Flex :: Text Formatting For A String?

Jun 6, 2011

Can I set the font size for string? I want to do text formatting for string, Is it possible in flex?

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Flash :: "append" Html Text To Text Area In Flex And Flex Mobile Project To Display Sprite And Text Formatting?

Jun 7, 2011

I'm playing around with a messaging type of application. Does anyone know how, or of any tutorials on to "appending" html text to text areas in flex and flex mobile projects? And specifically how I could take that and basically "append" a sprite inline to the text when i need to? Something simple like:Username: some text right here!So, Anyone have any experience "appending" sprites or simple text formatting?how to solve these issues!EDIT:Based on an answer below it was sugguested that it's as simple as...textAreaInstance.htmlText += "<b>Username:</b> some text right here!";But its not. you can't do .htmltext with a text area. you can on a text field, so i tried

var TF:TextField = new TextField();
TF.width = 200;
TF.height = 200;


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to use string function splice etc. to replace tags with the one which text fields can understand but is it too complex and processing over head is there that reduces the efficiency but i have max control to do changes what i needed. parsing the html to xml and then use this as the text input to text field what about the efficiency and control need to know about from this question. regular expressions .

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Actionscript 3 :: Formatting Date Of Birth Text Input In Flex

Aug 26, 2011

I have a TextInput for a user to enter their Date of Birth. Right now they just enter a string of numbers and I parse it for the correct values but this can be very inefficient. What I am looking to do is have the TextInput automatically formatted to look --/--/---- so the user can click in it and fill in the '-' fields while leaving the '/' for formatting purposes. Does anyone know of a good way to do this?

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Professional :: String Formatting/extracting?

Dec 5, 2011

string = justsomerandomstuff.Count:12562morerandomstuffI need to extract the "12562"I never know how far in the string this number will be, but I do know it's 1 character away from the word "Count". Somehow I would need to find the position of the string "Count within the variable, add 1 and extract the numbers. Also the the number is not always the same lenghth, so it would also have to work with this:string = justsomerandomstuff.Count:14238960morerandomstuff.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Grabbing / Formatting A String?

Jun 27, 2009

grabbing / formating a string.My mission is connecting to a web site - let's say domain.com/one.html - which returns the following html code:


<HTML><meta http-equiv="Pragma" content="no-cache"></head><body>1,1,4,20,1,128,Harry J. All Stars - The Liquidator</body></html>

What I am looking for is a actionscript function which returns the text after the 6th comma - in this case:

Harry J. All Stars - The Liquidator

The thing is: The numbers are always different, but the text I want to "grab" and "show" in mytext.text (dynamic text) is ALWAYS present after the 6th comma.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Converting String With Formatting To Integer?

Jan 27, 2009

I'm currently trying to convert a string that I get from a text box to an integer. Seems simple enough, but the string's got a pile of formatting on it.

This is the string (named answer):


As you can see, I want the 80 from that.

After a lot of tinkering around, I used the following to get the number out:


Reason I used this is because I knew that the formatting would stay the same so I can slice off the same amount each time.

What I'm wondering is, is there a more elegant method of getting the entry that I want out of that mess of formatting? If not, then is there a way I can minimize the formatting?

Note: I'm using Adobe Flash CS4, with ActionScript 2.0.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: String Function Removes Formatting?

Sep 6, 2011

ok so i have this function basically it adds text to a given position in a textfield. it adds the text in the correct position but the problem is that it is screwing with the formatting i've applied to the textfield.

here is my code:

ActionScript Code:
txt.text = "hello world";
// adds text at the character index specified and returns the new string.
function addText(txt:TextField, txtToAdd:String, index:Number):String{


i also have a function which deletes but that isn't important right now. i was trying to avoid using html text but at this point i'd willing to give virtually anything a try.

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ActionScript :: Date Formatting (String Data Type)

Nov 16, 2010

I take a date (as a string data type) from the user. Now, I want to know if there is a a function in actionscript that will convert it to a date format. Right now, I am just parsing the string and concatenating the pieces back together. i.e.:

changeDateString = date.getFullYear().toString() + '/' + (date.getMonth()+1).toString() + '/' + date.getDate();

But for months like May, it will return "5" and not "05". I have similar problems for days like "9" or "7." Is there something in the library that will do this for me? (For the moment, I can go ahead and manually concatenate the "0" in front, but this seems like a hassle to do.)

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Formatting Long Integer To String Function?

Oct 20, 2005

How I should format a long integer into string format with commas? I don't know if there's a built-in func for this, but I haven't found it.
raw int: 2000000
parsed string: 2,000,000

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Actionscript 3 :: Parsing The XML To Print A String With Formatting Attributes Per Word

Sep 27, 2011

I have an XML which contains a field of the type:

<mytext><![CDATA[ My name is <color value="FF0000">Bill</color>. ]]></mytext>

I wonder if there is a simple methodology (using E4X methods) in order to print the inner text: "My name is Bill." in a text area and having the word "Bill" colored i.e. red.

The generalized situation is, if i can print the inner text and use XML tags to specify formatting attributes of the text per word.

