Flex :: MXML Class Referencing Syntax?

Mar 17, 2011

I'm having a problem that has been really getting to me for the last 12 hours or so and I can't seem to find the answer anywhere. I know it's something simple, but I just don't know the correct syntax.

I've got a Flex Application in Flash Builder 4 with a file called "Test.mxml" which looks like this (simplified):


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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<s:Group xmlns:fx="http://ns.adobe.com/mxml/2009"


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Somewhere in the internets I stumbled across some kind of inline function for setting the color of a label.Something like this:color="{data >0 ? 0x006600 : 0xFF0000}Basically, this is exactly what I need in my ItemRenderer, but in an if-else if-else way.The script above says data > 0 then set color to green, else set it to red. What I need is an additional case, that is no change set color to gray.Is that accomplishable with this sort of "inline" function?

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I would like to provide my own sortItemRenderer within an AdvancedDataGrid like so:

<mx:AdvancedDataGrid sortItemRenderer="MyRenderer"></mx:AdvancedDataGrid>

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Actionscript :: Call A MXML Class In Flex 3

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// filename.mxml
<mx:Canvas x="181" y="180" width="333">
<mx:Button styleName="LoginButton" id="loginButton" click="checkLogin();" x="160" y="261"/>
<mx:TextInput styleName="loginTextInput" id="username" x="160" y="161"/>


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Flex :: Child Elements Of MXML Class Not Appearing?

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I'm working on a simple task/calendar tool where tasks can be added dynamically to a canvas. Here is the main application as defined in Main.mxml, which is essentially just a Canvas and a button for adding a task:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<mx:Application xmlns:mx="http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml">
<mx:Canvas id="MainCanvas" borderStyle="solid" width="300" height="300">


The problem is that when I add a Task instance to the Canvas, the children (the button and label) don't appear. I tried setting creationPolicy="all" on both the Canvas and the BorderContainer, but it still didn't work. I've read a bunch of posts about people having issues accessing members of their class before the class is fully loading, but all I want to do is SEE that Label and Button show up inside the BorderContainer.

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<fx:Component id="labelDisplay">
<s:Label fontSize="12" fontWeight="bold"/>


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here is my sound playback class.

package com.m2b.data
import flash.events.Event;
import flash.media.Sound;


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I get:

TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference.

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package com.john
public class MyComponent extends Canvas


At least I think the MXML component is subclassing the AS3 class?Anyway is it possible/advised to do this with my main MXML application file, so I can put manager instances and things in the AS3 MyApp class, which is subclassed by Main.MXML?

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May 28, 2011

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Feb 3, 2011

What I'd like to do: create an MXML component with some children, then extend it via MXML to create a new component with more children, without losing the original set.In other words

create a component bc.mxml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<s:BorderContainer xmlns:fx="http://ns.adobe.com/mxml/2009"


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private var _dp:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection([


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Referencing A Textfield Inside A Movieclip Class From Document Class

Feb 3, 2009

Ok, this is one of those walls that I know once I can jump over it, I will be a much happier developer again.

I've done tons of reading, and think I have a firm understanding that the general consensus is that if you want to reference something, it needs to be added to the display list, using addChild().

I hate to be defiant, but what if I don't want to?

Or at the very least, what if I want to add a movieclip class to the stage using addChild, and then reference objects inside it?

It is much easier this way than what most people recommend - adding 15 objects via addChild, then setting the x and y for the, etc.

That said, I'm all about using classes and using as3 the way it was meant to be used. So what this is, is a best practices question I guess.


- Create new flash document

- Draw graphic symbol bg, with text field over it, select them, convert to movieclip symbol, and export class name "box", then delete it from stage

- Add document class .as file, which simply adds that class "box" from the library, to the display list using a simple addChild()

- Set a name for that box using box.name = "test" let's say

- Do a simple trace like the following - "getChildByName('test').textFieldName" - it shows up great

- So then, I'll now try to set the text by doing this - getChildByName('test').textFieldName.text = "yo";

That last line above, is what doesn't work. I know I'm referencing wrong, but how would a pro as3 developer, reference something on the stage within a movieclip class, from the document class?

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Actionscript 3 :: Referencing Variable In Document Class From Another Class?

Mar 11, 2011

I need to increment an integer variable in a function within the document class upon transpiring event in another class. I can't seem to figure out how to call the function and reference the variable.

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Flex - Define A MXML Component And Update MXML Component In Flex Application

Aug 12, 2009

A Flex components values are initlized by init methord. In an application flow, How to refresh a mxml component data value ; as init is callled at the start up it self only.

eg. of mxml componet may be as simple as button label or text as complex as repeater whose data provider is a web service ( means a fresh quesy should be made to pull the data and refresh the dataprovider of repeater )

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Flex :: Navigate From One Mxml To Another Mxml ?

Jul 7, 2010

suppose i have 3 buttons(for example say, productin, marketing, sales ) on my main.mxml..once i click on one button it should take me to abc.mxml page with production data, once again if i click on second button it should take me to the same abc.mxml but with marketing data. same as for 3rd button also, how can i achieve this ?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Referencing Class Objects From Class?

Jun 19, 2010

I have an enemy on the stage that reads whether it's being hit by a bullet by a hittest. There's a for loop inside the enemy's class that looks for all the bullets and names the bullet that's hitting it "hitBullet". What I'd like to do have an easy way of seeing what type of bullet is hitting the enemy. I'm basically looking for something like

if (hitBullet == RegBullet) {
//do regular bullet dying
}else if (hitBullet == ClusterBullet) {
//do clusterbullet dying

, where RegBullet and ClusterBullet are classes. But I have no idea what hitBullet is equal to when a ClusterBullet or RegBullet hits it. I traced hitBullet to see what it would return and got "[object ClusterBullet]", but I'm not sure what that would be in the actual code.

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Flex :: Extending Mxml Component With From Another Mxml Component With Visual Child Supported?

May 18, 2011

I've been trying to create a custom mxml component that extends another custom mxml component (i.e.MyMXMLComponent -> BaseMXMLComponent -> Group). I've been reading that trying to add visual children to MyMXMLComponent caused error with Flex 3 but that's no longer the case with Flex 4.

What I want to know is whether this is a supported/fixed/documented feature of Flex 4? or just some undefined behavior in Flex 4 that may get changed with future updates?

if this is supported and documented feature, does anyone have link pointing to adobe document stating it as such?

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Flex :: Load An External Mxml File Into A Parent Mxml File?

Mar 9, 2012

This is a project I'm working on for a simple demo tutorial application in Flex. I am using mxml pages. You can see to the left that I will have my main application and then other mxml files (In the Examples Package) as the examples that will be loaded into the main application mxml. How can I dynamically pull the value from the object in the list to load the child mxml file into the container that I have further down in the application?

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