Flex :: Avoid The Behavior Of Set HtmlText In RichTextEditor?

Feb 21, 2011

I'm having this problem of adding an image to the textArea in RichTextEditor (RTE) on the fly and this image seems to "reset" the html properties of the textArea.
Better explained:

The user starts writing something in the TextArea (with Verdana in size:12 font settings). When he adds an image to the text area, the cursor right after the image gets very small and the font settings are reset to HUM777B in size:2.

How could I avoid this behavior?

It seems Flex adds additional HTML code before the image tag. If there was any way to avoid this I would be able to add my own settings to the tags.

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editor.htmlText = htmlTextFromDb;
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Has anyone else noticed this odd behavior? It's too distracting and unprofessional-looking to leave the way it is, but I'm not sure what my alternatives are if I want to include links in the text (which is imported from an XML file).

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backgroundImage: "assets/globe.jpg";


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Jan 29, 2010

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So we have some text editor with RTE a-la

We want to get into its content images using some button. How to do such thing?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: RichTextEditor.TextArea BackgroundColor Broken In Flex 4?

Aug 3, 2011

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This works fine when I compile against Flex 3.5.0, but in Flex 4.0 and 4.5, the background color remains white. I've tried setting it before the text, after the text, before and after it is added to the stage - even every single frame with an EnterFrame handler. Nothing - it just stays white.
Has anyone else encountered this and does anyone have a workaround? I don't really want to switch to a Spark component if I can help it, and I can't downgrade the whole application to 3.5.

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public var reqData:XML = <root>
<Requirement ID="REQ-GEN-0.1" title="exigence gen 1" description="blabla 01" testable="true"/>
<RequirementSet ID="GUI REQ">


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Flex :: Strange CallLater X Position Behavior?

Feb 25, 2010

I'm not sure exactly where this is happening, but what I'm trying to do is make a scrolling ticker using flex, and it works fine when there is one of them on the screen, but when there are two, strange things happen.The way I have designed this for live updating, when the child of my hbox goes off the screen, I remove it and add another child to the end of it.This happens to reset the X position of the hbox, which isn't too bad, but it also resets the X position of any other hbox I have on the screen.Here is code that demonstrates what I'm seeing:

To use this, run the flex program, then click in the first hbox to set its x position to your mouseX. When the x position of the second hbox (hbox3) is reset, so will the first hbox's (hbox2) X position.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<mx:Application creationComplete="addToBoxes()" xmlns:mx="http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml" layout="vertical" >

How can I prevent this from happening, or what is a better way to make an updating ticker like I am trying to do?

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Dec 9, 2011

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Mar 4, 2010

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PHP Code:

private function dispatchDragEvent(e:MouseEvent):void
switch (_targetType)


For some reason when I test this in Flash it works fine, all traces come through. But in Flex, SDK3.5, when I run debug if _targetType is "assign" everything is fine, but if it is "correlate" that branch of the code fails at the hitTest conditionals. It will trace "should execute one of these", but then nothing else happens. So it's like for some reason Flash is OK with the conditional code, but Flex is not cool with it, and doesn't report anything as to why...

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Actionscript 3 :: Flex Mobile: Strange Behavior In IconItemRenderer List?

Feb 29, 2012

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I think the problem is in the myList.dataProvider.itemUpdated(oldItem), apperently the renderer thinks it has to redraw everthing, but I have no idea why.. and why only after the view is shown again.if it's a bug or something? how can I get rid of this bahavior or how can I debug this this properly?

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Flex :: TitleWindowSkin, TitleWindowCloseButtonSkin, Colorization: Duplicate This Behavior In A Custom Component?

Jun 16, 2011

I am trying to use the spark.skins.spark.TitleWindowCloseButtonSkin in a custom component and make it look thematically similar to how it looks in TitleWindow. Just specifying it as the skin class for a Button works no problem. I also have a .css style applied to all my TitleWindow classes that affects the close buttons in a TitleWindow. If I set the chrome color of the TitleWindow in .css then the close button skin also gets colorized to match this color. My custom component is also using the same style reference as my TitleWindows. But the Button instance inside of my custom component does not get colorized. So while I have blue TitleWindows with blue-colorized closed buttons, I have a blue custom component with a default gray background closed button (on button-press, the gray background appears).

There must be something going on with TitleWindowSkin and TitleWindowCloseButtonSkin via the colorization mechanic but I don't understand what it is. How should I solve this problem? I need to make the close button style in my custom component match that of the close button in my TitleWindows.

