Flex :: Image Size In Other State?

Apr 1, 2011

i have this source in flex - easy program which switch between two states..in second state is show myImage component

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<s:Application xmlns:fx="http://ns.adobe.com/mxml/2009"


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Flex :: Set Size Of State After Moved Child State Using AIR?

Jul 25, 2009

In my air project i used current state size is width="441" height="358" . i have link button like Singin then move to singin state (currentstate='singin')

<mx:State name="signin">
<mx:SetProperty name="height" value="616"/>
<mx:SetProperty name="width" value="919"/>

So application resize into 616,919 . After that function finished move to current state like(currentstate='') But size not be changed . How can i set the size for current state?

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Flex :: Changing Image Size Independent Of Scene Size?

Apr 6, 2011

I have three images and I want change the images size based on the scene size (default size is 1024x768). After each image has completely loaded I call bindableUtils.setter to set width/height when scene size changes but I don't know how to make a pointer or something like that. I'm using a public var img, but it only works with the last complete image.

Here is my code:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<s:Application xmlns:fx="http://ns.adobe.com/mxml/2009"


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Flex :: Moving State Using Image Click Within Datagrid ItemRenderer?

Sep 7, 2009

I used play button image within datagrid iteam renderer, if I click image then move to another state (by using currentState ='play'). So I tried like

<mx:DataGridColumn textAlign="center" headerText="" dataField="col2">
<mx:HBox textAlign="center" paddingLeft="17">
<mx:Image source="@Embed(source='image/play_button.png')" click="currentState='Playsystem'"/>

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Something like:

<s:Transition fromState="*" toState="*">
<s:Fade target="*" duration="500" />

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Flex :: Creating State Children Before Switching To State

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Which is a pretty small component and I have panelContainer:


Whilst the user is reading the warm and fuzzy welcome note in the welcome state I want to be creating the big expensive panels state so taht when we switch there is no delay. Before the panels state is set panelView is null but I presume there must be an IDefferredInstance floating around somewhere that I can use to kick off the creation of the view. How can I get hold of it?

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Feb 28, 2007

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This would be in Flex 4

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Flex :: Detect Screen Size To Center An Image On A Mobile Device?

Nov 23, 2011

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Actionscript 3 :: Flex - Manage Size Of Image Assets In Mobile Apps?

Feb 10, 2012

Due to screen density of iPhone, image assets are developed larger. So, when specifying the icons and images to Flex components takes this form.

<s:ViewNavigator id="tab1" label="Tab1 width="100%" height="100%" firstView="views.Tab1">
<s:MultiDPIBitmapSource source160dpi="@Embed('assets/tabIcon.png')"/>

Flex of course renders this correctly and adjusts the size to what it should be. However, when I load images myself, they appear blown up as they would appear double in size. This is how I use it when overriding the tab bar.


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Apr 9, 2011

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Image-performance Questions (jpg Vs Png, Smoothing, Image Size, Etc)?

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I've done quite a bit of digging but it's surprisingly difficult to find informed answers to these questions. I'm making a Flash game with a friend; as far as we can tell, the code is fine, but there are some serious framerate problems that seem entirely related to the graphics.

Is there a performance difference between Movieclips as JPGs and PNGs? Most of our graphics are imported as PNGs because they have transparent sections, but I don't know whether there is a performance difference between setting image compression to JPG or PNG within Flash itselfDoes turning on "Smoothing" for an image affect performance?Obviously larger graphics have more of a performance hit, but is there any benefit to splitting a large image into pieces? Example, changing a 2000*1000 background into two 1000*1000 pieces? One thing is most of our graphics are as much as twice the size in the library as they are displayed onscreen, then scaled in the code. We had wanted to make the game still look good when zoomed in/fullscreened but that doesn't seem practical so I'm planning on resizing all of the image files to their final size in the game and removing the scaling code. Hopefully that's the major part of the problem.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Dynamically Load Image Into Button Up State?

Mar 8, 2010

I have successfully loaded images into a movie on my _root using a text file array. I am trying to use that same method to load the image into a movie clip that I have on the Up state of my button.In the text file "imgLoader.txt", I have the code:

In the AS layer, I have the code:


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Using State Pattern To Show An Image Pre-loader?

Feb 22, 2010

My app uses a MVC pattern to display images - obviously they need to get loaded first, so...

I have two states ContentFull and ContentEmpty these are both typed as ContentState.

both implement IContentState which has the following function:

function getContent(model:ISIModel):Sprite

In the view, VContentView I have the following:

override public function update(event:Event = null):void
if(icontent!=null){this.removeContentChild()}; //not really necessary, but there to make sure
icontent = model.getContent();


So the problem is - When the image is loaded - everything is perfect, when the image is loading, and ContentEmpty.getContent() is called the percentage value calculated from bytesLoaded/bytesTotal is initially set at 0 and displays just fine, but... it never changes to 5%, 10% etc...

