Flash :: Display Local PDF In Flex Mobile Project?

Jan 23, 2012

I am running Flex mobile project and I would like my mobile app to be able to load and display pdf files that are saved locally. I do not want to go out to the web to access these pdf files.

I cant figure out how to make this code work for a locally saved file.

Error MSG: "Error #2044: Unhandled ErrorEvent:. text=Load error."

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<s:View xmlns:fx="http://ns.adobe.com/mxml/2009"
overlayControls="true" title="PDF Display"


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var TF:TextField = new TextField();
TF.width = 200;
TF.height = 200;


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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>


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protected var myCam:CameraUI;
protected function view1_viewActivateHandler(event:ViewNavigatorEvent):void


But the camera is not getting detected.. currentsState is always unsupported... Is there anything wrong...

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Jan 12, 2012

I get Strings from a server that look something like this:
This is normal text followed by a link: [URL]
Links might also look like this: [URL]

This Strings are set as the text value in a spark TextArea. What I'd like to achieve is that
A. the text gets highlighted and
B. the user can click it and it opens in the systems browser.

Using the StyleableTextField throws a typerror on Flex 4.6. I tried the simplest HTML text like this:
StyleableTextField(newsStoryArea.textDisplay).htmlText = "TextArea <b>bold</b><i>italic</i>."
Which throws;
TypeError: Error #1034: Type Coercion failed: cannot convert
spark.components.supportClasses::StyleableStageText@fc3d0a1 to

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Flash :: AIR 3.1 Mobile Project: Adl.exe Not Showing Loaded Application

Mar 24, 2012



G:adlinadl.exe -nodebug G:adlairApp-app.xml

Nothing on the screen, nothing in the console. I do, however, see adl.exe hanging in the processes and eating up memory - i assumed its the loaded, but invisible application.

Update:Created a blank Flex 4.5 (Air 3.1) project that changes the background - and it worked out fine. Tried to use this config (tweaked the filename) - and it doesn't work. Seems the problem only applies to mobile projects.

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Android :: Display A Lot Of Text In Flex Mobile Application?

Feb 7, 2012

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I have been loading text in through an xml file using itemrenderer. It works totally fine when I run the application on my PC but when I load it onto my Android phone it crashes. Looks like my phone can only handle loading in about 3000 words using this method without crashing.

Anyone have a suggestion? Also, HTML isn't going to work for me. I want the text built into the application, which is why I have been trying to use the xml file.

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Flex :: Mobile: Display Back Button Automatically If View Is Not First In Stack?

Nov 19, 2011

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<s:Button label="Back" click="backButtonPressed(event)"/>


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Android :: Flex Mobile Project: Numeric Keyboard - Not A Full Keyboard

Jul 26, 2011

How do? Edit the field with numeric keypad, not a full keyboard my code: <s:TextInput text="{TransactionObject.cartao}" id="item" restrict="0123456789" /> app for Android and playbook

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Android :: Text Input Shows Blocks Instead Of Arabic Text In Flex Mobile Project?

Jun 8, 2011

In Flex Mobile Project, Text Input shows blocks instead of showing arabic text. Labels are working fine with Arabic.

Is there any way to show Arabic text inside text input?

My code sample is

/* Import all the easing classes so its


Since, it is for flex mobile project, when I input any text in arabic, it shows separate characters. Arabic is a language that doesn't have separate characters. It should combine letters to form specific word.

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Flex :: Using Qnx.ui.picker.Picker In Mobile Project For Blackberry Playbook

Mar 11, 2011

there is a Picker example for usage in an ActionScript project. It works well in simulator. But how do you use that component in a Mobile Flex Project (with Burrito Flash Builder)? How do you add a qnx.ui.picker.Picker to a spark.components.View? The latter seems to expect a mx.core.UIComponent, but the former is a qnx.ui.core.UIComponent. The ActionScript project I've mentioned above works ok, because the Picker is added to the Sprite. But adding it to a View in a Mobile Flex project fails for me.

UPDATE: I've found this page today: [URL] And also I've found out that the QNX AIR components work on Android as well, wonder if it is legal to use them there? Nothing is mentioned in Playbook SDK Legal Notice.

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Flex Local SQLite BLOB Display?

Jul 29, 2011

I've got 3 columns in an SQLite db I built with Firefox's handy SQLite Manager. So, I created 3 columns, an index/reference that's just an incrementing INTEGER for easy reference, a descriptive title of the image (so it can be searchable later) in a TEXT, and a BLOB type that holds the pngs.

I'm trying to add this in an assets folder into my project (as a pre-populated database) and display the blob images, one at a time, in a window one after the other, scrollable by user. This is where I'm running into problems. Eventually I want to be able to encrypt it and add a search tool, but first things first, and that's displaying an image.

I have spent several hours scouring the web about this topic, but there isn't much help out there: Adobe has tips about using SQLite with AS3 (their reference documents and the support section of their website have some overview articles) but nothing refers to reading blob data in depth.

On this site, I've found some references to Adobe Air looking for extra byte information when reading blobs since they have a different syntax to write to the databases created within the program. See: What is the first bytes in a Blob column SQlite Adobe AIR? Blob Sizeinfo?

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Android :: Android - Flex Mobile Project Option?

Mar 12, 2012

I have a problem with Flash builder, I can't find the "Flex mobile project option in the list" How can I install it?

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Actionscript 3 :: Convert Global Coordinates To Local Coordinates Of A UIComplenent In Flex Project?

Dec 19, 2011

I was trying to convert global coordinates to local coordinates of a UIComplenent in my flex project using below code using below code

var gp:Point = new Point(e.stageX,e.stageY); //global point
var lp:Point = uic.globalToLocal(gp); //local point

uic is UIComponent in which I have subclass of Sprite for drawing something I have set the sprite's mouseEnabled and mouseChildren to false to not interrupt the mouse event. above code is within uic's mousemove event where I was tracing the gp and lp gp was giving correct value and suprisingly lp was giving negetive values. when I move the move to the top left corner of uic i expect lp to be 0,0 but it is giving the -width of of uic. I broke my head for hours and ended up finding an alternate by using offsets. Infact my original code was much simpler like this which was same issue

var lp:Point = new Point(e.localX,e.localY);

I am not sure what exactly is causing this problem. the workaround had lot of issues and it creating a mess in my rest of the algorithms.Just now I found even more interesting thing (which is actually weird). for some reason I went and create a new lp2

var lp2:Point = new Point(e.localX,e.localY);

now surprisingly it was giving correct values as expected and I went back and changed the code as

var gp:Point = new Point(e.stageX,e.stageY); //global point
var lp:Point = uic.globalToLocal(gp); //local point
var lp2:Point = new Point(e.localX,e.localY);
var lp2:Point = uic.globalToLocal(gp);

now it is expected to have all the lp, lp2 and lp3 variables to be same but weiredly lp two is giving wrong value and lp2 and lp3 were giving correct. I am suspecting using the variable lp has something to do. I am not sure about that but above proves it so right now I am using lp2.

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