Flex - OS Like Behavior When Edditing A Tree Item?

Jan 20, 2010

I have a Tree Control inside my Flex Application which I want to edit on a doubleclick on a tree item. I found the properties doubleClickEnabled="true", doubleClick="startEditMode()", and editable="true". With these functions I can detect a double click and I can change the editable property to true based on a double click. The problem is that after I double clicked on a Item i have to click once more to really enter the edit mode. That doesn't seem to be intuitive at all


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Flex :: How To Drop Something Into A Tree Item

Jan 15, 2010

I just read a comment at FlexExamples: One thing to note about the tree is that it is really just a list in which items are displayed. What that means is, you can't really drop somthing "into" folder unless the folder is open. Even in that case the user experience isn't quite right. So try moving everything out of one of the folders and then collapse that empty folder. If you drop something "on" the folder, it actually winds up between the target folder and the one below or above. This is indicated by the black line showing up as you move the mouse over the folders. If you "open" the folder (the only way to tell it is open is by the arrow) and then try it, you end up with an additional drop zone that is basically the bottom half of the opened, empty folder. This is also indicated by the black lines position.

It would be better if the middle section of any item could always be the drop zone for "add to this folder" and the top and bottom edges could be for dropping above or below respectively.I've just come to the same problem. Has somebody already managed this problem? In my case, I have dragMoveEnabled in the tree and offer the ability of dragging the tree items. But it is impossible to drag an item into another item that is empty. You can only drop the dragged item above or underneath an empty item.

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Flex :: Use 2 Different Item Renderers In Mx:Tree?

Mar 20, 2010

How can I use multiple item renderers in mx:Tree depending on item's depth/level in tree?For example. For the first level items I want to use label with button and for second level items combobox

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Flex :: Tree Component Item Rendering

Dec 4, 2009

I have created a MyTreeItemrenderer extending TreeItemrenderer.

However, I do not want any label, folder, disclosure icon nor icon. I want to dispaly every node of the tree with my own graphic like eg: a line, round image etc.,

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Flex :: Get Item By Index In A Tree Control?

Jan 20, 2010

I'm doing a drag and drop operation on a tree using some help from Adobe's quick Starts:[URL]

The code suggested is roughly this:

var dropTarget:Tree = Tree(evt.currentTarget);
var i:int = dropTarget.calculateDropIndex(evt);
myTree.selectedIndex = i;


EDIT: I forgot to post that my current workaround is setting the selectedIndex = -1 after I get my node:XML. I'm afraid that if something bogs on the processor the user may see it select then deselect.

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Flex :: Get The XML Parent Of A Selected Tree Item?

Jan 27, 2010

I have a XML based Tree Control. The XML Structure is recursive, so the children's can have the same Element as the parent. I now want to let the user add and remove the elements. Do do so I need to get the parent element of the selected Item. Following code I already collected together:

var selected:XML = treeControl.selectedItem;
parent.insertChildAfter(selected:XML, newElement);

I just don't know how to get to the selected parents node as there is no such method like treeControl.selectedItem.parent.

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Xml :: Flex - Move Item Around In A Tree Control?

Mar 9, 2010

I have a tree control and I want to give the user the ability that he can move up and down the element he just selected with a up and a downbutton. The tree gets generated from XML. I managed to insert the selected item a second time at a other place, with the following code:

var parentXML:XML = XML(containerTree.selectedItem).parent();
var upperItem:XML = topContainer.source[containerTree.selectedIndex-1];

but then I have the item there twice in the List. How can I remove to reinsert it?

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Flex :: Access All Item Renderer Of MX: Tree In?

Jul 20, 2010

my renderer contains a canvas in it, i add some title-window, every time i see my tree previously added Title-Windows are visible, i want to access each n every item in tree and remove previosly added all windows from the rendere. how access all the item renderer in AS3 ?

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Actionscript :: Pop Up In Flex Tree Item Renderer?

May 9, 2011

I have an mx:tree with with TreeItemRenderer as below.

Parent1 (Delete | Rename)
Parent2 (Delete | Rename)

Delete and Rename are link buttons

Now when i click Rename a popUp should be shown like

OldName : Parent1(Text Input showning present Name)
Enter New Name: Parent1NewName(Text Input for entering New name)
OK | CANCEL Buttons

Afetr Entering the new name,click OK,popup should be closed and need to get the value in the treeItemRenderer.

I have the logic to rename the Parent1 in TreeItemRenderer and also I m able to get the Parent1 in the popup OldName TextInput.But after entering the new name i m not able to get that new name in the TreeItemRenderer.

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Flex :: Itemrenderer - Referencing And Setting A Single Item Renderer Instance In A Flex Tree At Runtime?

