Flex :: Draw Daisy Using Degrafa?

Dec 4, 2009

I'm trying to create dynamic flower component to depict relations between parent object and it's children.Parent object is represented by daisy center and the children are represented by petals. Each of above can have a specific fill/color and text label, moreover petals should be draggable. My question is: is that possible to do using Degrafa? Can anyone post an example of drawing flower using degrafa?

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Flex :: How To Use Degrafa AutoShapes

Oct 21, 2009

I see a degrafa autoshape that I want to use but it seems like there are no autoshapes included in the swc. What do I have to do to use an autoshape?

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Flex :: Daisy-chained ListCollectionView Not Reflecting Changes To Filter In Source Collection

Dec 8, 2011

ListCollectionView is often promoted as a great way to daisy-chain different views of the same data. You have some source collection and then use ListCollectionView + filterFunction to wrap the source data and present a subset of that source collection. When the source collection changes (either adds or removals), the chained LCV gets updated automatically. However, if the filterFunction for the source collection changes, it does not appear to propagate to the chained LCV:


At this point, I would expect justMatts to receive a CollectionChangeEvent and rerun its filter. Since all Matts have been filtered out of the source object, justMatts would be empty as well. However if you look in ListCollectionView code, they don't handle a CollectionEventKind.REFRESH which is what gets fired when source gets a new filter applied. Am I doing something wrong here (using wrong class, etc) or does nothing in Flex support the changes to source filter.

I can get this working as I expect it to by manually dispatching a CollectionEventKind.RESET on source, but I was hoping to not have to subclass anything.

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Flex :: Skinning HorizontalList Scrollbar With Degrafa

Oct 9, 2009

I am having some issues when trying to skin the scrollbar on a horizontalList with Degrafa. The scrollbar doesn't show up at all. I checked to see if the scrollbar is supposed to show up without the skinning, and it does.Here is some code:This is where I define the HorizontalList where I want a skinned scrollbar.[code]I am populating the HorizontalList with more items than are viewable, and like I said before the scrollbar shows up when I remove the skinning.

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Flex - Degrafa States Memory Management?

Nov 10, 2009

I was recently profiling my application that uses Degrafa States in the skins and noticed that doing so uses more memory than I expected. Between the SetProperty and State, they were using about 10% of the total used application memory.

Would it be better to use css for the state changes and a new skin for each state? or Are there some simple tips to reducing the memory footprint of degrafa?

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Flex :: Can't Automate Some Objects Which Uses Degrafa Libraries

Jun 15, 2011

In our application ,we have diagrams which make useof degrafa libraries.When this application is automated with flexmonkey any operation done on these diagrams are not recorded nor played back.

Rest of the application like filling the textfield and dropdown are working fine.

Is there any way I could automate these degrafa diagrams like clicking on it or changing the description.

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Flex :: Degrafa Bezier Spline Bind Data To String?

Jun 8, 2009

I want to insert a bezier spline into my Canvas by this code



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Actionscript 3 :: Daisy Chain Movies Together In Flash

Feb 3, 2010

How do I daisy chain movies together in Flash AS3?

A. What is the best way to daisy chain movies together in Flash AS3.

B. Can I treat it as an extended timeline beyond 16,000 frames

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Daisy-chaining Function Calls Gracefully?

Jun 16, 2010

I have a video playback system that runs in a loop as it traverses the playlist of videos, doing something like this:On playback start:

-check for pre-roll ad, play ad if set to true; otherwise:
-check for branding video bumper, play bumper if set to true; otherwise:
-play video

On playback end:
-check for post-roll ad, play ad if true; otherwise:
-reset video

The way I have it coded/hacked works fine, but is less than ideal, especially as I plan to build on it. It looks something like this:[code]So, what's a better way to handle this? For an interactive timeline/map I've made in the past, there were a number events that were triggered at certain times during audio narration. Each event was unique (some were animations, others were text labels that appeared, etc), but I unified them as classes with a common 'time' property and common public go() function, and threw them into an array. As the narration played back I would check the 'time' property of the next object in the array, and once it matched I would call the go() function for that event, increment the phase position (so I know which array index to check next), and continue.

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Flex :: BitmapData Draw - Set Where To Draw?

Dec 16, 2010

i have a class thats create a class with bitmapData that merge 2 IBitmapDrawable. one of them is 24*20 while the other is 16*16.i want to draw the smaller first in a bitmapData object which its width and height are 24*20 but i want to draw it in the center of the big bounds.