Do E4X supports this type of parsing, or do I have to program my own "little" parser for this situation?

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Feb 26, 2010

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myHtmltext:String = '<span class="keyword"> #include </span>';
myTextArea:TextArea = new TextArea();
myTextArea.htmlText = myHtmltext;

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Formatting External Images And Text In The Text Field?

Jan 3, 2010

I make RSS reader in flash. I have a text field and when I place RSS text and images in that text field I need to have a text in the new line after picture. But now I have image from the left and text from the right.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Formatting Html Text In A Dynamic Text Field

Jul 4, 2009

I'm building this flash site for a friend and he wants to be able to edit the contents and maintain the site by himself later on. So naturally, I used a dynamic text field that uses URLloader to link to an external html, dandy. Problem is, my friend wants to use dreamweaver to edit the contents of html (or even just a word document exported as html) and it's just driving him nuts because the text look nothing like that way it did in DW when it's loaded into the dynamic text field (extra spacing and line break popping up randomly everywhere). Is there an alternative solution other then telling him to just edit it in notepad? What if I switch over to XML?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Text Formatting Part Of A Dynamic Text Field?

Sep 18, 2009

make one word in a dynamic text field bold WITHOUT using the htmlText property? Everything I have read seems to indicate that you can only make the whole field bold.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Formatting External Images And Text In The Text Field

Jan 3, 2010

I make RSS reader in flash. I have a text field and when I place RSS text and images in that text field I need to have a text in the new line after picture. But now I have image from the left and text from the right.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Text Formatting In Text Brought In From ASP Page?

Feb 6, 2003

I'm trying to pull a variable from an ASP page that's pulling it's info from a database. The ASP page has a response.write that outputs &ScrollText = text that comes from the database. The ASP page works fine, but when I try to pull in the variable in Flash, it takes in all the html URL escapes, i.e.: %20 for a space %22 for a ", etc. I've tried using Server.URLEncode in my ASP page, but that didn't help any. I'm displaying this text in a dynamic text box with a scroll bar.

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Flex :: Insert Text In The Middle Of String

Mar 18, 2010

can you please help me with this issue the String class does not have insert method it has only replace :( .

what I need is:

- if I have string "I stackoverflow"
- I need to insert "love " at index 2 to have "I love stackoverflow"

so what I need is insertAt(index, String)

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Flex :: Adding Newline To String Text?

Jun 22, 2010

I want to add a newline to a string text and I was wondering if there is a newline constant in actionscript 3? For example in .net there is an Environment.NewLine that is a string, containing "
" for non-Unix platforms, or a string containing "
" for Unix platforms.

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Flex :: Input Text String And Add To List?

Oct 1, 2011

I have a list control in a component mxml file. I have created a function in main mxml file, I want to input a text string and add it to this list. How can I do that. Currently using this code
public function add(event:MouseEvent):void {
var name:String = mytextinputid.text;
currentState = 'ChatScreen';
Note that this function is in main and the mylist list control is in component mxml.

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Flex :: Get Checkbox To Change String Value (text)?

Mar 10, 2012

What i am trying to do is very simple but it does not seem to work

I am trying to get a checkbox event handler to change the text value of a string.[code]...

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ActionScript 2.0 :: TEXT Formatting When In Dynamic Text?

Jul 18, 2004

why can't i format my text when i am in the dynamic text setting. i mean justifying and all that?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: CS3 Text Formatting?

Jan 4, 2010

I am working on a project where I have made a Text Formatter by which I can format the text of three input text field.My formatter works fine, but the problem is that when I format the first text field it works good, but in the second or third textfield I have to press the formatting button twice for each format option (such as bold , italic or alignment).Another problem is that when I reopen the formatter it format the text field with last option I have used.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Formatting Text Via XML

Apr 29, 2011

I'm trying to format an XML file so I can have HTML tags on it for bold, italic, underline, etc... but its not working. When I'm not using any HTML tags my subtitle works great but when I put the tags the player reads the time tag not the sutitle!!


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Xml Text Formatting With Css

Jul 3, 2011

i have set a textfield's text from an XML and now I am trying to format it with css. the xml text loads all fine and the css loads but they are not working together.


i am not too familiar with css or html but studied up on css and based on all of the searching i did i am not able to find out what i am doing wrong here. do i need to set the xml with standard html language/nodes?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Formatting Xml Text With CSS?

May 3, 2010

I have a file where I am importing info from an XML file using atttributes. It works fine, except I no longer want the font to be embedded. I want to either call if in from a stylesheet or set it in the actionscript, so it uses same arial or san serif used on the rest of the web site it is a part of.

my code.......

var myImages:Array = new Array();
var myXml:XML = new XML();


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Flex :: Load Data By HTTPService From Url Into Text Area As A String?

Dec 23, 2009

I want to use an HTTPService to load some data (number of columns and number of rows) which change randomly by a certain frequency I get the string like freq#ncols#nrows#value. How can i display for example: 1000#21#13#2391 that means: in 21 col, 13 row i have the value of 2391 which changes every 1 second.

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