Flex :: Prevent Paste (ctrl+V) In Its Textinput?

Apr 3, 2011

I need to disable pasting text in a textinout (flex3) : CTRL+V

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Flex :: Allow Paste From The Clipboard Using Shift-Insert On Top Of CTRL-V?

Feb 11, 2010

I know that you can use the context menu using a right-mouse-click in a control to choose to cut, copy, paste, etc. I've also noticed that you can use the windows keyboard shortcuts CTRL-C for Copy and CTRL-V for Paste.

Windows supports native CTRL-Insert (for copy) and SHIFT-Insert (for paste).

However, within Flex, it seems these do not appear to work. Has anyone been able to either allow these keyboard events?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Enable Browser Shortcuts (Ctrl-W, Ctrl-N, Ctrl-L, Ctrl-T)

Aug 25, 2008

The flashplayer catches all keys pressed by the user. I'd like to know if there's a way or workaround to pass them to the browser. For instance, Ctrl-T (open new tab in firefox). I'd like to re-enable this shortcut. Maybe with javascript?

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Flex :: Mobile - Prevent Keyboard Show When Click Textinput Field On Device

Mar 2, 2011

I'm trying to prevent keyboard show when I click Textinput field on my device. I use Textinput only to show some text and for click event (to push a view).

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Flex4 :: Show Copy And Paste Menu Items In Textinput?

Dec 10, 2010

In my flex 4 project I am using some Spark TextInput components. It doesn't show copy and paste in the right click menu by default. The user needs to copy some text and paste into it. How can we enable this?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Browser (Firefox) Keyboard Shortcuts Focus (ctrl+w, Ctrl+n)

Oct 17, 2008

I have a Flash movie which fills the whole browser window. This means that always the key events are catched ("stolen") by the Flash movie only, when using Firefox. IE7 seems to be working as I want.

I want for example ctrl+w (close window), ctrl+n (new window), ctrl+t (new tab) to work in Firefox while the focus is on my Flash movie. How to accomplish this?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Key Combo (CTRL+A) - KeyUp Of CTRL Not Triggered?

Jul 28, 2011

I'm tracking the keyUp state of the CTRL key and I'm okay with the results except when it comes to key combinations. The code I wrote below is for you to see what the issue is.

Press the CTRL/Apple key and you'll see it traces "CTRL on". Release it and you'll see it traces "CTRL off". No problem there. Now press CTRL and then press the A key (as in select all), now release A, then release the CTRL key and you see nothing traces. Does anybody have an idea about a workaround to that? I prefer not to use a continuous ENTER_FRAME hack for that if any.


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Disable Ctrl+W Or Ctrl+C And Tab For .swf File?

Nov 21, 2011

How to disable Ctrl+W or Ctrl+C and Tab for .swf file
ctrlKey = false; in KeyBoardEvents but how to apply it to the stage.

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Flex :: Internet Explorer - Catching Ctrl + Z With Flex Running In IE8?

Jan 17, 2011

For some reason I cannot catch the Ctrl + Z keyDown event in my Flex application when it runs in IE. It works fine in FF/Chrome/Safari.

I have a simple Group control where I listen for keyDown and try implement my own Undo logic. I need to catch Ctrl + Z because any other key combination would feel unnatural to most users.

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Flex :: Ctrl And Space Key Used In AS Class?

Mar 24, 2011

I have a switch statment in my action script class. I have a function onKeyDown (event: KeyboardEvent) which contain a switch statement.which control the different keys. But now I want to handle the same functionality which TAB key is doing using two keys CTRL and SPACE key. I want add a case more in my switch statement first I pressed CTRL and then SPACE key then a a specific funtion is called. How two keys used in my switch statement.......

private function onKeyDown(event: KeyboardEvent) : void{
if (popUp.displayPopUp){
switch (event.keyCode){
case Keyboard.UP:
case Keyboard.DOWN:
[Code] .....