Oct 17, 2010

Anyone know how to change a single instance of an item renderer for a Flex tree item at runtime? To reiterate, I'm not trying to change the entire tree's item renderer like this:tree.itemRenderer = new ClassFactory(ItemRenderer2);I'm trying to change the item renderer of a single tree item like this (the following code does not work):tree.selectedItem.itemRenderer = new ClassFactory(ItemRenderer2);To put it more simply, does anyone know how to reference an instance of an item renderer and set it to a new item renderer class? I've tried using the Tree's itemToItemRenderer() method with no success.

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Flex :: Prevent Tree From Reusing Item-rendrer?

May 2, 2011

i was in situation that tree is re-using my custom item-renderer.. is there any method or way around we can stop tree to reuse.. and always create a new item-renderer for new item..

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Flex :: Tree Custom Item Renderer Children Creation?

Oct 14, 2010

I have created a custom item renderer for the tree, i have added some children in create children function, my problem is that sometimes i need to show these children and sometimes i don't, depending on clicking on a button which also i have added at create children, the problem is that i had to create the item even if i don't want it to be visible, and removed it by making visible false, and this costs a lot of memory, i have tried to create it at buttons click listener but when scrolling the child disappears, and it may appear again if i keep scrolling up and down.. i am trying to add the child just when i need it to be visible, is this possible or i have to create it on child creation method?

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Flex :: Selected Item In A Tree Is Not Highlighted After Dragging And Dropping It?

Jul 24, 2011

I have a Flex (3.5) Tree with drag & drop support, but the problem is that after I drag an item (node) and drop it, it's supposed to be the selected item in the tree, but for some reason it's not highlighted.

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Actionscript 3 :: Flex - Tree Control Drag Drop .item Position?

Dec 9, 2009

just facing a difficulty with tree control drag drop..Suppose i have tree with drag-drop enabled.I want to which node(id) is droped inside which node. 1]if i drag "Cat1" node inside "Cat3",i want to identify ids of siblings of "cat1",and "cat3".2]in general i want to know the ids of current element being moved along withits new parent and new position and save these postions.3] Also "cat4" when moved outside "cat3",i want know its position and its siblings id.

<mx:XML id="treeDP">
<node label="Categories">
<node label="Cat1" id="1" isBranch="true"/>


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Flex :: Get The Item Parent In A Tree When Using Nested Objects As Data Provider?

Jan 11, 2010

I have a Flex tree with an ArrayCollection as data provider. The collection holds an array of CategoryVO objects. Each object can have another array of CategoryVO objects inside it's "child" attribute. This way the tree displays the data correctly. Now I want to get the parent of a specific item, e.g. tree.selectedItem. Using XML as data provider the item parent is avaiable thorugh the parent() method. But I can't convert my data to XML. How can I get an item's parent? Perphaps using the tree's dataDescriptor?

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Flex :: Prevent The Addition Of Dragged Item In Tree Which Drag Accepting?

Oct 25, 2010

i have two tree one tree lets say TreeDrag is drag enabled and other is drop enabled lets say TreeDrop.. when i drag item from TreeDrag to TreeDrop,, i want to show feedback and everything else normal except the addition of dragged item in TreeDrop..

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Flash :: Flex 4.5: Tree - Make A Flex Tree Component Display The Children Of A Sprite In A Hierarchical Way

Nov 19, 2011

I'm trying to make a Flex Tree Component display the children of a sprite in a hierarchical way. Moreover, dragging the items on the FlexTree would resort and reparent the items. I have special Elements set as Folders. This would allow other elements to be added there as a children by dragging an element on the tree and dropping it there. I have a failed attempt which works, but breaks when I try to add folders. Basically, it fails at reparenting the items by dragging and resorting folders and that Does anyone know of a component or something which can do this, has anyone have created any of this or could anyone give me a clue?

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Xml :: Select A Tree Item?

Sep 22, 2010

I'm working on a tree component using a XMLLIST as a data provider.

<menuItem label="Home" menuItemId="1" >
<menuItem label="Info 1" menuItemId ="4"></menuItem>


I need to select a nested node by the property 'menuItemId' without knowing the index.For example, select the item with the menuItemId 4.

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Have A Different Icon For Every Item In Tree Component?

May 4, 2009

I'm using the tree component for a little Windows Parody I'm making. In my .fla, There's a tree component that loads an external XML file.  I can't figure out how to add custom icons to my component, though.I know it's possible to set the icons for just the default folder and file icons, but since it's a Windows Parody, there'll be different icons for different file types, folder types, etc.In other words,  I'd like to have a different icon for every item in my Tree component.
Here are the contents of my XML file:
<node label="Desktop">
<node label="Documents">

Also, I don't need to have an XML file loaded.  If there's an easy way that does it all within Flash, please tell me.  I just need to be able to handle events from the Tree. 

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Flex :: Fire Tree ItemClick Event On Setting Tree.selectedItem In Air?

Oct 30, 2009

I am working on Air application,i had a problem on Tree control.Iam adding nodes for the tree dynamically, while adding nodes to the tree i am setting Tree.selectedItem as present added node. after that i need to fire Tree.itemClick event handler method also.how can i call event handler method as a common method. in Flex3

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Tree Component ... AddTreeNodeAt & Branch - Add An Item At A Particular Location?

