Flex :: Getting Fill Color Inside The Itemrenderer In Adobe?
May 17, 2010
I am writing a custom item renderer to render a column series in my application.
Its a stacked chart and i want to use the same item renderer for both the column series. The color for each series in the stack is different and am setting that in the 'fill' property of the two series. My doubt is how can i get the color specified in the fill property of the column series from the item renderer. if this works then i can very well use the same renderer for both series.
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| 35% | fill parent | 10px |
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<?xml version="1.0"?>
<mx:HBox xmlns:fx="[URL]"
[Code] .....
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// I will use the variable value in this function..
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_list.selectedIndex = 0;
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<mx:Tree x="534" y="49" newObjectsOnClick="newObjectsOnClickHandler">
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Sep 1, 2011
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I would like to be able to call a function, inside the itemRenderer, from the main application.
When running the app, we have a list with three persons, and a button. I want to call the function myItemRendererFunction() inside the itemRenderer, of the selected item in the list, all this, from the main app.
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Oct 27, 2009
I am looking for a way to change stroke color via AS3. The objects I would like to change are created with flash professional. They do have a fill. I just want to change the stroke color and not the fill color... is this possible? ... or am I stuck removing all fills and using a filter?
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Mar 26, 2011
I have the following component in an AIR application from Flex 4:
<mx:HTML id="viewObject"
x="10" y="42" width="634" height="313"
location="http;//localhost:8080/mypage.php" />
Now I want to run a javascript when the page loads but the javascript isn't inside the target page. I want to run the following javascript:
javascript:alert('Hello world.');
I tried approaching it by setting the location property again to the javascript after the page has loaded like below.
<s:Button x="10" y="10" label="Button">
Unfortunately for me, that doesn't seem to work.
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Nov 8, 2009
I've created a colour palette and given each colour a unique number and name (E.g. V123 Plum, V456 Ruby). Also the colour names is being loaded from a mysql database.
When the name of the colour is loaded in to a dynamic box , I want to fill an object in that colour.
var mycol1 = V123 Plum;V123 Plum = "0xFF6600"colorchange.setRGB(mycol1);
var mycol2 = V456 Ruby;
V123 Plum = "0xFFCC00"colorchange.setRGB(mycol2);
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Sep 24, 2010
I currently have a network camera that streams video as a .swf (and also as a motion JPEG as well...) and I want to be able to embed the stream inside of either a Flash or Air project that I'm creating myself. The only examples i've been able to find though, require the .swf to be saved as a resource of the project; clearly, this is undesirable for a live stream.
Another option is to utilize the motion JPEG. I have some generated code (shown below), but unfortunately only the first image is displayed when viewed via adobe air (if I were to view it in a HTML browser, the image would automatically update, effectively showing the stream:
function displayImage( )
// Set the BaseURL to the URL of your camera
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Dec 12, 2010
I am currently learning to use flash and i am following the ebook guide. On lesson 2 at the end, it requests you to select a complex shape, go to the bucket option and change the fill colour to dark brown. I tried that but the fill option has a red line across it and it cannot be selected. I need to complete this step if i want to finish lesson 2. I tried different things but it seems like the shape cannot be edited. I looked and it is not locked.[url]...
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Mar 29, 2012
I've been working in flash for an independent studies course and I've come across an issue that is halting my class's progression. My Fill Color swatch is stuck as a transparent color and when i attempt to change it by clicking a color or typing in the color's code it doesn't change. Update:
-The issue is still there, but I've found that if I click the "black and white" option it enables the ability to change the fill color again, but only after that.-
-Another issue is that the color of text is also stuck on transparent unless I go into the color window, the box that allows you to select custom colors, and select a color from there.
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Oct 8, 2009
I'm building a map editor for a project and need to draw a hexagon and fill it with a solid color. I have the shape correct but for the life of me can't figure out how to fill it. I suspect it may be due to whether the thing is a Shape, Sprite or UIComponent. Here is what I have for the polygon itself:
import com.Polygon;
import mx.core.UIComponent;
public class greenFillOne extends UIComponent {
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Jan 19, 2012
I have a normal rectangle shape in flash. Id like to change the fill color of it using code, so I can use flashvars and be able to change the color of the shape with a few HTML adjustments.All I need to know is how to change the fill color of the shape. I've got the flashvars sorted.
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Jan 28, 2007
How can I dynamically change the color of fill for something created like this:[code]I'd like to change the fill color onRollOver, onRollOut, onRelease, etc., but I don't know which property to refer to.[code]
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Feb 22, 2009
How can I fill a MovieClip with a random color using Actionscript 3?
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Jan 19, 2010
I am trying to develop a P2P conferencing application in flex using RTMFP. So I have to make connection to Adobe Stratus server for Id of Flash Player instance. I am a student and behind the http proxy. I have checked in NetConnection class but, didn't find anything related proxy configuration.So, How can I configure proxy settings for my flex application.
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