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Jan 15, 2010

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Flex :: Get A Datagrid To Behave Like The Ctrl Key Is Active?

Feb 26, 2010

I want my data grid to behave by default as if the user is holding the control key down. So when an item is clicked, then another item they are both part of the selection, clicking them again removes them from the selection. I already have allowMultipleSelection = true but I can't seem to find any setting that does this. I'm working on the itemclick event in the meantime, but it seems like there might be an easy to use setting I'm missing.

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Flex :: Handling Ctrl + Key Event In IE Browser?

Mar 2, 2010

I'm using hotkeys (ctrl + key) in my flex application. getting problem when my app is running in IE.when i press ctrl+D, im getting 'Add a Favorite' window of iE.How should i override the default behaviour of the browser.

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Flex :: Copy And Paste Excel Data Into Flex Text Box?

Nov 18, 2011

Our users want to copy and paste some rows from an Excel spreadsheet, or a chart generated in Excel, into a text box within a Flex application.It would be ok for it not to be fully functional, like an ActiveX object, embedded in the flex app. If it converted it to a static image, that would be fine. But I don't know of any Flex component that supports this.

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Flex :: Ctrl Button Sometimes Block KEY_UP Event For 'c' Key

Aug 26, 2010

Try the following code:

myListener = new Object();
myListener.onKeyUp = function() {
if (Key.isDown(Key.CONTROL) && Key.getCode() == 67) {


hold Ctrl key and start pressing C. From some point you will notice that there is no KEY_UP event for the C key (there will also be no event for A,X,R,V and maybe more). For most of the button the KEY_UP event will still be dispatched.

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Actionscript 3 :: Detect CTRL + C Input And F3 Key Inputs In Flex

Jul 11, 2011

I am trying to implement find functionality in my application and for this I am trying to open a find popup based on keyboard inputs like F3 or CTRL + F. But on F3, instead of going to event listener, it opens up the default find toolbar of the Internet Explorer instead. how I could bypass it and use f3 in my application?

Another thing is how do I capture CTRL + F in flex?

private function keyPressed(evt:KeyboardEvent):void
if (evt.keyCode == Keyboard.F3)


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Flash :: Intercepting Ctrl + F4 Keystrokes In A Flex Application Running In IE

Sep 15, 2010

Some of my Flash application components require to intercept Ctrl + F4 keyboard events. Unfortunately, the KeyboardEvent is not caught when running the app under IE since it is conflicting with the IE native shortcut (closing the active tab). Is there a way (ideally relying on Flash principles) to intercept such keystrokes?

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Flex :: Select Multiple Items In Tree Control Without Pressing Ctrl Key?

Mar 4, 2010

I'm trying to modifty the Flex Tree control to allow a user to select multiple items by just clicking each of the desired elements (ie I don't want them to have to press Ctrl or Shift). If the user clicks a selected item a 2nd time, it will deselect it.

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Flex :: Paste Text From Clipboard Using Button?

Dec 1, 2009

I have control bar buttons Copy, Cut, and Paste and they suppose to copy/paste some text/objects from and to clipboard.Copy/Cut works fine.Paste using CTRL+V and context menu works fine as well.But when I'm trying to access Clipboard via control bar button click handler it throws error

SecurityError: Error #2179: The Clipboard.generalClipboard object may only be read while processing a flash.events.Event.PASTE event.
at flash.desktop::Clipboard/getObjectReference()


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As3 :: Flex - Paste Event For A DisplayObjectContainer Not Registered?

Apr 19, 2010

I have a display object container and I am trying to add a paste event to it. But the event is not being registered. The documentation at liveDocs mentions that classes that derive from Interactive objects can dispatch paste event but I dont understand why it wouldnt work for me.

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Flex - Paste Rich Text Into Flash?

Oct 8, 2010

Is it possible to capture rich text when pasting into Flash? Using a Flex TextEditArea, I can paste richly formatted text within Flash itself, but if I try to paste from an external source (say web page, microsoft word, etc) it comes in as plain text. Same for the reverse: if I copy rich text from within Flash, and paste to an external source, it goes out as plain text.