I have put trace statements to track it incrementing, which it does just fine, I have followed it around in debug (using the Flash CS4 IDE), I have nuked the entire display list and then added everything back, I have instantiated a new counter text object as a sprite in a separate class, but it stubbornly refuses to do anything other than sit at 0 until the image loads and then the ContentState is set to ContentFull and the image displays.

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Flash :: Flex Relative Size Component, Fixed Size Border?

Mar 3, 2011

I want to create a panel (or any other component) inside a component that has a 5 pixel border on all sides, but scales fully when the window is resized. I know I can set width to "100%" to make it resize, but that gives me no borders. If I put it to "95%",I have borders, but they scale annoyingly. Also, that only works for borders on the right or lower bounds, and not to the left or upper sides.Is there a convenient way to do this without having to write tons of resize-code (in which case I will not bother and just accept bad rescale behaviour, as it is for a private pet project).

EDIT: I know that I can just overwrite the display handling and set the positions manually every frame. I wondered if there is a cheap way to do it in the mxml-structure, along these lines:

width="100%" height="100%"

Coming from C++ and Java, I am intrigued by the option of setting something to "95%" and let the library work out the details, instead of having to write many lines of code, just so my text-area always keeps a 5 pixel distance from the border, but scales with window width.If there is no easier way to do it than figuring out pixel sizes by hand and setting the coordinates.

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Flex :: Change Radiobutton Size And Label Size In Actionscript?

Aug 10, 2010

I am trying to change my radiobutton size and label size in pure as3...

searchRB = new RadioButton();
searchRB.name = "search";
searchRB.group = rbg;


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Actionscript :: Flex - Source Size Vs. Compile Size?

Oct 15, 2011

Could you explain why a Flash Builder source folder - no larger than 2 MB - compiles into a SWF exceeding 15 MB with debugging turned off (exported release build)?

There is only 1 embedded image at about 93k - no other images. The application is not that complicated, basically calls are made to a MySQL db to display information, as well as store information. I have used drop shadows and borders, but all standard to Flash Builder. Some custom classes and one custom skin.


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ActionScript 1/2 :: Dynamic InstanceName - Link The State Id's In The Xml Record To The State MovieClips That Make Up The Map?

May 12, 2009

I have a flash map that contains 51 movieClips, one for each state.Sample instanceName for a state (Alabama) would be: S_01
I have a XML record that contains specific info for each state.<stateID>01</stateID
I am trying to link the stateID's in the XML record to the state movieClips that make up the map.var stateInstanceName = 'S_' + stateID;
I was just trying to do a simple trace command to see if I could pull the _width of each state clip to see if I was linked up:

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Actionscript 3 :: Adding A Rollover State To A Spark Button When State Is Disabled?

Apr 14, 2011

I need to add a rollover effect to the disabled state of a Spark button. This way, users can rollover the button and know why the button is disabled.I think I would have to override ButtonBase's getCurrentSkinState. Is there anyway to test if a mouse cursor is over a disabled button?

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Flex :: Get Updated Image In Flex Image Control After Changing Source Not Name Of File (image)?

Jan 25, 2012

I am changing image through flex every time i change it saved into server directory with same name(which i am referring to show). So when i refresh my page my browser didn't send new request to server since it's already in request.so didn't getting new image.Tip:- when i clear browser history it will come with new image

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Make One Sound On The Over State And A Different One On The Down State?

Oct 4, 2008

I am trying to get converted to Actionscript 3 from AS2.In old versions of flash, you simply placed the sound in a keyframe inside the button on the over or down state. Worked fine, but not anymore.I guess the sound must be set up with actionscript and a listener.I understand linkage. how to make one sound on the over state and a different one on the down state?

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Flex :: Get A Tri-state Checkbox?

Aug 4, 2009

I've had a good rummage around the interweb and can't seem to find any examples of a tri-state checkbox. It doesn't look to be supported in the SDK and I can't find any examples online. I would imagine this is a common problem, before I embark on writing my own does anyone know of a good flex tri-state checkbox component somewhere I can use :)

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Flex :: On State Change?

Jun 23, 2010

I have a button with a click event of "currentState='someState'". Is there a way to tell component to do some function like for example "Function()" when the state changes to "someState"? So execute a function when the state is changed.

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Finding The State Of An Item In Flex?

Jul 27, 2009

How would i know the item state, whether its open or closed through programming in flex.

I am using Accordian...

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Flex :: Select A Tab In A TabNavigator In A New State?

Feb 7, 2010

in my case I click a button. it calls changeTabState() ; it changes the state and then needs to select a tab using selectedIndex. but that does not work properly. If i go back go the main state and click the button again, it works as it should.Button:

<mx:Button x="741" y="21" label="Upload" click="changeTabState('login');" visible="{loggedIn}"/>


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