Here is a picture of the problem:The TitleWindow is on the left in both pictures. The custom component is on the right.In the left frame, you see the TitleWindow close button in the down position, note that its down state is colorized to match the theme of the TitleWindowSkin. On the right you see the down state of the custom component's close button. I do not know how to colorize the default gray to match the blue theme applied to the custom component.

PS My custom component extends from spark.components.Group. I should also mention that normal Button instances that use the default spark ButtonSkin do seem to get styled properly in the custom component (part of the reason this problem is so frustrating).

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Flex :: Avoid Native Authentication Popup In AIR On Mac?

Sep 24, 2009

In AIR on Mac, when I send login creds to a service and they're incorrect, AIR displays a native popup window to try logging in again without dispatching an error event. Twitter provides a header (suppress_response_codes=true), which returns any error as a status 200 with the error message. I'm using HTTPService to connect to a service without a header like this. Are there any properties or headers I can send to avoid this popup?

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Flex :: Avoid Slide Transition Quirks?

Feb 28, 2011

I have a custom viewstack that applies automatically a slide in/slide out effect when the view changes. Everything goes smoothly when the views are lightweight but becomes jumpy when the next view requires heavy rendering. Here are the relevant parts of the code :


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Flex :: Avoid The HorizontalScrollBar Addition To Container?

Aug 3, 2011

if container like VBox have autoScrollPolicy for both scrolls. if VerticalScrollBar is added, why the horizontalScrollBar automatically added.. is there any option to avoid the horizontalScrollBar addition to container.. without using horizontalScrollPolicy="off"

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Flex :: Strange Copy/paste Behavior In Custom ItemEditor Component Used In A Datagrid?

Feb 10, 2011

I'm turning to you folks for answers because this really blows my mind... Let me explain:I'm using a slightly modified spark NumericStepper as an item editor in a datagrid. I had to modify the original because for some reason it's values only went up to 10.So i extended NumericStepper like so:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<mx:NumericStepper xmlns:fx="http://ns.adobe.com/mxml/2009"


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Flex :: Avoid Type Conversion In It From String To Number?

Aug 23, 2010

I am returning 12345678910111213171819 from java to flex, with in xml tags using http service. The result format is object.

but when I display the text it automatically converted or treated as number so it displays like 1.234567891011121317181 x e^21 .[code]...

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Flex :: Avoid The Null Object Reference Error?

Jun 21, 2011

I have function init, which runs on the creationComplete of the application. The init calls get_login_share_object funtion, in which objects are created, which are null.

Now my problem is that, I get a null object reference error on the Alert in "init()". How can I avoid that. Is it possible that I can have a check to see, if the objects are null the program should just skip reading the objects.

private function init():void
var stored_credentials:Object = get_login_share_object();


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Aug 8, 2011

I have an item renderer for a list containing an image, label and a checkbox.These are visible depending on the dataProvider property of the list.E.g if an image is a premium image then display the premium label, if an image is a favourite then display a star etc.The problem is i have a massive if statement, and this doesn't seem good practice.

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Aug 12, 2011

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var loader:HTMLLoader = new HTMLLoader();
var be:Base64Encoder = new Base64Encoder();
be.insertNewLines = false;
be.encode("test" + ":" + "test");


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Flash :: Avoid Flickering When Changing The Source Of A Mx:Image In Flex

Nov 4, 2009

in my mxml file I have images declared like this:

<mx:Image x="0" y="0" source="assets/bigpicture.png" id="picture1"/>

and at some event I do:

picture1.source = "assets/bigpicture2.png";

However this results in flex removing the picture, and when it has loaded it will show it again.

How can I make the mx:image make so that it will continue to show the image until the new image has been loaded?

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Actionscript 3 :: Avoid ItemRenders Caching In A Spark List In Flex 4?

Sep 11, 2010

I have 2 Spark List with custom Item Renderers. I'm working on an application that enables users to grag these Item Renders from one List to the other. When one of these IR is dropped in a new position or in another List, I'm updating the dataproviders: remove the object from one list's dataprovider and adding it to other's dataprovider. This si working ok. The problem is that some times the IR is cached and it doesn't show the correct information, based on its data.

How can I force the lists to never cache IRs and all the times I modify the dataprovider, all item renders re-create all IRs (performance won't be an ossue since I have few items on each list)

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