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Flex :: Non-editable Text Paste Target

Sep 22, 2011

Users need to be able to paste the contents of an Excel spreadsheet into a grid in my flex application. I have implemented this using a TextArea with a change event handler that parses the text the the user pastes - splitting it up by newlines and tabs - and adding it to the ArrayCollection that is bound to the grid. However, it makes no sense for users to be able to manually enter text into the TextArea. How can I prevent them from doing so?

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Flex :: Ctrl + C Not Working In Flash Player(swf File) When Browser Is Google Chrome?

Jan 12, 2011

i have my project developed in Flex3, http:[url]....i am facing is, copying(Ctrl + C) the content from screen textarea when the swf is running in chrome browser.suppose, i have to add some text on the stage, so the text area which is opened on the left side, i can't copy the text written in text area, although by right clicking in text area, and selcting the copy option, thats working, but my client has asked for copying the content by using Ctrl + c, although it's working very fine with other browsers,

only chrome is not supporting copying(Ctrl + c), although selecting all(Ctrl + A ) is working.

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Flex :: Override Paste Event In DataGrid ItemRenderer?

Mar 16, 2011

I am trying to figure out how to override the default paste logic in a Flex 4 DataGrid ItemRenderer. Does anyone know how to do this?I am trying to capture the event when a user hits Ctrl-V while a cell in the DataGrid has focus and override the logic there.

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Flex :: Copy And Paste Missing In Context Menu?

Mar 31, 2011

I'd like to add copy and paste functionality to context menu in my Flex application. After creating a separate dummy project for testing, I realize that such options (cut, copy, paste, and delete) are already available in this dummy project without any coding. Both projects are compiled using Flex 4 SDK, run in the same brower (IE) and have the same version of Flash Player ( However, different context menu are displayed. Here are the difference:

Orig Project: Print, Show Redraw Regions, Debugger, Settings, Global Settings, About Flash Player...

Dummy Porject: Cut, Copy, Paste, Delete, Select All, Settings, Global Settings, About Flash Player...

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Flex :: Paste Copied Shape In The Center Of The Canvas?

Aug 18, 2011

I have to paste the copied shape on the center of the visible part of canvas.The canvas is on the panel and panel is having scrollbar and I need to position the shape , so that the center of the shape is the center of the visible canvas.I am also zooming out the canvas and should be able to paste on the center of the zoomed canvas.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Make The Content Assist In Flex Builder To Pop Up As Soon As Start Typing And Not Just After Pressing CTRL+SPACE?

Aug 31, 2009

Is it possible to make the content assist in Flex Builder to pop up as soon as I start typing and not just after pressing CTRL+SPACE? It does pop up by itself after a '.' (foo.) or a ':' (var foo:). But to get a list of available variables and methods I have to press CTRL+SPACE.

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Flex :: Strange Copy/paste Behavior In Custom ItemEditor Component Used In A Datagrid?

Feb 10, 2011

I'm turning to you folks for answers because this really blows my mind... Let me explain:I'm using a slightly modified spark NumericStepper as an item editor in a datagrid. I had to modify the original because for some reason it's values only went up to 10.So i extended NumericStepper like so:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<mx:NumericStepper xmlns:fx="http://ns.adobe.com/mxml/2009"


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Flex :: Detect TextInput Changes On An Editable ComboBox In Flex?

Jan 26, 2010

If my ComboBox is editable how can I tell if a change event comes from a change to the TextInput or a change in the selectedIndex of the drop down?

Is there a way to check for this in the event object?

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Flex :: Flex 4 Textinput Skin Background Color

Jul 25, 2011

I'm trying to change the background color on a textinput component in flex 4. I've been able to change some of the appearance by messing with the canned code flash builder generates for the sparkskin but for some reason, background does nothing.I'm just trying to make the background black. I changed the background color but it's not working:[code]

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