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ActionScript 3.0 :: BitmapData Draw() Method - Draw The Bitmap On The Stage At Design Time?

Mar 18, 2009

I am using the draw() method of the BitmapData to encode a jpeg of part of the image. Now this should be easy enough given the object I want to draw to the bitmap is on the stage at design time so I know its location and dimetions exactly! Heres the code I have in place.

var myBitmapSource:BitmapData = new BitmapData ( street.width, street.height, false, 0x333333);
myBitmapSource.draw(street, null, null, null, new Rectangle( 96, 5, 571, 450 ), true );

I know for a FACT that no part of the street clip I am drawing out is in negative space, and it's registration is (0,0). However, it cuts off A lot of the top of my image. y=5 in the above rectangle is where I need the top to be, but it cuts the top off of the image... even if I change it to 0, it has no effect.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Youtube Api Draw - Error #2121: Security Sandbox Violation: BitmapData.draw

Jun 30, 2011

I'm making something that requires me to draw() the youtubeplayer Giving me this pretty error:


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ActionScript 3.0 :: BitmapData.draw() Failing To Draw Entire MovieClip?

Dec 15, 2009

I'm trying to do some lean blitting for an object that rotates by rotating it once at startup and capturing a BitmapData snapshot of each 5 degrees. The problem I'm having is that the draw() method of the BitmapData object is only picking up pixels in the MovieClip that are below and to the right of the registration point. If I change the MC so that the registration point is in the top left corner, I sometimes get what looks like most of the pixels, but the entire object rotates into and out of the frame, since it's rotating around the corner and not the center.

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Flex :: Draw Dot On Linechart In It?

Jul 17, 2009

I have a line series in a linechart and a slider that goes from 0 to 200. When I now move the slider, I want to have a dot appearing at the chart so when I move the slider to 150, there should be a dot where the x-coordinate of the chart is 150.

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Actionscript 3 :: Draw Something Like THIS Using Flex 3?

Nov 9, 2010

I am trying to create a "radar-like" control within our Flex application. See the following link for an example (sorry, small image...) [URL] This is my first foray into drawing with Flex. I would like to draw the main circles of the radar, the radar scanning shape, and circles/balls representing objects within the radar. These objects need to have the ability to be clicked on or hovered over so the user can get more information. I'm looking at Sprite's and Shapes, etc. but confused as which to use to create such a control.

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Flex :: Draw To A Sprite Outside Of A Class?

Dec 26, 2009

I'm wondering (based on scoping rules) how I might do the following: I want to draw to a sprite that exists on the main stage in which I have a class instantiated.

So something like

public function MyClass(reference:String){
this.reference = reference;


Would I use super() in this case, or what's the usual methodology?

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Flex :: 3D Charting - How To Draw Surfaces

Mar 26, 2010

Do you have any recommendation for a free 3D charting library in Flex. To be more precise, I only need to draw surface (for now). Basically, I just need a chart that displays three axes (one should be timeline, and two should be linear axises) and the surface.

From what I have seen so far, two most popular free Flesh 3D libraries are Papervision3D and Away3D. Also, I've found one IBM library - ILOG Elixir that looks really nice, but it's proprietary (although, I haven't seen any surface examples for Elixir neither). From what I have seen, Papervision3D and Away3D should do much more then 3D charting, but I haven't seen any examples on how to draw surfaces in any of them (except this line chart in 3D: [URL]

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Actionscript 3 :: Flex - Trying To Draw A Box Without Mxml

Aug 14, 2010

I'm trying to draw a box with actionscript 3 and flex 3.5. First a few things:

1) I am not using any IDE at all, just notepad and flex
2) I am not using any mxml file at all (yes this is possible with as3 apparently)
3) I am not using inheritance ie I'm not using an extends on my classes, I'm trying to get this particular bit of code to work only through composition

Anyway this is the code itself (the file name is MAIN.as):


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Flex :: Draw Lines In Canvas?

Dec 13, 2010

I'm trying to draw lines on a canvas object. When the width of the Canvas is less that the width of the line, it draws outside the Canvas over other elements. I read about this problem and I try to resolve using a inner Canvas with a longer height so a scrollbar appears.But I also read that this problem can be correct using a mask but I do not know what is the better way. Which do you recommend?

