an error message of incompatibilty on my two "Rect" lines. And when I launch my app, nothing is displayed.

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Flex :: Store ColorPicker Value In A Variable And Bind The Variable To A TextInput

Dec 11, 2009

I would like to store a hex colorPicker value in a variable and then cast the value of the var backout to a textInput. The textInput is just to see witch hexcolor i have choosen.

thus meaning seeing 0x000000 in the textInput.

what i've done now is pretty simple i have bound the flex colorPicker directly to my textInput. but i want to store the value from the colorPicker in a var first and than spit it backout to the textInput to see the value that i have picked.

When i pick a color value that begins with the number 0 it drops the 0's at the beginning of the number and only spits out the numbers greater than 0. (000033 becomes 33, FF0000 stays FF0000). I want to catch the whole value or write some kind a function to figure out how many 0's got dropped and concatenate it together with 0x. Store that all into a var and bind it to the flex TextInput.

This is what i've got.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<mx:Module xmlns:mx="http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml"


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Flex :: Custom TextInput Component Loses Focus But Still Contains Cursor?

Oct 29, 2011

I have a custom TextInput that listens for the FocusEvent.FOCUS_IN and FocusEvent.FOCUS_OUT events:

textDisplay.addEventListener(FocusEvent.FOCUS_IN, onFocusInHandler);
textDisplay.addEventListener(FocusEvent.FOCUS_OUT, onFocusOutHandler);

My onFocusInHandler function basically removes a "promptview" that tells the user to type in a value, with the onFocusOutHandler doing the opposite.

For example, if the TextInput text was backspaced to a blank value and the user clicks out of the TextInput box, it would show a "Please enter a value" light-gray prompt in the TextInput.

This works fine until the user clicks our custom "Clear" button. The clear button sets the text to "", and I can tell the FocusEvent.FOCUS_OUT is received because the prompt text is set to visible (its not being set anywhere else). The problem is, the cursor remains in the box as if it still has focus, so if the user immediately starts typing, both the prompt text "Please enter a value" and the user-entered text appears over the gray text, which looks pretty ugly and unreadable.

Why does the TextInput receive the FocusEvent.FOCUS_OUT event if it's not actually losing focus?

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IDE :: Custom Component Variable Size(s)?

Apr 7, 2009

Something I've always wanted to do was creating a custom component in Flash but havespecific parts of the component size appropriately based on, say, the video size.For go there and watch a video... they use the same component for all sizes of video. What seems to be changing is the video width and height, the progress bar width and the position of any status messages for the video.

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Professional :: Change The Font Size Into TextInput?

Dec 2, 2010

I'm using Flash CS5 and AS3. I've made a form using the library's "User Interface" object and I want to change the font size for the TextInput and TextArea fields but I can't find any option in their properties to change it.
I've tried this code
var myTextFormat: TextFormat = new TextFormat();myTextFormat.size = 14;email_txt.setStyle("textFormat", myTextFormat);
even though I don't get any error while publishing, my page doesn't appear, if I remove this code the page comes back to work.
How can I do to change the font size?

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Actionscript 3.0 :: Set On Stage Textinput's Size/font/colour ?

Jul 31, 2009

i have a "Textinput" textbox on stage i named it the instance name "tf" , How can i change the size, font colour, font?

i tried this , but it only works if ure calling out from script How can i make it work if my textbox is on Stage with an instance name "tf" ??

Code: Select all     var tf:TextFormat = new TextFormat();
tf.size = 25;
tf.color = "#FEFEFE";
var ti:TextInput = new TextInput();


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Flex :: How To Set Variable Size For List Control Item

Jun 17, 2010

The following code display a list of comments using List control. The item height set to a fixed value (150), so it seems working: if the content is too long, the scrollbar shows. However, what I really want is not to set the height but let it to change according to the content size. Is there any way to accomplish this?

<mx:List id="commentList" width="100%" dataProvider="{commentSet.commentArrayColl}" rowCount="{commentSet.commentArrayColl.length}" >
<mx:itemRenderer> <mx:Component>
<mx:VBox width="100%" height="150" >
<mx:Text text="{data.commentContent}" />
<mx:Text text="{data.username} ({data.modified})"/>
</mx:VBox> </mx:Component>
</mx:itemRenderer> </mx:List>

To be more clear, I don't want to set the itemRenderer's VBox height to "150" or any other fixed value - but it'll only show one line of the text if I don't do it. So I'm looking for a way out of this. (If the VBox is not inside the itemRenderer, it'll auto adjust height as Text field string length grows - that's what I want.)

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Jun 18, 2010

Is there anyway to create a custom item editor based on the dataField value? For example:

<mx:DataGrid editable="true" dataProvider="{_actionArr}" id="prop">
<mx:DataGridColumn headerText="Component" editable="false" dataField="label"/>


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Set Variable From Textinput?

Dec 29, 2010

Firstly, I have searched the forum for related topics and found 2. I have tried to make sense of the code involved to make it work with my current project but nothing works.

