Flex :: Display Text With Images In Bar Chart Axis?

Aug 29, 2011

I am creating column chart to show friends score statistics in facebook application. My problem is how to display friend names with images in y-axis and their score in x-axis.I cant able to pass any arguments in the method 'setSource' of tag. see the sample code here.

<mx:Application xmlns:mx="http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml"
layout="vertical" width="100%" height="100%">


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import mx.collections.ArrayCollection;


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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>


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Can some one help spot the error. I have said "placement " bottom. The chart creation method is "getBarChartData", this method when invoked creates a barchart and adds it to a canvas. This section is visible completely and can be called on a button click.


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<mx:DateTimeAxis id="xAxis" dataUnits="hours" />


I've tried setting the height on the renderer but that has no effect, and there is no height style on the axis itself.

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The result does not represent the data correctly.

1. Flex ignores missing date 24 aug for DECKER.

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Here is an examle which reproduses my problem.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<s:Application xmlns:fx="http://ns.adobe.com/mxml/2009"


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Apr 11, 2011

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Is there any reasonable way of combining multiple charts into one like this? Basically having rows in a table where each row is a different chart but the columns are consistent. or am I going to be best served just by stacking separate ones? an illustration of what i'm going for is here: http:[url]........

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Data - Flex Chart Display With No Datapoint?

Jun 8, 2010

I need to display price of item for every date in the month. The chart can be Bar chart or plot chart.

Question: Suppose there is no data available for 01/15/2010 then, Is there a way to display (01/15/2010) on x axis but no (bar or plot point) corresponding y axis point ?

i.e. there will be a empty space between 2 bars or plot points.

Currently i am using 0 , But 0 is a valid value.

Let me know if such a display is possible.

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Now this works perfectly and I can see the generated Pie Chart.But now let's say that I changed the XML in the following manner.


in the results event how do I access it? bookStock = evt.result.books.stock.bookinfo; doesn't work. I get a "Error: Unknown Property: 'bookinfo'." When I analysed the bookStock object I get this. How do I access the XML element now? Does anything needs to be changed here?


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Jul 28, 2011

I am trying to place an image besides the label in y-axis. So I have created a custom label renderer(A HBox containing and ). The source for the image has to be set based on a property present in the data provider. The problem is, I am not able to access the BarSeriesItem in the fnSetSource() method.

<mx:Application xmlns:mx="http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml"
width="1280" height="750">


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Flex :: Programmatically Display A DataTip In Chart (without Hovering With The Mouse)?

Jun 15, 2010

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Actionscript 3 :: Line Chart With Fixed Y-axis?

Mar 30, 2011

I'm trying to have a line chart with a fixed y-axis. that is, I have values that are mostly between 30 and 70, but I'd like to have the chart y-axis as a constant between 0 and 100 so it wouldn't resize as new values are coming in (if they happen to be larger than previous values).

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Flex :: Prevent A Default Chart Item Roll Over Highlight In A Spark Column Chart?

Mar 3, 2011

I'm trying to prevent a default chart item roll over highlight in a Spark column chart.If you look at any of the chart examples on this page , when you roll over any of the chart series items, they turn a darkened shade of their original colour. This is what I want to prevent.

So far I have had no luck with using the itemRollOverColor property, as this only allows you to set it to one specific colour for the whole chart (my app has several different coloured series on the chart at once). Also, trying to leverage the itemRollOver event (with preventDefault() etc) hasn't worked either.

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Flex :: Make Chart Which Is Combination Of Bar And Line Chart Using Charting API

Jan 10, 2011

I'm trying to make chart which is combination of bar and line chart using Flex Charting API . Here x axis would be common and y axis would be different. note that y axis got different range of value one is % and other is amount. Any one got idea how to make this chart. Here line chart would be staked on top of bar chart . The line chart and never over laid or drawn on top of bar chart.

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Display Images In Text Frame?

Sep 13, 2009

I have text frame with scrolling bar on right which is set as "Input Text".Is it possible to include images into same text frame.If I run this script:scroller.htmlText = "<img src='portrait.jpg'>";Image shows but my previously entered text disappears.Also is it possible to prevent text entering or deleting while movie is running?Basically I created text with a scroller i need to prevent it from modifying "entering/deleting"text on runtime plus I need to populate it with images!

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Flash :: "append" Html Text To Text Area In Flex And Flex Mobile Project To Display Sprite And Text Formatting?

Jun 7, 2011

I'm playing around with a messaging type of application. Does anyone know how, or of any tutorials on to "appending" html text to text areas in flex and flex mobile projects? And specifically how I could take that and basically "append" a sprite inline to the text when i need to? Something simple like:Username: some text right here!So, Anyone have any experience "appending" sprites or simple text formatting?how to solve these issues!EDIT:Based on an answer below it was sugguested that it's as simple as...textAreaInstance.htmlText += "<b>Username:</b> some text right here!";But its not. you can't do .htmltext with a text area. you can on a text field, so i tried

var TF:TextField = new TextField();
TF.width = 200;
TF.height = 200;


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