Flex :: Override The Behavior Of The Tab-key Event?

Jan 25, 2010

I have two datagrids and I want to override the behavior of the tab-key event, so that it goes to the next datagrid, when the cursor reaches the end of the first datagrid columns.

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Actionscript 3 :: Flex - Why Override Custom Event And When To Override It

Aug 15, 2010

I always have a question about override custom event. I am not sure why or what do to inside override function. I searched google but didn't get too many feedbacks. EDIT: My projects seem work fine even though I use my custom event without override. Anyone could explain it?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Class Override Behavior In ApplicationDomain?

Nov 9, 2010

The current implementation of the Flash Player ApplicationDomain with  regards to override class definition seems like a giant security flaw  to me.A parent SWF has complete control over what child SWF they want to  load and add to its ApplicationDomain. It stands to reason that if the  parent trust the child SWF enough to load the file, it should also trust  the class definition defined by the child SWF and use those  definitions.

In contrast, a child SWF has no control over where it is being loaded  into, or if it want to be loaded into another SWF at all. Therefore,  there is no reason for the child SWF to trust the class definitions  defined by the parent SWF.I recommend changing the current implementation of the  ApplicationDomain and allowing a child SWF to override any conflicting  class definition in the parent's ApplicationDomain.

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Flex :: Override Result Event (HTTPService)?

May 27, 2011

I have a global settings class, and i want to switch a var (to 1) in this class, when i call the send function and switch this var (to 0), when the result event dispatched.

I created a class, extends HTTPService..i can override the send function (override public function send(parameters:Object=null):AsyncToken), but how can i override the function, which call when the result arrived?

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Flex :: Override Paste Event In DataGrid ItemRenderer?

Mar 16, 2011

I am trying to figure out how to override the default paste logic in a Flex 4 DataGrid ItemRenderer. Does anyone know how to do this?I am trying to capture the event when a user hits Ctrl-V while a cell in the DataGrid has focus and override the logic there.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Changing The Behavior Of Key_down Event?

Oct 25, 2011

changing the behavior of Key_down event. in every tutorial if for example you keep left arrow pressed you object will move to the left for i.e 5pix all the time,constant speed. can you change the key_down so it will only move once no matter how long the key is pressed, after you release it and press again it will only move one time again and so on

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May 9, 2010

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One thing I really liked about java was the documentation.Everything about the class structure was laid out very elegantly and documented.I could tell exactly what events a class listened to or broadcast a paticular event, and how they responded.Also I i could tell which section of the code was responsible for drawing / redrawing graphics.But maybe I have not spent enough time with AS.

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Actionscript 3 :: Override Clone() In Custom Event

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Actionscript 2.0 :: Override TextField Focus Event?

Jan 17, 2011

Is it possible to override the default focus event on the in-built TextField class? So for example when a textfield gains focus a custom event is triggered rather than the default one? I know we can use the onSetFocus event, however we have over 1200 swfs that use TextFields so want to do it on a global scope rather than having to modify each individual swf. that on an Android tablet selecting a TextField brings up the android keyboard that not only shrinks the flash content, but defaults to the alpha keyboard when all we want is numeric (it's a Maths app).

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Actionscript 2 :: Flash - Override TextField Focus Event

Jan 17, 2011

Is it possible to override the default focus event on the in-built TextField class? So for example when a textfield gains focus a custom event is triggered rather than the default one? I know we can use the onSetFocus event, however we have over 1200 swfs that use TextFields so want to do it on a global scope rather than having to modify each individual swf.

The idea is that on an Android tablet selecting a TextField brings up the android keyboard that not only shrinks the flash content, but defaults to the alpha keyboard when all we want is numeric (it's a Maths app).

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Jun 20, 2009

I have seen this done and not done on different occations... why do we need to override clone() and toString() in custom events?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Override Event Target - Move Other Sprite According To The Mouse Events On The Stage

May 27, 2009

i am trying to do a simple blackboard on mouse down, start drawing on mouse move, if drawing, draw line on mouse up, stop drawing i set the listeners on a simple clip with a rectangle. if i dont fill the rectangle, the mouse events wont fall into the rectangle, but if i fill the rectangle, it will paint behind the rectangle, so anyway i wont see any succesfull results. what i did was create another sprite and paint within it; something like


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Flex :: AdvancedDataGrid ListItems Different Behavior?

Feb 20, 2012

I have the following XML, that is the dataprovider (as a Hierarchicaldata) of an Advanced DataGrid:

public var reqData:XML = <root>
<Requirement ID="REQ-GEN-0.1" title="exigence gen 1" description="blabla 01" testable="true"/>
<RequirementSet ID="GUI REQ">


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Flex :: Override Child Node Controls In A Flex Tree Control?