As the title says, I require a string to be given the value from a textinput. As this was not working in my main project I created another simple AS3 file.

The user should just type in their name in scene 1. By pressing a button I trace the variable as a test and on scene 2 I should see the users name, but no.

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Flex :: Limit The Size Of The AdvancedDataGrid To Its Rows With Variable Row Heights

Aug 24, 2011

I tried to limit the size of the AdvancedDataGrid to its rows. Currently I am using variableRowHeight to true and at the run time setting the itemRenderer's height. Hence every row has different height. But I found that the logic behind the calculation of Grid's height is plain and simple - measure the height of the first row, then multiply it with the number of rows. Please correct me if I am wrong here I did some POC on the issue and found that during the calculateRowHeight event -> it calculates the individual row height but somewhere down the line it is only multiplying the rowCount with the first row's height. Instead it should calculate every row and should sum up the height. PS: I tried below options:

1. rowCount = arrayCollection.length

2. dataGrid.height = dataGrid.measureHeightOfItems(0, arrayCollection.length)+ dataGrid.headerHeight

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Adding A Variable Value To A TextInput Field?

Oct 22, 2009

All I want to do is have a textInput Field on my stage called 'countdown' to display the value of a variable.

I want a variable I have in the document class called 'minute' to basically display its value in the text field on my stage.

This is what I have in my document class, obviously the text part is wrong can anyone point me in the right direction?

var minute:int = new int (60);

this.countdown.text = "";

I also have a textInput box on my stage with an instance name of countdown.

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Actionscript 3 :: Flex 4 Disptaching Custom Event From Custom Component (why Flex Converting Custom Event To Mouseevent)?

Mar 2, 2012

This is NOT duplicate of my earlier post (its is slightly different)But this is similar issue with similar error but its not the same error The error I am getting now is below while dispatching the custom event from my custom component

TypeError: Error #1034: Type Coercion failed: cannot convert events::MapEvent@a74ab51 to flash.events.MouseEvent.
dispatchEvent(new MapEvent(MapEvent.CLICKED_ON_MAP));

Note: The error in my earlier post is giving below error message

Type Coercion failed: cannot convert flash.events::Event@81ecb79 to com.events.ShopEvent

The difference here are two things, the earlier error is while converting flash event to custom event and now this one is while converting custom event to flash event and secondly, I have no clue why it is trying to convert to the mouseevent where I am just dispatching my custom event with proper listeners.

This is my custome event

package events
import flash.events.Event;
import ui.map.MapElement;


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Flex :: Detect TextInput Changes On An Editable ComboBox In Flex?

Jan 26, 2010

If my ComboBox is editable how can I tell if a change event comes from a change to the TextInput or a change in the selectedIndex of the drop down?

Is there a way to check for this in the event object?

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Flex :: Flex 4 Textinput Skin Background Color

Jul 25, 2011

I'm trying to change the background color on a textinput component in flex 4. I've been able to change some of the appearance by messing with the canned code flash builder generates for the sparkskin but for some reason, background does nothing.I'm just trying to make the background black. I changed the background color but it's not working:[code]

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Flex :: Define Custom 'contentGroups' In A Custom Flex 4 Component?

May 12, 2010

The spark panel component for example can be written like this

<Panel title="Skinny">
<child components ... />
<child control bar components ... />


The motivation here is that I can now create a couple different skin files to change the look and layout of those subgroups. Reading source of the spark panel, there are some calls within the mx_internal namespace such as getMXMLContent() which is a method of the spark group component, but which I have no access to.

Does the description above make sense? How can I create custom 'contentGroups' in my custom Flex4 component that can use nested mxml child components? Should I approach this a different way?

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Flash :: Flex Relative Size Component, Fixed Size Border?

Mar 3, 2011

I want to create a panel (or any other component) inside a component that has a 5 pixel border on all sides, but scales fully when the window is resized. I know I can set width to "100%" to make it resize, but that gives me no borders. If I put it to "95%",I have borders, but they scale annoyingly. Also, that only works for borders on the right or lower bounds, and not to the left or upper sides.Is there a convenient way to do this without having to write tons of resize-code (in which case I will not bother and just accept bad rescale behaviour, as it is for a private pet project).

EDIT: I know that I can just overwrite the display handling and set the positions manually every frame. I wondered if there is a cheap way to do it in the mxml-structure, along these lines:

width="100%" height="100%"

Coming from C++ and Java, I am intrigued by the option of setting something to "95%" and let the library work out the details, instead of having to write many lines of code, just so my text-area always keeps a 5 pixel distance from the border, but scales with window width.If there is no easier way to do it than figuring out pixel sizes by hand and setting the coordinates.

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Flex :: TextInput Has Become Uneditable?

Mar 4, 2010

I have been developing an application for the past couple of weeks and as of yesterday all of the textinputs have become uneditable. It seems like when you click on one it switches between the focusIn state and then back to the focusOut state.