<mx:Canvas id="panelContentECG" width="100%" height="400" backgroundAlpha="0.5" styleName="miCanvas" borderStyle="solid" cornerRadius="20" borderColor="0xFCFE00" horizontalScrollPolicy="off">


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Flex :: Draw String In Canvas?

Dec 30, 2010

I'm trying to draw a String inside a canvas. The text and the position of the String changes pressing differents bottoms. For doing so, I create TextFields which I added to a sprite which I added to a Canvas:


The first time everything works fine but when I press the bottoms,it does not refresh and appear the old textfields and the new ones.I cant remove the old ones, I try with removeAllChildren and also trying to delete one by one with removeChildrenAt. I do not know if I'm doing something wrong or maybe this is not the best way.

I also try creating bitmapdata and drawing in the sprite inside a rectangle.

var channelName: TextField = new TextField();
channelName.text = channelNames[displaySequence[channel]];
if (channelName.text != null) {


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Flex :: Draw Text On BitmapData?

May 20, 2011

the problem may be a simple one but I can't figure it out. I have an image loaded into BitmapData. now I want to take text from a textinput and put it on the BitmapData. Basically it's drawing a text on the BitmapData and get the result as another BitmapData that will consist of the original BitmapData with the text drawn over it on a specified position

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Flex :: Draw A Hand Signature In It

Jul 18, 2011

I am creating an application that requires a user to draw their hand signature on a tablet. Does anyone the best way to do this on Flex mobile 4.5? What do I draw on to, a Sprite, canvas?

Also, I would need to save the signature as a .jpg, could this be done?

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Actionscript :: Draw Rectangle In Flex 4.5.1?

Sep 20, 2011


Basically this is not working. I used this question to improve - still nothing.Why doesn't this Flex App draw a simple rectangle?

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Flex :: Draw On Different Frames Of MovieClip

May 29, 2009

How can I used ActionScript to draw on different frames of a movie clip. That is, make it so that
Will show something different to

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ActionScript 2.0 :: How To Draw A Line In Flex

Nov 24, 2006

Dose the Flex has some Tags just like <v:line> or <v:polyline> in VML?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: [FLEX] BitmapData.draw()?

Mar 25, 2008

I'm building a flickr application in flex at the moment but i keep getting sandbox errors when i invoke BitmapData.draw();.After doing some google research i found that the proper policyfile needs to be loaded.i do this using: Code:Now this still doesn't resolve the issues. Upon further research i found that i need to check the policy file first using checkPolicyFile = true;

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Actionscript 3 :: Movieclip - Draw Line Without Using The Draw API?

Apr 5, 2012

I need to be able to draw a thick patterend line between 2 points in AS3, I can't use the draw API because it doesn't all me to actually put detail (pattern etc) into the thickness of the line, I thought about perhaps using the line to create a bitmap version and then using that as a mask, but I remember many years ago seeing some examples that use a movieclip as a source for a line.

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Actionscript 3 :: Draw Dotted Line In Flex?

Jan 3, 2010

After some search and reading the Graphics class document, I can't find a way to specify the line style of a line. I mean whether the line is a solid one or a dotted one.

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Flex :: Draw Overlay In Custom Component?

Jan 29, 2010

How would one create a custom MXML component in flex which is based on an existing component but draws an overlay over this existing component in certain situations.

Ideally, the new component should be based on (derive from) the exiting component so that occurrences of the existing component could just be swapped out with the new one.

I tried to override updateDisplayList() in the new component and to paint the overlay using this.graphics. This resulted in the overlay being drawn underneath the children of the existing component. I also tried to do the drawing upon receiving a render-event which lead to similar results.

When the external condition which should trigger the display of the overlay changes, I call invalidateDisplayList() on my new component. That works to trigger the drawing for both cases described above. The remaining problem seems to be to figure out how to draw on top of all the other components once they are added.

The following example should illustrate what I tried to do; when overlayEnabled was set and the component's invalidateDisplayList() method was called, the red rectangle would get painted in the background.[code]...

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Flex :: Draw Text On Shape In ActionScript 3?

Feb 26, 2010

Is there any way to draw text in a DisplayObject or Shape using only ActionScript? The only way I can find on the web is by creating a TextField, but I can't add a TF to a DisplayObject or Shape.

DisplayObject implements IBitmapDrawable which can be passed as an argument to the draw function of a BitmapData object, which then can be drawn using graphics.beginBitmapFill.[code]...

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