Aug 20, 2010

I am currently developing a dynamic LineChart in FLEX 4.I am implementing a Tree control next to my LineChart, which will filter the LineChart dataprovider and lineseries. The tree control has several branches and ultimately 5 children (leaf nodes) at the bottom of the last branch.I need the leaf node/children to be displayed as checkboxes inside the tree control.As I understand,this will require overrides in the TreeItemRenderer class.This is where I am a little confused on how to implement that.Currently I can distinguish between leaf and branches using this code, in my main MXML component.I added this because it may be helpful to some beginning FLEXdevelopers, such as myself, who cannot easily find this functionality documented well:

private function treeClick(e:ListEvent):void {
_selectedItem = Tree(e.currentTarget).selectedItem;
if(mainTree.dataDescriptor.isBranch(_selectedItem)) {[code].....

I am looking at the TreeItemRenderer override class from the following example here: In the example, they override the "createChildden" super function to add checkboxes to the tree control.My question is, can I override the createChildren function directly in my MXML component, and not have to use an entire class file to override this functionality? Must I re-invent the wheel to do this?Also, how can I distinguish that my treeItem is a leaf node and not a parent, in the override function? I only want to add checkboxes to the leaf nodes, how can I differentiate? The following example adds checkboxes to all branches and leaf nodes, but I want to add checkboxes only to leaf node/children. How would you approach that?

override protected function createChildren( ): void
super.createChildren( );[code]............

Here is my tree tag:

<mx:Tree id="mainTree" dataProvider="{treeData}" itemRenderer="TreeCheckBoxItemRenderer" labelField="@label" showRoot="false" width="100%" height="100%" itemClick="treeClick(event)" />

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Flex - OS Like Behavior When Edditing A Tree Item?

Jan 20, 2010

I have a Tree Control inside my Flex Application which I want to edit on a doubleclick on a tree item. I found the properties doubleClickEnabled="true", doubleClick="startEditMode()", and editable="true". With these functions I can detect a double click and I can change the editable property to true based on a double click. The problem is that after I double clicked on a Item i have to click once more to really enter the edit mode. That doesn't seem to be intuitive at all


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Flex :: Strange CallLater X Position Behavior?

Feb 25, 2010

I'm not sure exactly where this is happening, but what I'm trying to do is make a scrolling ticker using flex, and it works fine when there is one of them on the screen, but when there are two, strange things happen.The way I have designed this for live updating, when the child of my hbox goes off the screen, I remove it and add another child to the end of it.This happens to reset the X position of the hbox, which isn't too bad, but it also resets the X position of any other hbox I have on the screen.Here is code that demonstrates what I'm seeing:

To use this, run the flex program, then click in the first hbox to set its x position to your mouseX. When the x position of the second hbox (hbox3) is reset, so will the first hbox's (hbox2) X position.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<mx:Application creationComplete="addToBoxes()" xmlns:mx="http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml" layout="vertical" >

How can I prevent this from happening, or what is a better way to make an updating ticker like I am trying to do?

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Flex :: Avoid The Behavior Of Set HtmlText In RichTextEditor?

Feb 21, 2011

I'm having this problem of adding an image to the textArea in RichTextEditor (RTE) on the fly and this image seems to "reset" the html properties of the textArea.
Better explained:

The user starts writing something in the TextArea (with Verdana in size:12 font settings). When he adds an image to the text area, the cursor right after the image gets very small and the font settings are reset to HUM777B in size:2.

How could I avoid this behavior?

It seems Flex adds additional HTML code before the image tag. If there was any way to avoid this I would be able to add my own settings to the tags.

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Ios :: Way To Get Swf Behavior On IPad Via Adobe Flex IOS Packager

Dec 9, 2011

I build Flex applications. One of them shows slides.They're swf's loaded dynamically from a remote server at run-time.My slides are both re-sizable by the end user and animated.This is easy on the PC with all the Flash support.For the iPad I use the Adobe Flex IOS packager.Gets me just about everything I need - except swf's dynamically loaded at run-time.Apple's terms of service do not support it.So I'm relegated to flattening slides into static images which don't scale well when users re-size them and obviously don't show animations.

If I built a native IOS app with XCode I could probably achieve this with KeyNote or something alike.Don't have the time or resources.Has anyone knowledge of a sneaky way to achieve this aesthetic via the Flex IOS packager? Is there some inventive way to sneak swf's in or use another image format like animated gif's or something else I'm not thinking of that might scale well?

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Css :: Override Value To Be Empty In Flex?

Jul 31, 2010

I have a Flex 3.2 application for which I am developing a custom style. Basically the first stylesheet gets applied first, and then my custom stylesheet. I am wondering how I can completely empty a value set in the first stylesheet with a value set in the second. The value has to be blank because if the horizontal-center value is set then any other positioning values are ignored.

.myButton {


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flex / Flash Runtime Disparity In Interactive Behavior?

Mar 4, 2010

I have this function that fires upon clicks in a particular area of a component I've created:

PHP Code:

private function dispatchDragEvent(e:MouseEvent):void
switch (_targetType)


For some reason when I test this in Flash it works fine, all traces come through. But in Flex, SDK3.5, when I run debug if _targetType is "assign" everything is fine, but if it is "correlate" that branch of the code fails at the hitTest conditionals. It will trace "should execute one of these", but then nothing else happens. So it's like for some reason Flash is OK with the conditional code, but Flex is not cool with it, and doesn't report anything as to why...

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Actionscript 3 :: Flex Mobile: Strange Behavior In IconItemRenderer List?