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Flex :: TextInput - Component Goes Out Of Another One

Aug 31, 2010

If I drag a textInput from a component and drop it near the end of the another component, the textInput goes outside of the dropZone.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<s:Group xmlns:fx="[URL]"
xmlns:mx="library://ns.adobe.com/flex/mx" width="150" height="500" xmlns:components="components.*" >
[Code] .....

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Flex :: Caret On TextInput Never Goes Away

Jan 29, 2011

I have a login form with various textInputs and a submit button. If you submit proper login credentials the system unloads the login view and loads the app view. Pretty standard. Unfortunately I've noticed this weird bug where if you hover over one of the textInput boxes with the mouse, then fill the form using only the keyboard (and leave the mouse parked on top of the textInput), and then tab to the submit button and press the space bar, i.e. login via keyboard, the mouse cursor will remain a caret in the new view, no matter what you do (move, click), until you find another textInput to undo the cursor state. I've tried to do all sorts of stuff via CursorManager but nothing seems to do the trick. I've tried dispatching events ROLL_OUT or MOUSE_OUT events to the textInput but that doesn't do the trick either.

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Flex 4.6 TextInput Keyboard On IOS?

Dec 12, 2011

I have migrated my app from Flex 4.5.1 to Flex 4.6 and the TextInput click event was broken so I do this « skinClass="spark.skins.mobile.TextInputSkin" » (like was suggest here [URL]..and all seems work (tested in my Android and seems ok) but one user with iOS 5.1 complained that now the keyboard dont popup ?

Also complained for the TextArea that I dont have code in my extended component but also use the skin spark.skins.mobile.TextAreaSkin so the layout became similiar in my textinputs.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Custom Size For An Array From An External File?

Dec 8, 2006

I have a problem where I have a flash file that constantly loops. It reads 3 different variables from a txt file and outputs their data. I also have it refreshing the swf so that when I change data in the .txt file it updates it realtime in the swf without having to reload the file. but what I also need is a way to tell it to make an array a certain length to populate this data. And instead of a fixed size as it is right now, to make it X long where X is declared in the .txt file that i am using.here is the code that im currently using:

loadVariablesNum("childdata.txt", 2);
imageNum = 0;


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Flex :: Change Radiobutton Size And Label Size In Actionscript?

Aug 10, 2010

I am trying to change my radiobutton size and label size in pure as3...

searchRB = new RadioButton();
searchRB.name = "search";
searchRB.group = rbg;


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Flex :: Changing Image Size Independent Of Scene Size?

Apr 6, 2011

I have three images and I want change the images size based on the scene size (default size is 1024x768). After each image has completely loaded I call bindableUtils.setter to set width/height when scene size changes but I don't know how to make a pointer or something like that. I'm using a public var img, but it only works with the last complete image.

Here is my code:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<s:Application xmlns:fx="http://ns.adobe.com/mxml/2009"


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Actionscript 3 :: Flex 4.5 Not Listening To Custom Event Dispatched In Custom Class?

Nov 4, 2011

I have the following situation:I have an event handler, that displays small messages in my application's statusbar.These messages get passes through by dispatching events from custom components.A simple message could be like "HTTP Error" or so.Now, the main event listener, in the main application file, listens to the event dispatched by any custom component,but seems to refuse listening to events dispatched by custom AS classes.Here is my code for the custom event:

package main.events
import flash.events.Event;[code]..

So to sum it all up:

- The event listener listens to the custom event dispatched by any custom component.

- The event listener does not listen to the custom event duspatched by an AS class.

Those who wonder, the event really gets dispatched, that's why I added a trace call.

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Flex :: Put Custom Code In A Custom Component In Flash Builder?

Dec 11, 2010

In the main file, I would write[code]...

But if I want the component to have that behaviour innately, where do I write it in the mybutton mxml file to have it reference itself?[code]...

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Know When TextInput Component Is Active In Flex?

Jan 2, 2010

Imagine I have two TextInput components. How do I know which one is active?

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Flex :: Change A Textinput Into Label

Mar 21, 2010

i create a form for order a item in flex. i use <mx:TextInput /> for getting the information from client and use a <mx:Button /> for submit the information in database. But client requirements is when user click on button then first show a confirmation page with details information that client give. But can't use another page or <mx:TextInput /> in this confirmation page, it will be <mx:Label />. After show the confirmation page if clients click on Button then submit the info. How can i convert a <mx:TextInput /> into <mx:Label /> with all properties in flex? Is it possible?

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Flex :: MouseOver In TextInput Programatically

Jul 26, 2010

In flex, I am able to add mouseOver ( in mx:TextInput ) event as follow: mouseOver="canvas1_mouseDownHandler(event)"It is not the property of TextInput so how can I do it programatically in ActionScript?

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Flex :: Place Cursor In Textinput In It?

Apr 21, 2011

How to place cursor in a text input when user login form comes. I want cursor place in username text input.

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Flex :: MaxCharLimit On TextInput According To Its Width

Sep 5, 2011

I am using Flex 4.5 and I want to set the maximum characters limit according to the textinput width means if user enter more character then the textinput width it should not accept those extra characters.

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