Flex :: ExtJs Components Inside A Driven Page?
May 7, 2010
I am working on a page which mainly consists of Charts and Grids. Thought that Flex would be the best fit with some cool effects. But however, I now feel that ExtJs grid looks better than Flex data grid.
My question is whether there is any possibility / mechanism to embed Ext JS grid into a Flex page. Lets say my main page has a Flex tab panel. In first tab, I would like to see 'Flex Chart' and in second tab I would want to see 'ExtJS grid'.
I would also want to know of any Flex Data grid plugin (if exists), which looks/works just like Ext Js grid.
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<!-- scripts and some controls -->
<mx:VBox width="100%">
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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <s:WindowedApplication xmlns:fx="http://ns.adobe.com/mxml/2009"
xmlns:mx="library://ns.adobe.com/flex/mx" xmlns:local="*"
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<mx:Repeater id="rp" dataProvider="{dataProvider}" width="100%">
<mx:Button id="attach" creationComplete="addListeners(attach[rp.currentIndex])"/>
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Feb 8, 2010
Ok, this is a somewhat complicated issue dealing with SWCs and compilers. I've outlined steps to reproduce the problem below. I'm using the method outlined here to bring in Flash content to my project. I have 15-20 SWCs already, and it's working fine for those assets, the problem is specifically related to Flash's components (ComboBox, RadioButton etc.) If anyone has *any* advice on this, please let me know as we are completely stumped at this point!
The issue we're having involves using multiple external SWC files which contain AS3 components from Flash CS4. When two SWCs are linked to an ActionScript project (using Flash Builder 4 Beta (build 4.0.0)) there are collisions in the referenced classes which cause the most recently published SWC to knock out any duplicate classes in the other SWCs. A simple way to replicate this is as follows:
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Jul 31, 2009
I am having this problem with actionscript 2:
I have a class that instantiates a movieclip from the library, eg: myBar:MovieClip = level0.AttachMovie("debugbar", "debugbar_mc", 999);
myBar is an instance variable in the class.
Now the important part - debugbar in the library is a movieclip that contains some components - buttons and textInputs. The problem comes when trying to access these components.
I would have thought that this would work: myBar.input_txt.text = "hello";
in order to set the text of "input_txt", the instance name of a TextInput component on the timeline of the movie clip (frame 1 of a 1 frame mc).
This does not work. Infact, I cannot access any specific "component" properties - they come back undefined. I cannot added event handlers for the component events either.
I can however set and retrieve MovieClip properties for the "input_txt", such as _x. However there is one added strange thing with this too - setting _visible to false doesn't seem to work (however perhaps a component by default overrides this).
I tried casting it to a component, such as:
var temp:TextInput = TextInput(myBar.input_txt);
which gave "temp" as null. Without casting, it gives the path to correctly.
It almost seems like the components are somehow broken when trying to access them this way - or that they cannot be accessed this way?
The thing is, I was able to access all of this before, when the code to do it was placed on the timeline (frame 1, the only frame) of the debugbar itself, where the components were placed at authortime.
I need to have it in a class though, as I need to pass in certain objects that need to be accessed by the mc. I am rather baffled as to why all this doesn't work.
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Mar 30, 2005
how to extend Components, like if i hav to place images next to the content inside a listBox Component, how do i do that?
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Aug 23, 2010
I have one application where GUI and Data are rendered from database. So the application takes atleast 20-30 seconds to load on a browser as hugh data come from database.Now I added preloader for this application but I face a problem with this preloader.The preloader is hangs in between and again it ends before my application get load propertly.So will you please suggest me the proper way to use the preloader so it won't stop or hand during initialization process.
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Nov 4, 2010
using model driven development in developing enterprise applications. Adobe's LiveCycle Data Services looks very promising, I have found numerous tutorials/videos that shows how fast an application can be build by having methods/functions auto-generated.What are the best-practices, is it good/bad to use those auto-generated methods, they can really save a lot of time.
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Jun 18, 2010
What are your advises on using model driven development in developing enterprise applications. Adobe's LiveCycle Data Services looks very promising, I have found numerous tutorials/videos that shows how fast an application can be build by having methods/functions auto-generated.What are the best-practices, is it good/bad to use those auto-generated methods, they can really save a lot of time.
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Jan 23, 2011
I've made a component based on a mx:TitleWindow that contains linkbuttons that I'm using as a context-menu. The TitleWindow component contains link buttons like this:
private var _showEmailThis:Boolean = false;
private var _showApproveThis:Boolean = false;
private var _showReviewThis:Boolean = false
[Code] .....
This component contains a large number of links and is re-used by multiple modules in the same application. Within each module, this component is used when a user clicks on a row in a datagrid. The code looks like this:
In "Requests" module:
private function dgRequests_click(event:MouseEvent):void {
menu.showApproveThis = true;
menu.showReviewThis = true;
In "Performance" module:
private function dgPerformance_click(event:MouseEvent):void {
menu.showEmailThis = true;
menu.showReviewThis = true;
As you can see, the visibility of individual linkbuttons is controlled within each module by setting boolean properties. If I alter this component to use a renderer, how can I control the visibility of the linkbuttons from the code in each module (there are over a hundred links with different functionality - not every link will be used in each module)? Note: it is not known from the back-end which grid within which module uses which link. This is set in the front end within each module's actionscript file. E.g., if the XML looks like this:
[Code] .....
And I set the Email link to show in the module like this:
private function dgPerformance_click(event:MouseEvent):void {
menu.showEmailThis = true;
How do I make it take effect? Is there a way to control the visibility of a linkbutton within an item renderer in a component from the module that uses that component?
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