Feb 29, 2012

I'm desperately trying to fix a strange behavior in my custom iconitemrenderer list: When I change the view to the view with the list inside and start scrolling, the list gets white for the fraction of a second (apperently completely redrawn), but only once when scrolling the first time after the view change.


I think the problem is in the myList.dataProvider.itemUpdated(oldItem), apperently the renderer thinks it has to redraw everthing, but I have no idea why.. and why only after the view is shown again.if it's a bug or something? how can I get rid of this bahavior or how can I debug this this properly?

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Flex :: When Should I Override 1 Of The Lifecycle Methods?

Feb 15, 2010

I've read in the flex developer guide that you sometimes need to override one of the lifecycle methods like: commitProperties and updateDisplayList but I've written a few flex apps without ever needing to implement them.when do I need to override them?

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Flex :: DownloadProgressBar Preloader Override?

Apr 10, 2010

I'm watching this video, which is pretty goodhows how to inherit from DownloadProgressBar to create a customer preloader for your flex app.TheDownloadProgressBar class has an overridable getter for the property 'preloader.' Isn't this poor design? What does a property called preloader have anything to do with a class for a DownloadProgressBar

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Flex :: Override Data Tip Circle?

Jan 31, 2012

In flex charting you can customize the box which displays datatip information, but is there any easy way of changing the little circle which is displayed next to the datatip box?


I've found the method positionDataTips() in ChartBase which appears to do the drawing of the circle. I was going to subclass LineChart and override the method with my modified version of it. However, this method needs access to a lot of private instance variables which are only accessible to ChartBase.

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Flex :: TitleWindowSkin, TitleWindowCloseButtonSkin, Colorization: Duplicate This Behavior In A Custom Component?

Jun 16, 2011

I am trying to use the spark.skins.spark.TitleWindowCloseButtonSkin in a custom component and make it look thematically similar to how it looks in TitleWindow. Just specifying it as the skin class for a Button works no problem. I also have a .css style applied to all my TitleWindow classes that affects the close buttons in a TitleWindow. If I set the chrome color of the TitleWindow in .css then the close button skin also gets colorized to match this color. My custom component is also using the same style reference as my TitleWindows. But the Button instance inside of my custom component does not get colorized. So while I have blue TitleWindows with blue-colorized closed buttons, I have a blue custom component with a default gray background closed button (on button-press, the gray background appears).

There must be something going on with TitleWindowSkin and TitleWindowCloseButtonSkin via the colorization mechanic but I don't understand what it is. How should I solve this problem? I need to make the close button style in my custom component match that of the close button in my TitleWindows.

Here is a picture of the problem:The TitleWindow is on the left in both pictures. The custom component is on the right.In the left frame, you see the TitleWindow close button in the down position, note that its down state is colorized to match the theme of the TitleWindowSkin. On the right you see the down state of the custom component's close button. I do not know how to colorize the default gray to match the blue theme applied to the custom component.

PS My custom component extends from spark.components.Group. I should also mention that normal Button instances that use the default spark ButtonSkin do seem to get styled properly in the custom component (part of the reason this problem is so frustrating).

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Flex :: Override Function Set Label Of A Button?

Sep 24, 2009

I trying here to avoid having to bind resources to all my components labels ( ie a button) and find a way to have this automated.

Problem: It corrupts the layout in design mode to bind directly in the mxml label="{resourceManager.getString('myResources', 'submit')}" and makes the design view useless. but when declaring bindings elsewhere, in actionScript or via a bind tag, it is counter productive and prone to many errors and miss.

Proposition: I would like to create my own button that automatically invoke resources to localize a button label. So the author puts "Submit" in the mxml description of my button, and when running it would take the value of the label ie "submit" and use resourceManager.getString('myResources', 'submit').

but I can't find the way to override the set label function, Is it possible if yes how? else how can I go about it?

Maybe I am missing an essential process here that would make the use of resources more elegant, as well as how to override such thing as a button's label.

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Flex :: Override Mxml Request In An HTTPService?

Mar 10, 2010

I have an HTTPRequest in mxml that has an mx:request defined inside it. I use the info in the mxml request 99% of the time (I thought it was 100% until I found this bug). So I need to send the HTTPRequest with one of the items in the request different. I tried using the send() method and sending my own object, much like you would if no request was defined in the mxml, but it doesn't seem to override it.

Any ideas how I can accomplish this without re-writing every call to send this httpRequest?

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AS3 :: Import - Flex Override Function In Imported Swf?

Jun 9, 2010

I'm using a flex component that use a to load a .swf file.

The loaded .swf

- is passed to me as is and I can't edit

- it has some as3 functions in it

Is it possible in the "parent" application (the one with ) to override functions included in the "child" swf (the imported one)?

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Css :: Override The Default Panel Style On Flex 3?

Mar 29, 2011

I am trying to override the default panel style on Flex 3.And the following doesn't work.

<mx:Application xmlns:mx="http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml"
layout="absolute" minWidth="955" minHeight="600"


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Flex :: Override A Protected Method From UIComponent?

May 30, 2011

I want to create a custom button in ActionScript. [code]...

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