Flash :: "append" Html Text To Text Area In Flex And Flex Mobile Project To Display Sprite And Text Formatting?

Jun 7, 2011

I'm playing around with a messaging type of application. Does anyone know how, or of any tutorials on to "appending" html text to text areas in flex and flex mobile projects? And specifically how I could take that and basically "append" a sprite inline to the text when i need to? Something simple like:Username: some text right here!So, Anyone have any experience "appending" sprites or simple text formatting?how to solve these issues!EDIT:Based on an answer below it was sugguested that it's as simple as...textAreaInstance.htmlText += "<b>Username:</b> some text right here!";But its not. you can't do .htmltext with a text area. you can on a text field, so i tried

var TF:TextField = new TextField();
TF.width = 200;
TF.height = 200;


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Flash :: Simply Append A Sprite Into A Text Area?

Jun 7, 2011

How would I go about appending (not just changing the entire text area to this img, actually appending) a simple 25x25 image sprite into a text area in a flex project? using actionscript? (not mxml)

(it has to be a spark text area component, mostly because this is a flex mobile project and thats all thats optimized for mobile)

edit: I guess I should have said this, i know html text is the way to go about it. But my real confusion lies with first it being a Sprite, so i dont have a url to link to. It's an actual sprite var (it would be a file sent over the network in bytes, and saved in a sprite object.) and then the second part where im lost is APPENDING it to the text inline, so it doesnt replace any of the text already in the text area, and will be scrollable in the text area.

also, remember im trying to append this to a SPARK TEXT AREA component. I know i could just make a text field instance and thats it, but i cant find any information about appending this to a text area

SInce there was some confusion about the sprite im trying to append, this is how the image is being transmitted,

it's starting out as just a standard cameraphone image, then..

var fs:FileStream = new FileStream();
fs.open(new File(imageURL), FileMode.READ);
var bytes:ByteArray = new ByteArray();


So then finally I have the image in imageSprite... and that brings us to my main problem appending this image in a TEXT AERA spark component. With an end result that will have the look of a picture message sent on an android or iphone.

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/* Import all the easing classes so its


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var loader1:URLLoader =new URLLoader();loader1.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE,displayText);
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function displayText(e:Event){ myCV_TA.htmlText = (loader1.data);trace("in displaytext");}

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Error MSG: "Error #2044: Unhandled ErrorEvent:. text=Load error."

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<s:View xmlns:fx="http://ns.adobe.com/mxml/2009"
overlayControls="true" title="PDF Display"


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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<s:Application xmlns:fx="http://ns.adobe.com/mxml/2009"
xmlns:mx="library://ns.adobe.com/flex/mx" >


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var url:String = "http://edeejay.dyndns.org:8000/currentsong?sid=1";
var loadit:URLLoader = new URLLoader();
loadit.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, completeHandler);


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on (rollOver) {

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Is the same thing possible within Flash HTML text?

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Do Not Allow Editing At Specific Area In Text Area In Flex

Nov 10, 2011

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