Jun 7, 2006

I've got a tree component which works great, but I'm trying to add an item at a particular location (immediately after the item they select) into the tree. The problem is that I'm trying to add an item within a branch. I'm using myTree.getDisplayIndex(myNode) to get the position within the tree, but it gives the location relative to the entire list, but I need to get the position relative to the parent (which is what myNode.parentNode.addTreeNodeAt is trying to write to)...

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Flex :: Select Item In Details Form Dropdown When Datagrid Item Is Selected

Feb 15, 2011

I have this datagrid:

<mx:DataGrid id="dgCompetenteN" includeIn="Test" left="10" right="472" top="69" bottom="149"
dataProvider="{colCompetente}" editable="false">


What I want to do is, when I select an item in the datagrid, the selected item of the dropdown should be the correct one (the one which has the field idCompSuperioara equal to the third element in the selected datagrid row).

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Flex :: Get List Item Selection Working When Using A Png Mask In An Item Renderer In A 4.5 Mobile App?

Jun 10, 2011

I'm creating a mobile app in which I need to show a calendar with months at the top. The months are part of a component that extends from SkinnableDataContainer (and has some custom scrolling/behaviour - which is why I did'nt use a spark list). I need the months to be shown as a 'trapezium' shaped tab and so I'm using a png image as a mask in the item renderer for the component.

When the mask is not applied, it all works well - the months render, the list/data container selection works when I click on a month and so on.When the mask is applied, it renders well, scrolling and everything else seems to work well - but when I click on a month, nothing happens visually. And from the trace statements in my code, it appears list item selection is not changing. Looks like mouse clicks are not working.


public class TopCalendarMonthRenderer extends LabelItemRenderer {
private static var TrapeziumMask:Class;
private static var trapeziumMaskInstance:BitmapAsset;


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Flex :: Access TileList Item Index In A Custom Item Renderer?

Mar 4, 2011



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Flex :: Toggling States - When Other Item Is Selected The First Item Does Not Change Its State?

Apr 26, 2011

I have used states in my application.The thing is I have made the first item in my list to be selected. so I gave like this,

if(itemIndex == 0)

this works fine.The problem is when other item is selected the first item does not change its state,it remains in the selected state until its clicked.My code looks like this,

<s:BorderContainer id="outerCont" width="275" height="100" borderVisible="false"
backgroundColor.normal="#3D3C3C" backgroundAlpha.selected="0.1"

My states are like this,

<s:State name="normal" />
<s:State name="hovered" />[code]........

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Actionscript 3 :: Trigger Flex Piechart Item Click Event When A Datagrid Item Is Clicked?

Nov 4, 2011

Is it possible to trigger Flex Piechart Item click event when a Datagrid Item is clicked.If so can anyone give some example.

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Flex :: Override The Behavior Of The Tab-key Event?

Jan 25, 2010

I have two datagrids and I want to override the behavior of the tab-key event, so that it goes to the next datagrid, when the cursor reaches the end of the first datagrid columns.

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Flex :: AdvancedDataGrid ListItems Different Behavior?

Feb 20, 2012

I have the following XML, that is the dataprovider (as a Hierarchicaldata) of an Advanced DataGrid:

public var reqData:XML = <root>
<Requirement ID="REQ-GEN-0.1" title="exigence gen 1" description="blabla 01" testable="true"/>
<RequirementSet ID="GUI REQ">


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Flex :: Strange CallLater X Position Behavior?

Feb 25, 2010

I'm not sure exactly where this is happening, but what I'm trying to do is make a scrolling ticker using flex, and it works fine when there is one of them on the screen, but when there are two, strange things happen.The way I have designed this for live updating, when the child of my hbox goes off the screen, I remove it and add another child to the end of it.This happens to reset the X position of the hbox, which isn't too bad, but it also resets the X position of any other hbox I have on the screen.Here is code that demonstrates what I'm seeing:

To use this, run the flex program, then click in the first hbox to set its x position to your mouseX. When the x position of the second hbox (hbox3) is reset, so will the first hbox's (hbox2) X position.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<mx:Application creationComplete="addToBoxes()" xmlns:mx="http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml" layout="vertical" >

How can I prevent this from happening, or what is a better way to make an updating ticker like I am trying to do?

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Flex :: Avoid The Behavior Of Set HtmlText In RichTextEditor?

Feb 21, 2011

I'm having this problem of adding an image to the textArea in RichTextEditor (RTE) on the fly and this image seems to "reset" the html properties of the textArea.
Better explained:

The user starts writing something in the TextArea (with Verdana in size:12 font settings). When he adds an image to the text area, the cursor right after the image gets very small and the font settings are reset to HUM777B in size:2.

How could I avoid this behavior?

It seems Flex adds additional HTML code before the image tag. If there was any way to avoid this I would be able to add my own settings to the tags.

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